Isn't it funny I spout off at the mouth about shit I have no experience with ... fighting wars, running countries, coaching teams, etc.. etc.. and the ONE thing that I actually really do know and have first hand experience in ... I get a little shy.
Now I've been told
that's alcoholic.
It's not my job to come in here and explain the ins and outs of alcoholism to the people on this board. It's not what it's here for. Actually, the truth is, that's my only job. "To stay sober and help another alcoholic achieve sobriety". If of course the alcoholic in question, wants to get sober.
Sharing my experience here, is tantamount to me running into a bar and trying to "save drunks" from themselves. I am not about that. It also opens me up to whole bunch of shit to people on this board who already know a little too much about me to begin with. It's not a case of "pearls to swine" as much as it's a case of "I don't feel like hearing it or opening myself up in that way".
Actually, everyone in here is correct about alcoholism. Even Mr. T's little blurb isn't all that untrue.
Whatever. If you think you might be then there's a solution, seek it out in your town. This board and the mirror might be able to offer you glimpses of the problem, I know it did for me, but the solution ain't here.
I believe I have a mental obsession .... that would be the "preoccupation" part .... and a physical allergy .... that would be the physiological part and it implies that my body doesn't respond normally to alcohol. I tried for years and years .... obsessed with the delusion that I could drink like a normal person ... hell even a normal heavy drinker .... I could not.
I also believe I am a human being with character flaws and weaknesses that need to be worked on and addressed. That makes me human because everyone has those.
What I will tell you is that I have spent the past 4.5 years of my life without a drink and I have yet to wake up in the morning and say "Man I wish had that drink the night before"
I still get "thirsty" every now and again, but through the grace of and of a few people who share the same desire to not drink; with their help I have found a life that is far beyond any I could imagine.
That's all I really have to say, don't know if it sheds any light or not, then again did anybody want any light shed on the matter ? Probably not.
The bottom line, my income rose throughout my drinking. My bottom, I chose because it was solid enough for me to plant my feet and look around. Perhaps one of those many "moments of clarity" a drunk gets on his way down.
Either way, there's two kind of alcoholics .. men and women. They're butchers, bakers, and Indian Chiefs(although the one I met just wanted you to believe he was an Indian chief), retired deputy police chiefs, former CIA ops, LRRPS .... this guy has a hell of a story in fact one of his stories of over in "Nam is on the net and has been referenced in several books, lawyers, cops, plumbers, former Pagan biker members .... and
IT guys with too much time on their hands and a compulsion to post on smack boards.
I obviously value the interaction that takes places on these boards or I wouldn't still be here posting after 7 years. I hope if any of you are alcoholic like me, you go and get whatever it is you need ... wherever that might be and are able to see that there is a hell of a life out there "after booze". Living life without ever taking another drink can be an overwhelming notion, ergo the whole "one day at a time". Shit I know I get thirsty every once in awhile still.
But I've yet to wake up in the morning and say "Whew, really wish I went out and got drunk last night" or "Whew, I fucked up by not drinking that shot of Jack Daniels" since I've stopped drinking.
There were numerous times waking up when I was drinking when it was ..... "Whew, didn't mean to drink that much last night, I didn't intend on getting drunk" or "Whew, I fucked up bad, got drunk and said some pretty shitty things to my wife when she was nagging me about drinking" or whatever. Then it's all like ....
"I'm sorry" and your family is like ... "Yes you are".
Today it's all like "You know I feel like I have my son back, I actually enjoyed hanging out with you son".
Fuck, my Dad and I didn't hang out and laugh for almost 20 years.
Hey man, it's all good. I'm not what I ought to be, and I'm not what I want to be, but I damn sure ain't what I used to be.
Suddenly I feel as if I'm suspended on the Catherine wheel, with that on the board, but if any of you got anything out of that, good. I know I did.
Good karma to you all.