Diogenes wrote:RadioFan wrote:While science on the other hand, no doubt will change. Hell, any number of major paradigms could change in the next 10-20 years.
How about questioning the basic paradigm that evelotion must have occured without any outside force directing it?
Depends on how you define "outside force." If there were any
natural evidence for an "outside force," it would be seriously considered. Supernatural doesn't count, because by definition, it's not science, Dio.
You still keep trying to compare science to religion in terms of "blasphemy," on the science end.
Science doesn't work that way. Are there cliques among scientists? Of course. But that's about ego and reputation, not about the "blasphemy" of the scientific method. Huge difference, Dio.
When Gene Shoemaker first proposed that large impacts by asteroids and comets upon the Earth may have led to mass extinctions, including the end of the dinosaurs, were his ideas met with skepticism? OF COURSE. That's the way science works. But I highly doubt even Shoemaker's most ardent critics called him "blasphemous."
Pretty ridiculous, don't you think?
At the time Shoemaker presented his ideas, it was believed other phenomena led to mass extinctions, and that asteroid and comet impacts were RARE upon the Earth. Shoemaker spent YEARS taking samples, all over the world, trying to show -- through measurements of elements that could have only been created by the force of impacts -- that indeed, there is evidence of large impact craters, all over the Earth, before he presented his ideas, and had tons of data to back it up. (not to mention later Satellite images)
Within a few years, the entire paradigm shifted, especially when the comet, partially named after him, slammed into Jupitor. Then we finally began to take NEOs seriously.
Does this in any way shape or form, rattle my faith?
You're joking, right? Why should it?
As far as I'm concerned, his work made us aware of the dangers of NEOs, and gave us a heads up on how to defend ourselves -- possibly the only natural disaster that we actually may be able to avoid, if we have enough time.
That, in and of itself, is pretty awesome.
And here's what's really going to blow your noodle ...
How do we know God didn't inspire Shoemaker, regardless of his personal beliefs?
(I have no idea what they were, btw, nor do I care.)
Here's the deal:
If ID had its way, people like Shoemaker would have to spend equal time with fucking morons who seem to want to say, "well, if it's our time, it's our time."
FUCK that.
God gave us a gift -- our brains. Pearls before swine, indeed, especially in the mirror, imho.