after t9onight, im nowl onger poseing in the oine board and i wi,.. be spending lots of time on te wwwwwlween ., board and probabyly trolltrain if i cantb get smakcibat up toinigh or by the end of themn month., maybe i wont leavea alltogether and not that bacefel li e wioud care or im so scared righta now an di it sme like there are alot osa t. YOU YOU KNOW HEAR ME I M GOIJHG GO TSLE SLEEP ON THIS DEC ISION BECAUSE IME NO TREASON TO MAKE IT TO NOGHT.L GO SUNS GO.
and im prety sure you all woill be just finen without me. im realls sad.
ive done it ans im s not prouyd of myselgm
Moderator: Jesus H Christ
ive done it ans im s not prouyd of myselgm
help me scrape the mucus off my brain