Dream Syndicate: "Days of Wine and Roses".....pretty damn good record....though it does have the same song twice (?) and is more Velvets "Foggy Notion" at times than i remember. War the 80's and the so-called "Paisley Underground" scene in LA.....Dream Syndicate, Sid Griffin and the Long Ryders, the Mosquitos (maybe).....i had a couple Long Ryders records....and DS: Medecine Show I had. wonder where that is?
the Mosquitos, what's the story there? Is this the Brazilian band? They came to town and a friend was all "I knew you'd be at this show" and I was like "Jigga wha?"
mosquitos put out an EP in the 80's called That was then, This is now.....and that appears to be the extent or their voluminous production. i used to own it (and recall it being pretty decent), but maybe i was mixing them up with the Chesterfield Kings.