R-Jack wrote:Rumps, I going to assume you were not gameplanning HARD for this one.
RumpleForeskin wrote:
You are quite skilled at riding the fence about these issues.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm sure you will elaborate if I read your next line.
On second thought, I'm pretty sure you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. I'm sure I can elaborate if I read your next line.
Here you are on one hand taking AP to the cleaners for going Buffalo Bill, and on the other you are labeling Plagiarism Paul a coward for not posting his pic?
Whew. Thanks for clearing up my statement that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. I was getting a little nervous there.
Here. Let me waste some keystrokes trying to bounce some common sense off your thick bovine-fucking skull.
Androgynous Punk willingly, voluntarily, or willingly volunteered if you will, slid on some grandma panties, grabbed a camera, slinked into a unkempt bathroom with cabinets and cum stains from the 70's, and took some unsavory pictures of himself. He then in turn sent those pictures, which he claimed were for his younger hot girlfriend, to more people than he can recall. Then he spun into how the granny panties that fit a guy in his 40s whose weight battles mirror Oprahs somehow were owned by a hot 27 year old, proving that beauty is in the lazy eye of the beholder. Then the same cross dresser thinks this is all stemming from jealousy. Oh, then the thing about asking Raydah James for tip on how to score whores.
If you don't think that is ground for extreme ridicule, you are a fucking idiot.
KFC Kinko’s has no problem being called a moron, a liar or a plagiarist, but that fat smack sure does boil his blood. So much so, he starts demanding people to prove that he is, in fact, a mountain of lard with a goatee drawn on. Proof comes up in form of a picture where he looks like he got rejected for a "Before" photo from Subway due to implausibility. He spins and cries that it’s not fair because that picture is old and taken in winter (yeah, I know). He then says he will throw up a pic to prove he is not as fat as we all say if someone else, namely me, would "man up" and post a recent pic as well. I do without hesitation because, well, I'm not a fat fuck and the pics were already out there. Paul then ducks his turn to "man up" and bitches out on the chance to put the fat smack to rest. Need I remind you it was a chance he initiated?
If you don't think that is gr..............................oh nevermind. You're a fucking idiot either way.
As you can see, if you can read, that both examples you gave are mutually exclusive to each other. Both examples had different motives and different results. Please, if you are going to come out of hibernation to make observations, try to follow along next time.
Seems to me Steven Glass' pupil was actually brilliant in backing out on that goad job.
Duck, cover, puss out. That would seem like a highly thought out tactical maneuver to a dipshit like yourself.
Sorry, but when a mental midget who has displayed of the rational thinking and good judgment you have shown around here spouting off on what he considers "brilliant", I take it with a grain of salt off your wife's lick.
If the fat parrot was paying attention at all over the past year, then he knows better to post a pic of himself and face the wrath of your never-ending ways of calling him a fat beast.
Oh looky here, another example of Rumps not understanding what the fuck he is talking about.
First off, he offered to post a recent pic as a response to all the fat smack that gets heaved (great word here) his way. Then he backs out of it, citing not wanting to subject it to ridicule. Well, it would seem to most folks with some grey matter (i.e. not you) that would mean he is still a fat tub of shit. So by going back on his word and not posting a pic he all but guarantees the mountains of fat smack to continue to be levied his way by virtue on not being able to produce advertised proof to the contrary.
In short, if he didn't want to face the wrath, he could've followed through with the proof as he claimed and could've said "choke on THAT bitches" or found someone else typing a similar line. He earned it by doing the opposite of your shit for brains theory.
Shut the fuck up, R-Jack.
I can understand why you would say that. God forbid somebody challenges you to actually know what the fuck you are talking about before you open your would-be piehole of that girl version of Paul didn't find your last hiding spot.
BTW.............how's your dead sister?