Total Points Possible This Week Was: 105
Weekly Standings
Props to JSC810 going 10-4 with 87 pts.
Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record
1. Jsc810 - 87/10-4
2. PopTart - 82/9-5
3. WarWagon - 81/9-5
4. RsoxFan - 76/9-5
5. Bucmonkey - 76/8-6
6. Zilla - 73/9-5
7. DallasFanatic - 72/8-6
8. Socal - 71/10-4
9. Shine - 70/8-6
10. Shoalzie - 70/8-6
11. xtremeplzr - 67/8-6
12. BigDaddy - 63/8-6
13. Orcinus - 0/0-14, Missing In Action
14. Prototype - 0/0-14, Missing In Action
Overall Total Pts.: 814
Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record
1. PopTart - 578/65-38
2. Shine - 569/65-38
3. WarWagon - 556/61-42
4. Zilla - 550/63-40
5. DallasFanatic - 538/63-40
6. Shoalzie - 537/66-37
7. RsoxFan - 534/64-39
8. Bucmonkey - 528/59-44
9. Socal - 516/61-42
10. BigDaddy - 502/57-46
11. xtremeplzr - 493/58-45
12. Jsc810 - 461/61-41 (missed week 4)
13. Prototype - 388/41-62 (missed week 6)
14. Orcinus - 331/31-72 (missed week 5, 6, 7)
Will drop Orcinus if no picks are made in week 8!
Let me know if there are any mistakes!
Confidence Results Week 7
Moderators: Shoalzie, ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2