Sorry to bring this threads latent hilarity back into focus, but this caught my eye.
mvscal wrote:War Wagon wrote:We did get caught with out pants down, because we were so damned naive as to not imagine that anything like this could ever happen.
Bullshit. People had been predicting a catastrophic terror attack of some sort for decades. For fuck's sake, it wasn't even the first time the WTC had been attacked.
I suppose clownish, provincial morons like
did have your heads stuck up your asses, though.
So where was yours then, mv...if you just
knew something like this was going to happen?
Were you sounding the alarm bells?
Were you Paul Revere riding across the countyside lighting torches?
I'm here to tell you... NO, you weren't, because no reasonably sane person in authority EVER suspected that
insane suicidal hi-jackers would fly planes into the WTC. You may not have any authority, but you are reasonably sane, aren't you? Or are you all tin-foil hat and no cattle?
If you say that you were any different
before 9/11, then YOU are a fucking LIAR who can go fuck himself.
Goddamn Monday morning armchair QB.
Sheesh, I usually lend a bit of credence to what you have to say, but the above was ridiculous.
Let's look at it another way, because I can already anticipate your response (amid the effusive name calling which you and others excel at).
If we
should have known better and could've taken measures to prevent it, then WHY in hell didn't we do so?
Is it simply because that YOU, sitting at your station and idly pontificating to the blogosphere, weren't the HMFIC (Head MotherFucker In Charge) at the time?
So do tell, what would have you done differently, and just how would you have been able to accomplish that in a pre 9/11 scenario?