Say Goodbye to Cop Codes.. 10-4

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Say Goodbye to Cop Codes.. 10-4

Post by Jack »

Police no longer using codes...

The politcally correct word is giving way to the communicationally correct world...

Roger that!

errh.. I understand what you have said!

10-4! errrh! I am done communicating.


10-0 Use Caution
10-1 You are being received Poorly
10-2 You are being received Clearly
10-3 Stop Transmitting
10-4 O.K.
10-5 Relay Message
10-6 Busy with Call
10-7 Out of service, (completely)
10-7b Out of service (personal)
10-7c Out of service (court)
10-7od Out of service (off duty)
10-8 In service
10-8ot In service (over time)
10-9 Repeat last message
10-10 Out of service, Radio on
10-11 Give F.C.C. Call Sign/Dispatching too fast
10-12 Visitors or officials present
10-13 Advise weather and road conditions
10-14 Convoy or escort detail
10-15 Prisoner in custody
10-15m Prisoner in custody (mental case)
10-16 Pick up prisoner
10-17 Pick up papers
10-18 Complete present asignment ASAP/Get there quick/ASAP
10-19 Return to office
10-20 Your location
10-21 Call by telephone
10-21A Phone home, my ETA is _____
10-21B Call your home
10-22 Cancel last message/Take no further action
10-23 Stand by until channel clears
10-24 Emergency at station/all units return
10-25 Do you have contact with ___________
10-26 Driver's license check by number or name
10-27 Check for wants or warrants
10-28 Check registration on vehicle
10-29 Check for stolen for
10-29A Check wants, subject (PIN)
10-29R Check wants and record, subject (PIN, CJIC)
10-29C Check complete, subject (NCIC)
10-30 Does not conform to rules or regulations
10-31 Is lie detector available?
10-32 Is Intoxilizer available?
10-33 Emergency traffic/don't transmit unless necessary
10-33 Alarm (type: Audible, silent)
10-34 Clear for local dispatch or open door
10-35 Confidential information or open window
10-36 Correct time
10-37 Give me name of Operator on duty
10-38 Your destination
10-39 Your message is delivered/Requested unit enroute
10-40 Advise if officer _______ available for phone call
10-41 Call the station on alternate frequency
10-42 Officer ..... now at his home
10-43 Have _________ call his/her residence
10-44 Station _________ is calling your residence
10-45 Give name of Officer in Charge or Injured person
10-46 Advise if ________ available at phone
10-47 Officer ______ is available at _________
10-48 Not available for assignment/out for coffee or whatever
10-49 Pick up passenger at ___________
10-50 No traffic for you/resume patrol
10-51 Message for delivery by telephone
10-52 Message for delivery in writing
10-53 Do you have traffic for this station?
10-54 Unit and officer have left the Parish
10-54d Possible dead body
10-55 Unit and officer have returned to Parish
10-55d Send coroner
10-56 Teletype busy
10-57 Teletype broken or Firearms discharged
10-58 Teletype in service
10-59 Tape for repeat message
10-60 What is next for message # _____
10-61 Stand by for teletype message
10-62 Unable to copy radio, use teletype or meet in person
10-63 Net in use, stand by, will advise when clear
10-64 Net clear, go ahead with traffic
10-65 Clear for assignment
10-66 Clear for cancellation
10-67 All stations retransmit following
10-68 Repeat dispatch
10-69 Have you dispatched _______?
10-70 Net message for all stations
10-71 Proceed with traffic
10-72 Stand by for Civil Defense Test
10-73 Stand by for Civil Defense Traffic
10-74 Civil Defense Clear
10-75 Severe weather statement
10-76 Give daily traffic
10-77 Give mileage your unit
10-78 Send ambulance
10-79 Send wrecker
10-80 Tower lights out/Explosion/Lightening
10-80a Assist radio dispatcher
10-81 Officer ______ will be at your station
10-82 Reserve room for officer
10-83 Have _______ call station by phone
10-84 Advise ____ officer will return this date
10-85 Officer _____ on special detail or Meet with agent
10-86 Advise phone number your location
10-87 Give call letters of your station
10-88 Advise phone number of officer
10-89 Request radio servicemen be sent
10-90 Request teletype servicemen
10-91 Prepare for inspection of ______ by ________
10-91B Noisy animal (Barking)
10-91D Dead animal
10-91H Stray Horse
10-92 Your quality is poor
10-93 Your quality is good
10-94 Call station by teletype
10-95 Advise telephone call this station
10-96 Give test count
10-97 Arrived at scence
10-98 Last detail completed
10-99 Unable to receive your message
10-100 Out using restroom
10-102 Cruelty to animals
10-103 Disturbance
10-103f Disturbance by fight
10-103m Disturbance by mental person
10-106 Obscenity
10-107 Suspicious person
10-108 Officer down or Officer needs assistance
10-112 Impersonating an officer
11-6 Illegal discharge of firearms
11-7 Prowler
11-8 Person down
11-10 Take a report
11-12 Dead animal
11-13 Injured animal
11-14 Animal bite
11-15 Ball game in street
11-17 Wires down
11-24 Abandoned Vehicle
11-25 Vehicle - Traffic hazzard
11-25X Female motorist need assistance
11-26 Abandoned bicycle
11-27 Subject has felony record, but is not wanted
11-28 Rush vehicle registration information
11-29 Subject has no record
11-30 Incomplete telephone call
11-31 Person calling for help
11-40 Advise station if ambulance is needed
11-41 Request Ambulance
11-42 Ambulance not required
11-43 Doctor required
11-44 Coroner required
11-45 Attempted suicide
11-46 Death report
11-47 Injured Person
11-48 Provide Transportation
11-54 Suspicious vehicle
11-65 Traffic Signal light out
11-66 Traffic Signal Out-of-order
11-70 Fire Alarm
11-71 Fire Report
11-79 Traffic Accident - Ambulance dispatched
11-80 Traffic Accident - Serious Injury
11-81 Traffic Accident - Minor Injury
11-82 Traffic Accident - No Injury
11-83 Traffic Accident - No Details
11-84 Direct Traffic
11-85 Dispatched Tow Truck
11-86 Special Detail
11-87 Assist Other Unit
11-95 Out of vehicle, car stop (location/license)
11-96 Out of vehicle, car stop, send backup(location/license)
11-98 Meet Officer
11-99 Officer needs Help/Emergency

A Adult
A No rain expected
AC Aircraft crash
AC Animal control
ADW Assalt with a Deadly Weapon
APB All points bulletin
ASAP As soon as possible
AID Accident Investigation Detail
AV Abandoned vehicle
B Rain Expected
BLK Block
BKG Booking
BO Out of Order
BOL Be On the Lookout
CP Complaining Party
CPD City or County Property Damage
CT Court
DB Dead Body
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles Information requested
E-B Eastbound
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
EXP Expired
FTA Failure to Appear
GOA Gone on Arrival
GTA Grand Theft Auto
INJ Injury
I/S Intersection
J Juvenile involved
LIC License
LT/T Left turn
M/C Motorcycle
NCIC National Criminal Information Center
NIA Non-Injury Accident
OBS Observed
OD Off Duty
OP LIC Operator's License
OT Over Time
PAB Policy Administration Building
PI Personal Injury
POSS Possession
QT Secrecy required
RES DIST Residential District
ROF Report on File
RP Reporting Party
SPD Speed
UL Unable to Locate
UTL Unable to Locate
VEH Vehicle
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
WIT Witness
X Female involved
45/25 MPH clocked speed in zone

Code 1 Acknowledge this Call
Code 2 Proceed Immediately with lights/without Siren
Code 3 Proceed Immediately with lights and Siren
Code 4 No further assistance required
Code 5 Stakeout - Uniformed Officers stay away
Code 6 Out of Vehicle for Investigation
Code 7 Out of Service to eat
Code 8 Fire Alarm
Code 9 Answering ring-down
Code 10 Bomb Threat
Code 12 Patrol your District and report extent of damage
Code 13 Major Disaster Activation
Code 14 Resume normal Operation
Code 20 Notify News Media to respond
Code 22 Restricted Radio Traffic
Code 30 Officer needs assistance - Emergency
Code 33 Emergency Traffic on Air - All units stand by
Code 43 TAC forces committed
Code 100 In position to intercept Suspect

14 Ambulance in route
15 Citizens holding suspect
17f Fugitive attachment
17m Municipal court attachment
17t Traffic attachment
18 Traffic incident
19 Drunk
20 Auto accident
20a Airplane crash
20f Fatal accident
20i Injury accident
21 Complaint
23 Traffic congestion
24 Medical emergency
25 Call dispatcher
26 Police officer
27 Attempted crime
28 Inciting a felony
29 Death
30 Homicide
30c Homicide by cutting
30s Homicide by shooting
34 Aggravated battery
34c Cutting

34s Shooting
35 Simple battery
37 Aggravated assault
38 Simple assault
39 Negligent injury
42 Aggravated rape
43 Simple rape
44 Aggravated kidnapping
45 Simple kidnapping
51 Aggravated arson
51b Bomb threat
52 Simple arson
52e Explosives
52f Fire
54 Combustible materials
56 Criminal damage
58 Contaminated water
59 Criminal Mischief
60 Aggravated burglary
62 Alarms
62b Simple burglary
62c Auto burglary
62r Residential burglary
62s Safe burglary
63 Criminal Trespass
63s Sit-in
64 Armed robbery
64g Armed robbery/gun
64k Armed robbery/knife
65 Simple robbery
65p Purse snatching
66 Extortion threats
68 Unauthorized use of movable
69 Possession of stolen goods
71 Issuing worthless checks
72 Forgery
80 Carnal knowledge of juvenile
81 Indecent behavior with juvenile
82 Prostitution
84 Pandering
87 Abortion
89 Crime against nature
90 Gambling
90c Gambling by cards
90d Gambling by dice
91 Unlawful sale to minor
93 Cruelty to juvenile
94 Illegal use of weapon
95 Illegal carrying of gun
95k Illegal carrying of knife
98 D.W.I.
99 Reckless operation
100 Hit and run
148 Resisting Arrest
187 Homicide
207 Kidnapping
211 Armed Robery
240 Assalt - Misdemeanor
242 Battery
243 Assault on Police Officer
245 Assault with a Deadly Weapon
261 Rape
273 Assault on Person
288 Lewd Conduct / Felony sex offense
314 Indecent exposure
330 Gambling
311 Loud and Obscene
314 Indecent Exposure
390 Drunk
390c Drunk in Vehicle
390d Drunk Unconcious
404 Riot
407 Unlawful Assembly
415 Disturbing the Peace
415b Investigate the Trouble
415c Disturbance - Children involved
415d Disturbance - Drunk involved
415e Loud Music or Party
415f Disturbance - Family
415g Disturbance - Gang
417 Brandishing / Man with Gun
447 Arson
459 Burglary
459a Burglar Alarm ringing
459s Burglar Alarm - Silent
464 Burglary with Explosives
477a Arson
480 Hit and Run - Felony
481 Hit and Run - Misdemeanor
484 Petty theft
484f Fraudulent use of Credit Card(s)
484ps Purse Snatch
487 Grand theft
487.2 Theft from Person or Purse snatch
488 Petty theft
496 Recieving stolen property
502 Drunk driving - Misdemeanor
503 Auto theft
505 Reckless driving
507 Public Nuisance
537 Defrauding Innkeeper
586 Illegal parking
586e Vehicle blocking Driveway
594 Malicious mischief
602 Trespassing
602.5 Entry without consent
603 Unlawful entry
647 Vagrant
647a Vagrant loitering in Public Place
647b Prostitution
647c Begging
647d Loitering in Restroom
647e Loitering Place to Place
647f Drunk
647ff Drunk - enroute to Detox
647g Prowler
647h Illegal Lodging
901 Ambulance Call
901a Ambulance Call - Attempted Suicide
901b Ambulance Call - Drowning
901c Ambulance Call - Cutting
901d Ambulance Call - Drunk
901g Ambulance Call - Gas
901h Ambulance Call - Dead Body
901k Ambulance has been dispatched
901n Ambulance requested
901s Ambulance Call - Shooting
901t Ambulance Call - Traffic Accident
901y Request Ambulance if needed
902 Accident
902h Enroute to Hospital
902m Medical Aid needed
902t Traffic Accident
903 Aircraft Crash
904 Fire
910 Can handle detail
952 Report on conditions
955 Detail under control
956 Detail incomplete, but available
957 Delayed response of __ minutes
1000 Plane crash
3000 Road block
4532 Escape
5150 Mentally disturbed person
10851 Stolen vehicle
10852 Tampering with vehicle
11300 Narcotics
12020 Carrying Concealed Weapon
14601 Driving w/suspended DL
20001 Felony hit and run
20002a Misdemeanor hit and run
22350 Speeding (used to be 505)
22500 Illegal parking/impound
23152 Misdemeanor Drunk driving
23153 Reckless driving (use to be 510)
23109 Speed Contest

Units Adam: Morning shift
Baker: Swing shift
Charlie: Day shift
Officers Adam: Auxillary
Charlie: Captain
Denver: Detective
David: Detective
Frank: Felony Investigation
Henry: Homicide
John: Juvenile
Lincoln: Lieutenant
Nora: Narcotics
Paul: Patrol
Sam: Sergeant
X-Ray: Burglary
Victor: Vice/Narcotics
King: Helicopter
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Diego in Seattle
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Your source?

With a few exceptions it's close to what San Diego uses.
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Post by the_ouskull »


Congrats, Wags. Good win.
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Post by BSmack »

Diego in Seattle wrote:Your source?

With a few exceptions it's close to what San Diego uses.
That's why they're switching to plain English. There are too many departmental "dialects" that have sprung up through the years.
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

BSmack wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:Your source?

With a few exceptions it's close to what San Diego uses.
That's why they're switching to plain English. There are too many departmental "dialects" that have sprung up through the years.
Thanks for the synopsis, Marcus.
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Post by Mikey »

Your article only says that they're changing it in Virginia.

I don't think 1 Adam 12 is going to disappear completely too soon.
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Post by Derron »

Maybe they are dropping it because those yokels are too stupid to learn the codes, or to figure out how to run the MDT's in the cars.

Our state police, what's left of them have 12 codes as well.

Most arrival and dispatch information is sent over the MDT's, unless its a hot case, then the dispatchers will give it to the cars while enroute and code 3 not really able to look at or operate the MDT.

10-4 Back door..
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Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Mikey wrote:Your article only says that they're changing it in Virginia.
Ctrl-Jack's dumbfuck status is versatile. Even when he plays the messenger, he can't avoid looking like a total moron.
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Post by Jack »

Mikey wrote:Your article only says that they're changing it in Virginia.

I don't think 1 Adam 12 is going to disappear completely too soon.
It won't happen overnight but Homeland Security is creating a lot of jobs errrh doing alot to improve the saftey of American Citizens!
The Article wrote:The change comes as the Homeland Security Department presses local law enforcement authorities to improve communications so that different agencies can work together without confusion during an emergency.
Virginia is the test state...

I thought the list was interesting....

As in MGO, 10-1 OVER!
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Post by Gunslinger »

Derron wrote:Maybe they are dropping it because those yokels are too stupid to learn the codes, or to figure out how to run the MDT's in the cars.

Our state police, what's left of them have 12 codes as well.

Most arrival and dispatch information is sent over the MDT's, unless its a hot case, then the dispatchers will give it to the cars while enroute and code 3 not really able to look at or operate the MDT.

10-4 Back door..

Seriously, are you this fucking retarded?

They are dropping it because back in your dated fucking "angry grampa" years, every county had their own network. Over time 10 codes changed per department who felt to change them however the fuck they wanted to change them. Now one radio can pick up multiple departments for hundreds of miles. They did it, because every officer in a thousand miles spoke on one network and needed to shorten radio time. Now, technology has trumped all that and you are still fucking retarded.

Christ your fucking stupid.
I fucking suck.
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Post by Gunslinger »

Jack wrote:
Mikey wrote:Your article only says that they're changing it in Virginia.

I don't think 1 Adam 12 is going to disappear completely too soon.
It won't happen overnight but Homeland Security is creating a lot of jobs errrh doing alot to improve the saftey of American Citizens!
The Article wrote:The change comes as the Homeland Security Department presses local law enforcement authorities to improve communications so that different agencies can work together without confusion during an emergency.
Virginia is the test state...

I thought the list was interesting....

As in MGO, 10-1 OVER!
You think there is a "big business" agenda to this?

I thought Dindsdale was fucking retarded, but this boat load of shit I'd like to see sail into the ports of Africa. Think of the farm feilds they could fertilize with your fucking nutball theory.

Telling everyone to speak into their radios creates more fucking jobs? or burns more money? Lord tell me your fucking pulling one over on us.
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Post by jtr »

nice they have going to the bathroom ahead of reporting animal cruelty, good priorities.
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Post by jtr »

dude I know, i was being funny.
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Post by Gunslinger »

jtr wrote:nice they have going to the bathroom ahead of reporting animal cruelty, good priorities.
:lol: :lol:

This is why i refer to this board for intellectual debate.

JTR vs. Mvscal

The showdown of the century. Hollywood meets Hilljack in a battle over ignorance so profound that our cosmos will be rattled.

Your referree? Y2K, so believing he is unbiased that his first penalty flag on JTR will leave your brain physically so fucking wounded, that the last 10 years of being drunk will come to haunt you in one night.
I fucking suck.
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Post by Gunslinger »

jtr wrote:dude I know, i was being funny.
Really? Cuz i heard a vacuum sound, muttled, with modern day accoustics, on a modern day home theatre system, designed to broadcast your medium's garbage.

Sounded like that Stereo Surround Test for Dolby Digital, but more nerve rattling. Then it had Y2K's high pitched voice come in for the treble.

Fucking annoying is what it was, especially when that Y2K earth shattering whiny treble edged it all off to shrink his wife's nuts.
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Post by Jack »

Gunslinger, you are an idiot!

Where did you see the words, Big Business??

Read More, Post Less!

Ifyou do reply, have your mother proofread your ramblings!
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Gunslinger wrote:
Derron wrote:Maybe they are dropping it because those yokels are too stupid to learn the codes, or to figure out how to run the MDT's in the cars.

Our state police, what's left of them have 12 codes as well.

Most arrival and dispatch information is sent over the MDT's, unless its a hot case, then the dispatchers will give it to the cars while enroute and code 3 not really able to look at or operate the MDT.

10-4 Back door..

Seriously, are you this fucking retarded?

They are dropping it because back in your dated fucking "angry grampa" years, every county had their own network. Over time 10 codes changed per department who felt to change them however the fuck they wanted to change them. Now one radio can pick up multiple departments for hundreds of miles. They did it, because every officer in a thousand miles spoke on one network and needed to shorten radio time. Now, technology has trumped all that and you are still fucking retarded.

Christ your fucking stupid.
Try looking in the mirror, embecile.
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Post by Luther »

I can't believe a mod hasn't fixed this stretched thread yet. I need to make another "Tard" meter.

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Post by Rack Fu »

Diego in Seattle wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:
Derron wrote:Maybe they are dropping it because those yokels are too stupid to learn the codes, or to figure out how to run the MDT's in the cars.

Our state police, what's left of them have 12 codes as well.

Most arrival and dispatch information is sent over the MDT's, unless its a hot case, then the dispatchers will give it to the cars while enroute and code 3 not really able to look at or operate the MDT.

10-4 Back door..

Seriously, are you this fucking retarded?

They are dropping it because back in your dated fucking "angry grampa" years, every county had their own network. Over time 10 codes changed per department who felt to change them however the fuck they wanted to change them. Now one radio can pick up multiple departments for hundreds of miles. They did it, because every officer in a thousand miles spoke on one network and needed to shorten radio time. Now, technology has trumped all that and you are still fucking retarded.

Christ your fucking stupid.
Try looking in the mirror, embecile.
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

Rack Fu wrote:
Diego in Seattle wrote:
Gunslinger wrote:
Seriously, are you this fucking retarded?

They are dropping it because back in your dated fucking "angry grampa" years, every county had their own network. Over time 10 codes changed per department who felt to change them however the fuck they wanted to change them. Now one radio can pick up multiple departments for hundreds of miles. They did it, because every officer in a thousand miles spoke on one network and needed to shorten radio time. Now, technology has trumped all that and you are still fucking retarded.

Christ your fucking stupid.
Try looking in the mirror, embecile.
Damn it.....I was waiting to see if Crapslinger was going to catch that. :mad:
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Post by Rack Fu »


I'm 10-8 on the Spelling Police squad. 10-0 from now on.
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Post by Cuda »

Luther wrote:I can't believe a mod hasn't fixed this stretched thread yet. I need to make another "Tard" meter.

Rip City
Maybe TRotS is full
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Post by Diego in Seattle »

What's the 10 code for "are you nakie?"
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Post by Bobby42 »

Going to common english and losing the police codes on radio is not such a deal. Most departments use CAD/MCT's and a majority of cops would be hard pressed to remember all those old codes anyway.

Incidently, Jack's post includes Offense/Incident classifications that are seldom used in radio communications. I think the greatest challenge to LE communication involves the use of text messages (See Diego's latest post) and cell phones where officers communicate with each other outside of dispatch, ie recorded communications.
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Post by Uncle Fester »

Referring to Jess's avatard, from left to right, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, I'd do them in this order:




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Post by Dinsdale »

Diego in Seattle wrote:What's the 10 code for "are you nakie?"
What really isn't being discussed in this case, is the inherent lack of diversified DNA in SW Washington, aka Cousinfuckingland.

The story becomes even worse when you consider that everyone in SW Wa is a blood relative of everyone else.
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Post by Luther »

We had this guy who was Asian who worked outer east precinct. I'm not sure where he was from, maybe Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, maybe even China. "Z" was his first name. I couldn't understand him that well on the radio with his accent. He'd mispronounce streets and I'd be laughing so hard that I'd almost wreck my car. Z would want to say Glisan street but it came out as "Greeson", Klickitat became "Crickity Tat", and or don't even ask me how he did with Det. Lleutwyler. The sharpest I ever heard him talk on the radio was when he said, "I've been shot." That was crear as a bell.

Z was also honest as all hell on the radio. Once the dispatcher asked him if he was at the complainants front door and he comes on the air, "No, comprainant ordered me off the fucking porch." I nearly wrecked my car. The sarge had to meet with him and tell him not to cuss on the air and Z says, "Well, comprainint told me to get off fucking porch so I did." I also remember once they sent Z to handle some Viet Nam war vet with PTSD issues. I quietly sent a MDT message to the sarge and suggested that it might not be a good thing for a Nam vet to open the door to an armed Asian guy like Z. Can you imagine this...

Vet- Are you Charlie?
Z- No, I'm officer Z.
Vet- Put your gun down.
Z- No, I'm numba 1, you numba 10, so put gun down.
(~series of small arms fire, yelling and such~)

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Post by Derron »


But he had about 15 preference points I assume....????

Me want nice Ameican porice job... make many dollah....

There's this clown jap guy taking flying lessons out of Hillsboro... I here him come on the air and it goes something like :

fahfahzeo papa downrind fah runwoy tree zaro...toucccc angoo....

Normal people it is:

Four four zero Papa...down wind for runway three zero for a touch and go.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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Post by Wolfman »

hey Roach--
I'm wondering how many here even know
who "Broad Brod" was--let alone ever saw
an episode of "Highway Patrol"

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Post by mr showtime »

been phasing them out here last few years, not sure where your list was from, but a few were the same as here but a couple were very different here a 10-0 is dead, and 10-55 is drunk driver and 10-56 is drunk non driver and most important 10-96 means FUCKING CRAZY
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Post by rozy »

Someone left out the code that settles about 80% of all police calls.

TNS (you are bright enough to figure that one out)
John Boehner wrote:Boehner said. "In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button.
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Post by Luther »

I remember the first couple of weeks on the job when I'm riding around with my coach. We were working the afternoon shift out of SE precinct. I couldn't understand the code gibberish at all. Ours was the basic 10 code but plain voice was interjected in there all the time. I remember hearing on the radio and asking my coach about something that I heard. "620 I'm going to stop a car load of coal at Grand and Taylor." He hemmed and hawed but admitted that 620 was some grizzled old vet who bent the rules and class big time. I said, "Ah coach, is a car load of coal a car occupied with blacks?" I got a yes from my coach.

I heard other stuff said that you won't hear on the police radio anymore...When we ran people on the radio for warrants etc. we'd say, "Dinsdale, first of Rupert, middle of Lyle, male, white, 09-09-70." Blacks were commonly described (and accepted) as NBC...Native born colored. I think if you were black and from Jamaica they would run your race identifier as "Jamaican male" blah blah.

Mentals, like Toddowen, m2, and Van were referred to as, "12-34". We had codes for bombs and robbery alarms, and to the day I retired I had to check my cheat sheet to figure out how to respond. 55's were dead people. I didn't mind the calls that sounded like this: The complainant states she saw her neighbor this morning but found her 55 in the back yard this afternoon." The ones I didn't like sounded like: "Area resident reports a foul, rotting smell coming from the corner house. He also reports that the owner hasn't been seen for 13 days." I hated those. I could handle anything visually, but after about the 15th year on I couldn't stand the smells. I had a small jar of Vicks Vapor-Rub in my briefcase but I didn't like to use it as people thought you were from Alabama or something and had forgot to wipe up your drooling nose. So I basically traded this call with my wingman. We had agreed years before that he'd handle any "stinkers" that I got and I'd handle any call that was sure to lead to OVERTIME. I would guess that we must have traded calls about 10 times in 80s and 90s.

Before we got the new radio system (800mghhz or whatever it is) we had some fun with the old one. I remember riding around with my partner and we heard the radio cutting in and out with the patrol car that worked next to us. I could recognize the voices... "Did you see the tits on that gal? FUUUUCK," and then I heard the radio static, the sounds of the car engine accelerating and the laughter of his partner. I immediately grabbed the mic and clicked it a few times to see if my nearby cover officers could hear it through the stuck mic. They didn't. They kept on for about 15 minutes talking about "Tits, ass, garden hoses, golf balls, mighty fine DSL's, yada yada blah. I was actually embarassed for my buddies. We found them later and told them about the "sticking microphone" and they about died. I was laughing so hard...

I retold the "car load of coal" story at poker last month too. We all laughed and said, "You couldn't get away with shit like that now."

Rip City
Moving Sale

Post by Moving Sale »

mr showtime wrote: not sure where your list was from
Looks like a Cali-sentric list as many of the codes are Ca Penal Code #'s for the activity like 415 for DtP 459 for Burg and 647f for DiP.
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Post by Derron »

"Did you see the tits on that gal? FUUUUCK," and then I heard the radio static, the sounds of the car engine accelerating and the laughter of his partner. I immediately grabbed the mic and clicked it a few times to see if my nearby cover officers could hear it through the stuck mic.
Back in the day in the old fire service, we had this young Lt who was a pussy hound. He took this young thing down to the station one night, and got her up on the hose bed of the first out engine. They had stripped down and he's fucking on her good, and she must have rolled over on his portable and keyed the mike open. This was before the radios had transmitter id's, so it was anybodys guess who it was, but it was going out over the county dispatch frequency.

Now the odds were slim that a call would come in, but one did. Dispatch had the blowtorch radio system, and she tap's out a box alarm, that overides the portable tramission, sets off everyones pagers AND the general alarm which included the siren at the station. I had picked up my radio and was driving down to the station to see if the fucking was going on in our station before the box alarm came down. The general alarm tones quit, and I was pulling up to the station as the doors were coming up and the lights coming on automatically.

I was a Senior FF, and my turnouts were right by the driver's door of the first out, and I see the bitch sitting up there, fucking tits pointing away, she's a bit embarrassed and the fuckin young Lt leaves the bitch in the hose bed and puts his turn outs on. He helps her off the hose bed, and by this time there's about 15 guys running in the station, trucks starting up and she's standing there trying to put her clothes on.

So there's these guy's yehawing and hollering that we broke up the Lt's fuck session blah blah blah....she managed to get back in her clothes and out of there.

Now back in that day, banging a bitch in the station was nothing new, but it usually went on in the day or squad room. We thought nothing of drinking a fifth in the day room and going on calls...but this guy has held the record for the most outrageous thing done to this day. And he is an officer in a local department still.
Screw_Michigan wrote: Democrats are the REAL racists.
Softball Bat wrote: Is your anus quivering?
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