Al Swearengen wrote:just wondering if Kurt or Kyle Busch would have been black flagged for that very same last lap move?
Meaningless question...both the Bush boys are usually too busy playing tag with the wall for the issue to even come up.
Yes, he did get loose, but he still had control, and Jr had more than enough time to get around him. There was no reason to drive thru him.
So, you're saying that Jr. should have let off the throttle, with less than two laps to go? Cut Carl some slack, eh?
As Q put it, even Mark Martin would've punted his ass out the way at that point of the race.
and it is a good thing this happened, and Jr didn't get a black flag he should have gotten, because it opens the door for that to happen to him. with 3 races left and you're barley hanging on to the chase, why piss off a guy who isn't going to make the chase.
Jr. didn't do a damn thing wrong so no black flag was deserved, moron.
If anything, Carl is going to get at least a stiff fine, maybe put on probation for his antics after the race. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Shit, put a 2nd year driver in a few commercials, and all a sudden he's a freaking prima-donna.
Hell, I didn't even know about the bitch going to victory lane and putting his hands hands on Jr. before my earlier post. The crap on the track was bad enough, but that tantrum throwing bitch is still acting up even after he's gotten out the car? Jimmy Spencer might punch him in the nose.
with Bristol next week, this should be fun!
Only decent thing you typed in that post.
The Bristol night race is one of the best on the schedule.
Damn right it'll be fun.