Oh come on now, Phibes, the guy is a nut case. He goes on about how the iranians "Want peace" while his countrymen fuel the fires of civil war in iraq. He has conditions and demands unconnected with the iraq conflict that have to be met in order for iran to provide any assistance towards peace in iraq. Clerics in iran have openly declared support for shiite insurgents in iraq. What kind of peace loving is that?
He says germans now should not pay for the sins of their forefathers, yet he wants israelis living now to pay for what happened 60 years ago.
he is inferring israel should no longer exist because of what happened 60 years ago, yet he isn't asking for the map of europe to be re-drawn back to what it was before WWI is he?
Contradictions and propaganda. Pick a side, they
both do it, but this guy is just another politician.
take this part:
SPIEGEL: Well, if we tried to work out where people have come from, the Europeans would have to return to east Africa where all humans originated.
AHMADINEJAD: We're not talking about the Europeans; we're talking about the Palestinians. The Palestinians were there, in Palestine. Now 5 million of them have become refugees. Don't they have a right to live?
He has an agenda, and he bends his words the way he wants. He wants to roll the clock back to the years before the present state of Israel existed completely ignoring the centuries prior to that where the land has changed hands and been inhabited by many. You go back far enough and you'll find that Jews were probably the first religious group there.
Just because he arbitrarily selected 1956 as his benchmark timeline of reality means nothing.
Why not roll the clock back to the 1840s when the Jews were the majority of the population there? oops, can't do that.
Your article proves nothing, although I would agree western media has probably interpreted much of what has been said of him, he hasn't helped his cause by his veiled inferences and his vague accusations. Bottom line it is true he wants Israel gone, and if the ruling Islamic theocracy supports a specific sect in a bloody civil war, they aren't really a peace loving people.
You can't possibly believe this guy is the saint he paints himself to be, do you?
We won't mention the whole embassy burning, hostage taking he was a part of back in the 70's....