And I have a star on my back, right between my shoulder blades, but no pics of that one.
Do the world a favor and put your dick into a deli slicer.R-Jack wrote:Uh, yeah.NjSooner wrote: Got any pics to share?
Ever heard of an original joke, Carlos Mencia?Rack Fu wrote: Ever heard of a gym, flabs?
paging jiminphilly...NjSooner wrote:Anyone here have any ink done? Got any pics to share?
I'm sure having a tat that you can't even see makes you very proud.And I have a star on my back, right between my shoulder blades, but no pics of that one.
Kind of like you and your dick?War Wagon wrote:I'm sure having a tat that you can't even see makes you very proud.And I have a star on my back, right between my shoulder blades, but no pics of that one.
You still wearing t-shirts to your job interviews? The thing is, I gotta wear a suit to work. No one sees them unless I want them to be seen.88 wrote:I think we've seen enough pics. I know I have.
Whatever possessed you to print those words on your arms? Did you doodle on yourself with a magic marker to test out how it would look before you had the ink injected under your skin? That is what you should have done. Next time, go get some Sharpie markers and write all over yourself. Then, go on a job interview and ask which of the scibbles make you more employable.
Leave it to someone else to decide what I meant with my message...OCmike wrote:What's got me confounded is that someone would think that a thread like this would elicit responses like, "Wow, you're fucking cool!" Hell, a conversation that starts with (implied), "Hey, wanna see my cool tats?" is doomed from the get-go, let alone a thread on a smack board...
Give me one good reason I should give a flying fuck about what someone OVER THE INTERNET thinks of my tattoos? Did I ask you if you thought they were "cool"? No. Did I ask you to do anything besides post pics of any work you have done? No. Then why the FUCK are you in this thread without something useful to contribute?MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote: Wow, could you be a bigger tool?
90% of the problems listed in those articles are solved by going to a reputible artist. If you go to some shit place down the beach, or some random shop JUST because its open- you're asking for an infection as well as all other kinds of problems. Finding a good artist is a long process and can be the same as finding a good doctor.
ONE person with a legit point. I knew the risks going in, and I decided to do it anyway. I have my reasons for getting them done.Jsc810 wrote:http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/ ... ekey=21341
http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and- ... c-Overview
But don't worry about it.
Ok.NjSooner wrote:Give me one good reason I should give a flying fuck about what someone OVER THE INTERNET thinks of my tattoos?
Once again, leave it to someone else to decide what I said. I asked if anyone had ink done to swap pics and all that shit. The pics were for anyone who gave a shit. If you don't, then why are you in here?MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Ok.NjSooner wrote:Give me one good reason I should give a flying fuck about what someone OVER THE INTERNET thinks of my tattoos?
1) Because you posted pictures of your tattoos OVER THE INTERNET?
Got any more brain teasers, dork?
That blast alone was worth not having RackFu get shot by a fellow agent during a bank robbery.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
If you'll recall, IRIE thought everybody would think he was cooler than cool when he posted the story about watching his skank-errr, ex-wife take it up the dumper from his meth dealer/buddy. That worked out about as well for IRIE as it looks like this thread is going to work out for NjSoonerOCmike wrote:What's got me confounded is that someone would think that a thread like this would elicit responses like, "Wow, you're fucking cool!" Hell, a conversation that starts with (implied), "Hey, wanna see my cool tats?" is doomed from the get-go, let alone a thread on a smack board...
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Really wanna know? ok...Mister Bushice wrote:What? memo to god?NjSooner wrote:
ONE person with a legit point. I knew the risks going in, and I decided to do it anyway. I have my reasons for getting them done.
Sentimental "dead friend & grandfather" references are no help here. I'm sorry you're going to have to find out this way.NjSooner wrote:The star was for a friend who OD'd in high school who always said he "would rather burn out than fade away"
The quote was my grandfather's favorite before he died.
Bizzarofelice wrote:I drank as much orange soda as an inner city block party.
I'm sorry. Point to the previous post in this thread where someone made fun of your blubber.NjSooner wrote:Ever heard of an original joke, Carlos Mencia?Rack Fu wrote: Ever heard of a gym, flabs?
Wouldn't scribbling the lyrics to "The Needle and the Damage Done" have been more appropriate than the star? If we're going with Neil Young references and all.NjSooner wrote: The star was for a friend who OD'd in high school who always said he "would rather burn out than fade away"
uh, maybe, just maybe........ because.....NjSooner wrote:Give me one good reason I should give a flying fuck about what someone OVER THE INTERNET thinks of my tattoos? you shouldn't....so DON'T Did I ask you if you thought they were "cool"? nope No. Did I ask you to do anything besides post pics of any work you have done? nopeNo. Then why the FUCK are you in this thread without something useful to contribute?
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
Because smacking the shit out of you would be more in line with the context of this forum than exchanging pics of white trash logos.NjSooner wrote:If you don't, then why are you in here?
So what you're saying is that there are certain situations in which you don't want them seen. Like at work, because you'd be ashamed to let them know what a clueless dumbfuck you are.NjSooner wrote:The thing is, I gotta wear a suit to work. No one sees them unless I want them to be seen.
Oh, but he doesn't care what a bunch of people OVER THE INTERNET think, remember? Nah, he just took the time to take the pics, upload them, and create a thread showing them off.War Wagon wrote:But you have no problem with showing them off anonomously to folks on a message board
Why? I have no Ink. Marley just got tagged though.War Wagon wrote:paging jiminphilly...NjSooner wrote:Anyone here have any ink done? Got any pics to share?
Yeah, but no doubt he's also got a good 2" on IRIE's meth dealer too88 wrote:I am self employed. Sometimes I wear a t-shirt to the office. Sometimes I wear a golf shirt. Sometimes I wear a suit. I basically wear whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want. And I haven't interviewed for a job in more than a decade. But I've interviewed scores of other people in the past ten years.NjSooner wrote:You still wearing t-shirts to your job interviews? The thing is, I gotta wear a suit to work. No one sees them unless I want them to be seen.88 wrote: I think we've seen enough pics. I know I have.
Whatever possessed you to print those words on your arms? Did you doodle on yourself with a magic marker to test out how it would look before you had the ink injected under your skin? That is what you should have done. Next time, go get some Sharpie markers and write all over yourself. Then, go on a job interview and ask which of the scibbles make you more employable.
You, on the other hand, "gotta wear a suit to work." And that's cool, for now. But sometime you're going to have to be someplace and that flabby arm graffiti of yours is going to make some heads turn. You'll be at the company picnic, or at a company golf outing or a company charity fundraising event and those tatted balloons are going to pop out. And lots of people will see them. And do you know what? You probably do since you are covering them up, but I'll tell you anyway. Your career will immediately careen into a concrete parking barrier, unless you work in corporate sales for Monster Garage or something. Why don't you go really crazy and put a ring through your nose or split your tongue, for your dead friend and all.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Me thinks if he does find a girl, she more than likely will qualify as skank material if is she sticks around all of 10 minutes after seeing the glory that is... the flabby arm in ink he so proudly displays.MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Hey Nj - Less toolishness, and more trying to find a girlfriend is a good thing.
Martyred wrote: Hang in there, Whitey. Smart people are on their way with dictionaries.
War Wagon wrote:being as how I've got "stupid" draped all over, I'm not really sure.