This is the worst week this season in upsets and overall results!
Props to DallasFanatic going 7-7 with 54 pts.
Total Points Possible This Week: 105
Weekly Standings
Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record
1. DallasFanatic - 54/7-7
2. xtremeplzr - 53 /7-7
3. Bucmonkey - 51 /7-7
4. Shine - 51/7-7
5. Jsc810 - 50/5-9
6. Shoalzie - 47/6-8
7. godzilla - 43/5-9
8. PopTart - 42/6-8
9. RsoxFan - 34/5-9
10. WarWagon - 34/5-9
11. BigDaddy - 31/3-11
12. Socal - 0/0-14
Overall Total Pts.: 1010
Overall Results
Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record
1. PopTart - 773/92-52 Holding overall lead now for 4 consecutive weeks!
2. Shoalzie - 747/93-51
3. Shine - 747/90-54
4. DallasFanatic - 746/90-54
5. WarWagon - 733/85-59
6. Zilla - 730/84-60
7. RsoxFan - 721/88-56
8. Bucmonkey - 717/82-62
9. BigDaddy - 694/80-64
10. xtremeplzr - 676/83-61
11. Jsc810 - 657/84-59 (missed week 4)
12. Socal - 642/76-68 (missed week 10)
Dropped Prototype
Let me know if there are any mistakes!
Confidence Results Week 10
Moderators: Shoalzie, ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2