godzilla2002 wrote:Archive? Why? It’s getting more and more entertaining! Take off the unnecessary sticky and let it run it’s course!
EXACTLY. (and i will do so)
let me make this Crystal Clear for you.
i was throwing out a suggestion to Felix....looking for his response as well as others in as to regards to this Thread.
i feel "strong" enough to state that myself or Felix would ask orc' (since its His) if its time to Stick a Forklift in this Thread for Archive. the Pallet is getting pretty Full?
like 'Zilla said...let this fucker go 'til it fizzles like a KC Fireworks Show on the 4th...wait.....the Sparkler Died....????
...aaaawwwwww Shiiiiiit!
now, here come the time for ME to come correct.
much like kcscott: i; too, helped Paully out with Posts.
he did NOT C & P mine (well....i don't think he Trolls BROWNSBoard...)....however, if he was in a bind and in the process of being "helped over the Fence" for the 16thousandthTime....i'd give him helpful hints on how to turn things around. also, i TRIED to give him hints on how NOT to get in those situations in the 1st place.
after what...7 years of being here (in some forum)....you get tired of seeing the SAME ACT repeatedly getting cornholed DESERVEDLY--->and you try to help.
Scott tried on a different level and I tried as well to no avail.
i guess that you are your own worse Message Board Enemy. (not Kaley or James; not anyone from inbetween Bronco Knob to JHawk to toostoned.
Repent or hit the "x".
i Tried to help.....and failed.
Now, for upcoming "pile~on."
i deserve it.