Jack wrote:I was flicking through the channels and saw an old movie with Kirstie Alley and thought she used to be "not too shabby"
Guess the mods didn't like my comment about what was going down in Hollywood around the time of Kirstie Alley being 'not too shabby', since it involved black men, her boyfriend, hollywood standards, and scientology.
But it's true. Kirstie Alley made that comment on her cable show about black men for a reason. Kirstie joined Scientology for a reason. And Kirstie's boyfriend told her she was 'too fat' -- at 125 pounds -- for a reason. I know there are some folks here who consider anything over 100 pounds to be 'more than half a person', but fuck y'all. I also know there are other folks who say one thing, but don't realize they prefer another.
Anyway, Cate Blanchett looks like a skeleton, now, for the same reason. Jenna Jameson fucked up her face and also looks like a skeleton..... because of meth (allegedly), but also for a reason. Nicole Richie doesn't eat because she gets more attention killing her body than being herself.
Kirstie is built like a woman. Hindsight makes 80s Kirstie seem like a dream; but they were telling her all kinds of shit about her not being good enough, thin enough.