KC Scott wrote:
Refining More crude (increasing Supply) while the price falls.
Really... can you dodge the truth any longer?
$3.00 Per Gallon Sometime in Mid November
Somehow it strikes me as funny that someone typing "capacity" out slowly like he's talking to a room of retards...can't even spell it correctly.
Not spelling smack....typing slowly with errors smack?
And Scott, I don't doubt that Bush's approval rises with gas prices. I merely dispute that the President has much of an effect. The fact that he has toned down his rhetoric with Iran may have eased oil prices somewhat, but, not to any major degree. Lower demand in fall, slowdown in economy are bigger contributors.
And predicting higher prices in the winter when the demand is greater for heating is not that bold of a prediction.
maverick. maverick. maverick. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush. 8 yrs of Bush.