RadioFan wrote:T REX might argue that Illinois is actually the best team they have played to date and they were manhandled(on the field, not necessarily on the scoreboard).
Uh, no, tOSU wasn't "manhandled," idiot.
If Williams doesn't convert any one of those 3rd downs, they would have had to give the ball back to tOSU, and
who knows what would have happened. Not to mention Tressel's timeout, which led to Illinois going for it, instead of punting. All of that shit was huge, and it all happened to go Illinois' way.
If those two teams play 10 times, tOSU wins 6 of them, at least. Especially in their own house.
Ohio State turned the ball over three times. Illinois had none, and no penalties except one, in the fourth quarter. Illinois played a perfect game, but they "manhandled" tOSU about the same way Colorado "manhandled" Oklahoma.
If's and "who knows what would have happened".....uhhhh sure....guess what pal. We do know what happened. Bode.
Wow.....again....I'll call it the T Rex factor. Arguing with me just to argue. I watched the game dude.
I'll make this easy for those who do not understand....holding the ball for the last eight minutes.....converting 3 third downs and a fourth IS MANHANDLING you physically. If you disagree, so be it.
The illini had the ball for something like 13 or 14 minutes of the fourth quarter. 23 rushes and only 3 pass attempts.
man·han·dle (mnhndl)
tr.v. man·han·dled, man·han·dling, man·han·dles
1. To handle roughly.
2. To move or handle by manpower alone
230 yards rushing for Illinois......osu was manhandled. period.
edit: And radio.....for shits and giggles.....I looked at the stat shet for OU-CU....COlorado had 381 totals yards to OU's 230.....uhhh dude.....I think you should be quiet.....the T REX factor is causing you to talk out of your arse.....and get whacked....but continue on if you must.