Did Rollins go ass to mouth on you after Backering you?
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
Goober McTuber wrote:One last post...
mvscal wrote:The only precious metals in a SHTF scenario are lead and brass.
A multicultural fist-fucker. How very liberal of you.Douchebag wrote:my fucknig fists.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Roger that, boss. All set.Douchebag wrote:Stevo -
get a read on this "IndyFrisco"
PM me the location and tracking #.
Looks like you boys will be "pounding some ass" afterall. And remember, condoms are for sissies. Enjoy!Stevo wrote:
By the way, the Quality Inn in the ATL is booked solid the night you arrive. Some kind of parade in town that weekend or some shit, but there was vacancy at the Red Roof so you're all set up there.
Felix wrote:the thing I like most about you is that you're a sig producing machine......Douchebag wrote: you fuck with us, and you fuck with yo'self.
Rollins wrote:Won't take me long to get all the data I need on those FOOLS, but I never underestimate any opponent.
Even Felix.
Joe in PB wrote: Yeah I'm the dumbass
schmick, speaking about Larry Nassar's pubescent and prepubescent victims wrote: They couldn't even kick that doctors ass
Seems they rather just lay there, get fucked and play victim
Hey now...is this a little disrespect amongst the crew "members"? Man Doucheturd, you really shouldn't put up with that kind of lip from Rolly-polly, 'lessen of course it's his lips locked in their usual fashion on your ever expanding plunger receptacle. Now that Rolly has got his piss goggles on good and tight, looks like he's actually working up a fraction of actual nerve. Keep swigging 'em fat boy, a drunken shitstain will be so much easier to execute than a sober one.Rollins wrote:I thought we cleared this already, DB. I'm waiting on Stevo to hook me and Slim up with our travel plans so we can hit Tampa a week early and get everything set up for your arrival.
Not the way that idiot Stevo is taking his damn sweet time dragging ass. Glaciers form faster than the way Stevo works. Speaking of glaciers, that little ship you're sailing is about to Titanic into one Gilligan.Won't take me long to get all the data I need on those FOOLS, but I never underestimate any opponent.
Even Felix.
Ya' see Gilligan, DoucheFag is getting impatient. Hell, it sounds to me as if your widdle organization is starting to crack apart at the seams. Be careful you don't just Humpty Dumpty the whole thing, 'cause DoucheFat, you won't be able to put the pieces back together again once I'm through with you.DoucheFag wrote:Rollins - i GET that bro but I need to to start sizing up future competition NOW.
i need you working with Stevo to get this information right away. the sooner the better.
And Stevo - GET Rollins and Slim their fucking itenerary man. Enough wasting time.
Hey FUCKO....yeah "Dice" I'm talkin' to YOU, cockchomper.Dice wrote:You tryin to crack the rankings?
You'll have to try harder. Douchebag doesn't like you and wants to crack your fucking skull and kneecaps but he doesn't HATE YOU WITH RAW DISGUST like some others.
Wet-Brained Fucktard wrote:I know we here like to talk shit and we do tend to get, how you say, immature at times. At some points, the banter on a board like this can be somewhat childish. It happens.