rozy wrote:Mike, if God could raise His Son from the dead, why would it be so unreasonable that he would also be powerful enough to create a universe in an undateable, mature state?
Because the evidence, out there for all to see and analyze for themselves, is that the universe as we know it took unimaginable (from human POV) tracts of time to be in the state we know. There is nothing in geology, physics, biology, etc. that supports the "*POP* - there's the world as we know it" theory.
In fact, the ONLY "source" for that theory is a book of "Jewish folklore."
BTW, despite what pop claims, the resurrection of Jesus is NOT considered a historical or scientific fact. It is considered a matter of faith, same as the claims that Muslims make for Mohammed's alleged miraculous stuff.
rozy wrote:And why for all intents and purposes did evolution stop with the advent of man?
It didn't. Species continue to evolve. Humans are still evolving. In fact, a paper came out in
Science just this year about how certain human gene families dealing with brain proteins are shifting across populations - in short, evolution is moving on even within humans.
rozy wrote:What were the evolultionary "triggers" that would create SO many branches of species yet many depending on each other in the "food chain"?
Most animals don't work on a "food chain" but a "food web." Multiple sources of nutrition. When a food supply changes, species have three choices: move, adapt or die. Humans used to be primarily vegetarian, but we increased our meat/protein consumption (more tasty, bigger variety of n.utr.ients).
rozy wrote:What purpose from an evolutionary "chance" perspective does a frog serve? Why are there still frogs?
First off, evolution doesn't work that way - with "purpose." Things happen to have certain traits that by chance are favorable or unfavorable in a certain environment. Favorable traits tend to help organisms be more likely to survive and reproduce than less favorably-traited organisms. Period. No planning, no purpose. We don't have legs so that we can walk - we can walk because we have legs. A big difference.
There are still frogs because they must be favorably adapted to their local habitats.
I find the lack of rudimentary scientific knowledge of most fundies appalling. Not surprising, just appalling.
rozy wrote:Why would God choose to use evolution yet then tell us in HIS ALL inspired Word that he created the chicken before the egg?
God uses evolution because those are the laws He set in place. As for how it was relayed to us, you are assuming that the self-appointed "reporters" actually spoke for Him (doubtful) and even if they did, why would you suppose that he would deign to explain natural selection, mutation,
Homeo boxes, alleles, etc. to incredibly primitive folks when the Bible is a purely RELIGIOUS document? If His Son saw fit to teach His own closest friends and Disciples using parables, then why wouldn't God the Father?
I have had Baptist nutjobs try to tell me that God created the universe 5-7 thousand years ago and in the six 24-hour days just as in Genesis and that the reason that every bit of scientific inquiry into the topic results in a differnt answer is that we're being deliberately deceived or tested (by the Devil if the former, by the Devil or God if the latter). That is utter nonsense.
You Biblical literalists and creationists are nutjobs. Mostly harmless nutjobs now, but nutjobs nonetheless. You and your ilk have, throughout history, sought to use your warped interpretation of a book of Jewish mythology to persecute scientists (Copernicus, Galilieo), fight against medicine and vaccines (since disease is God's righteous judgement), interfere with research (stem cells, genetics), and justify homophobia, racism, and misogyny. With each time that you inject yourselves into political and scientific debates, you make the rest of us literate, educated Christians who stepped into the 21st-century cringe. You folks are the ones who turned the phrase "I'll pray for you" into a freaking insult.
You all claim that Scripture is plain for all to see and interpret, despite the obvious evidence found in umpteen Christian denominations, each of whom claims highly-Scripturally-educated experts and at least some claim to legitimacy.
Has it occurred to you that your collective embarrassing lack of scientific knowledge, your sexual bigotry, and denominational intolerance is what makes it really hard for the rest of us to admit sometimes that we're nominally in the same "Christian boat" as you guys?
THE BIBLE - Because all the works of all the science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house.