The Associated Press
Des Moines, Iowa - Blacks in America are imprisoned at more than five times the rate of whites, and Hispanics are locked up at nearly double the white rate, says a study released Wednesday by a criminal justice policy group.
The report by The Sentencing Project found states in the Midwest and the Northeast had the greatest black-to-white disparity. Iowa had the widest disparity in the nation, imprisoning blacks at more than 13 times the rate of whites.
Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Wisconsin incarcerated blacks at more than 10 times the rate of whites, the group said, citing Justice Department statistics from 2005. Vermont had a ratio of 12.5, followed by New Jersey with 12.4, and Connecticut with 12.
States with the lowest black-to-white ratio were Hawaii, with 1.9, Georgia with 3.3, and Mississippi with 3.5.
In Iowa, blacks are imprisoned at a rate more than double the national average. Paul Stageberg, administrator of the Iowa Division of Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, said the results were not surprising, but the causes were subject to interpretation.
"the results were not surprising, but the causes were subject to interpretation?!?"
Oh, ok... so let's have some fun interpreting those results, shall we?
To begin with, if you're a nog, stay the fuck away from Iowa. Those corn fed sheep fuckers don't play that homie noise, and they've got plenty of jail space ready to accomodate your niggah ass if you step to da' man.
Rack Iowa.