Confidence Overall Results Wk 11 & 12

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Confidence Overall Results Wk 11 & 12

Post by HockeyMom »

Wk 11 Total Pts: 1144

Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record

1. PopTart - 885/105-55
2. Shine - 860/102-58
3. Dallasfanatic - 853/101-59
4. WarWagon - 846/97-63
5. Shoalzie - 843/103-57
6. Zilla - 837/95-65
7. RsoxFan - 829/99-61
8. Bucmonkey - 816/92-68
9. BigDaddy - 806/93-67
10. xtremeplzr - 778/94-66
11. Jsc810 - 770/97-62 (missed week 4)
12. Socal - 642/76-84 (missed week 10,11)

Wk 12 Total Pts: 1280

Rank, Name, Weekly Points and W/L Record

1. PopTart - 987/116-60
2. WarWagon - 945/107-69
3. Shine - 940/114-62
4. Shoalzie - 940/114-62
5. RsoxFan - 939/110/66
6. Zilla - 936/105-71
7. Bucmonkey - 926/104-72
8. Dallasfanatic 902-109-67
9. Jsc810 - 872/107-68 (missed week 4)
10. xtremeplzr - 865/104-72
11. BigDaddy - 806/93-83 (missed week 12)
12. Socal - 642/76-100 (missed week 10,11,12) will drop if no picks are made in wk 13
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