Obviously not. But there is a certain poster who presumes to state that anyone who even questions, let alone disagrees with his personal POV is not a scientist, no matter their accomplishments and credentials. That is pompous, ignorant and downright stupid. I am not trying to convince anyone here that the earth is old or young, that the Flood, the Fall and the Exodus occured or didn't. The majority seem to have their minds made up one way or the other. Personally, if there was any evidence presented that there was never a flood, that Genesis was all parable, and that Man evolved from rocks without any outside influence, it wouldn't alter my beliefs a bit, I have no ax to grind on that front. What I do object to, and have been pointing out the falaciousness of, is the claim that science and the scripture are incompatible. The lie that science has 'debunked Genesis'. Those who denigrate the Scripture claim 'Science says x' when what they mean is Scientists who agree with me say x. Hence the Galileo comparison. By MtLiaR's standards, he wasn't a scientist, since he went against the mainstream of scientific opinion of his day. Said opinion being enforced by repressive fanatics. Just as ID proponents, Creationists, and those who believe in inerrency of scripture (none of which are all inclusive) go against his obsessive belief system. Galleo was forced recant by threats of force, Popper by threats of becoming a 'non-scientist'. I would be just as against someone who said a belief in a young earth is a prerequisite for being a Christian as I am against ideological hacks saying that a belief in Darwinism is a prerequisite for being an intelligent human being. Just as I would defend Christianity from those who would presume to decide who is or isn't a Christian, here I am attempting to defend science from those who would use the word as a synonym for those who share there biases.RadioFan wrote:Oh really? Going to the "you're not a real Christian" route now?poptart wrote:That proves nothing at all.
Most 'mainline Christian denominations' don't even know the Gospel.
Yours clearly included.
And even if nobody here gets it, I will continue to do so.