BSmack wrote:
Which is why I'm not going to lose a second of sleep over this. At the same time I'm not about to give props to society's bottom feeders for taking out their frustrations on the weakest peice of shit amongst them. Their criminal behavior is still a threat to all of us.
Its amazing BSmack, you tend to know everything about prison, the social order, who is a bitch, who isn't, who is weak, who is strong, why these prisoners are serving time, and pretty much everything else. So thanks for educating us.
While your point may have hints of validity, you water it down when you talk shit about something completely unfamililar to you.
We don't know who abused him, we don't know who is cell mates were, who was living near him, why they were in prison, etc. So don't act like you have this down cut and dry. If you aren't going to lose any sleep over this, then you obviously don't don't fucking join the topic. Now if you want to argue the social and moral qualities these men fail to posess, don't you think you should at least know what crime they are in for?