Martyred... yeah. But I'd also prefer 9/11 never happened in the first place.
And drunk driving/driving while under the influence of drugs isn't mere celebrity
watching. She could have killed someone. This isn't something stupid like
Eva Longorria and Tony Parker trying to eat. SHE COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE.
She could have killed herself. She's a danger to herself and to others around her.
She doesn't need rehab. She needs jail. She's surrounded by bad influences,
and bad people. Her story is repeated in lots of less famous ways every day. I mean,
how many lesser known people have
folks like Caleb Best in their lives, who
intentionally sabotage their chances at being sober by acting like this?
UK's The Daily Star is reporting that Calum Best has dumped Lindsay Lohan, because she's "boring" now that she's sober. Sources say that Calum tried to make it work when she got out of rehab, but that he loves to party.
"Calum called Lindsay on Friday (20Jul07) and said that he was finding her post-rehab existence dull and that he didn't want to give up partying."
That was after this, last Wednesday:
"A source said, “She uses ‘whippits,’ the tubes that you buy that contain nitrous oxide.
She mixes that with the cold medicine Coricidin. Together they get you really wasted.
At first, the counselors couldn’t figure out how she was getting high, but then they found
the cold medicine and whippit containers under Lindsay’s bed. Lindsay admitted to using
the stuff in group counseling meetings and said she was sorry.” She apparently got the
stuff from a dude that was on out-patient treatment. Promises doesn't check patients when they come in and out, so the dude was carrying boxes in of the stuff.
Star also reports that she drank up a storm at her Birthday party in Malibu and was caught
again when she returned to rehab. Lindsay was also a complete wreck in rehab and
accused someone of stealing her Rolex when she was wearing it the whole time.
So...basically nothing has changed. Damn, I think I gave the girl 6 months. It looks like she's not lasting 6 days! Whippits sounds like a damn drug invented by bored suburban
kids. This bitch is nuts. She's going to start drinking paint thinner and shit soon."
I know that people are responsible for their own lives; but damn, when somebody
is trying to change sometimes the people around them should also take a little
responsibility. Is it asking too much to be supportive of someone trying to get
their act together, instead of sabotaging them? And now, Lindsay's got fucking coke
in her pockets. AGAIN. What will it take to keep people from helping her destroy
herself and her career, just because they like watching her self-destruct?
Mikey wrote:She was chasing the mother of her personal assistant, who had just quit earlier in the day. The mother called police because she felt she was in danger.
Hi, Mikey. Is it official now, whether or not the ankle monitor was indeed a fake
that she's been wearing this entire time? And why chase the mother of her personal
assistant? Coke rage? an argument beforehand? The mother was right to call police;
but the police should have been called in a long time ago. Why was it only necessary
to call the police when the mother felt her own life in danger?
Lindsay is dangerous. She's killing herself. I don't know what can be done for her.
I mourn for this little girl: ... 613033.jpg
she's dead.
on a short leash, apparently.