Anyhoots...I got the email and was told my food duty this fall was the snack/dessert/treats. It isn't so much that I have to actually make something from scratch, but I do have to provide something.
I need you to give me some ideas on what the fuck is not just good out there on the market, but what is GREAT. I can cook, so if it needs that, then give it to me. But preferably, give me something that will work. I would have posted this in the cooking forum but more than likely I'll get responses that don't involve just involves buying.
The particulars: Seven guys, no wives. Three nights of massive alcohol consumption, dart playing, poker playing, a little golf, and whatnot. The once yearly chronic has showed up in the past...ages range 30 to 60. Last year someone brought a huge bag of Skittles, and about 6 of those large Cadbury Fruit n Nut candy bars. Skittles, either love them or hate them. Same goes with the candy bars.
So what do you suggest for this type of weekend?
Rip City
p.s. Does VAN know chocolate?