Terry in Crapchester wrote:Someone who embodies the American dream just might be a trustworthy guardian of it, ya think?
Dude -- in his "down time," he acted as "consultant" for a firm that's trying to take over casinos and horse racing.
That just has "ethics" and "integrity" written all over it, eh? Nah, no special interests to pay off there, or anything.
A guy who lives in a 25,000 square foot house is going to lecture us about global warming and carbon credits... ohhhhhkay.
He retired from ambulance-chasing to persue politics. I suppose the hilarity/sadness of that is lost on
you, but last survey I saw, lawyers ranked right below used car salesman on the "trusted professions" list (and yes, that is true).
The memory of his dead son takes a huge back seat to him making a few extra bucks... pretty well-documented. Frankly, that's so depraved and disgusting, it's beyond words... but he looks good on YOU, though.
He doesn't believe in the sanctity of the Constitution(seeing a theme with these candidates?), as is proven by being a freaking COSPONSOR of an unconstitutional bill to pass the buck of war declaration to avoid political backlash... deplorable (a situation Dr. Paul tried to remedy by at least drafting an official war declaration against Iraq, in an attempt to at least keep it legal, which the Iraq War is not). He also told us all that Saddam had those pesky WMD's... which we assumed meant that he actually had some sort of evidence, before committing TRILLIONS of American dollars to a losing freaking embarrassment. Yes, I realize that he claimed he thought "Saddam Hussein was a serious threat"... but for myself, I'd prefer a Commander in Chief who realizes that a country with no army, no navy, and no air force has a hard time being a "serious threat."
He's a racist. Affirmative Action is blatant racism, it's just tolerated by tards who think racism is fine, so long as you're targeting the right races.
He's never seen a tax he doesn't want to raise.
He even has the audacity to suggest that upper-income people should be taxed additonally, and the money used
so minorities can live next door to them. Yes, you did read that right -- he wants to increase taxes so ethnic diversity can be enforced on private property. Scary socialist concept, isn't it? The freaking government choosing your neighbors for you, and using YOUR money to make it so. That has "freedom" written all over it.
He's pure, unadulterated Washington Scum, like the rest.
But at least he has
you fooled, so he's got that going for him.