rozy wrote:Actually, Dumbass, I can't substantiate it here, but every football friend I have at work would tell you I also picked Boise St. to win that game. That of course having absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand as well as being completely irrelevant.
Now, as Nj pointed out, and as anyone else with the ability to rub more than 3 brain cells together simultaneously saw as obvious, I was clearly referring to the '04 Utah and Auburn teams. Teams exponentially superior to this Boise team. Glad I could clear that up for you since I know context seems to kick your ass with almost as much fervor as you spend kicking it yourself.
Your attempted deflection is now made moot. Care to address the content of the other post or is concession to be inferred?
Your premise was that since Cal beat aTm...handily, and since aTm is considered a top 4 team in the Big you... that, by some osmosis of the hempfried San Francisco brain means that BSU beating Oklatucky by 1 would you... mean that Cal would beat Boise much as they feel like. How then do you explain Cal losing to Tenn who lost to PSU who lost to ND who lost to USC who lost to Oregon St. who got gangbanged by who were we talking about again? Oh yeah, Boise State. So, by using YOUR logic, bounced first off of 3 windchimes, 4 boxes of Rice a Roni, 3 pole smokers climbing Golden Gate bridge, and 7 long haired friends of Jesus in that old chartreuse microbus, OBVIOUSLY Boise would beat Cal somewhere in the neighborhood of 77-3. Using your logic...of course.
(smack ref steps in pulling rozy off the chime pimp)
He's had enough, tex. Leave him be. It ain't his faulty that his drugged out corner doesn't have the sense to throw in the towel.
That post is my nominee for asskicking of the year. Nice yob, roz. I'm sure that there will be a few hunnit, make that thousand other mstool asskickings this year, but, they'l have to be good to beat this one.