poptart wrote:This list was obviously drawn up by a group of feminazis who's goal it is to turn boys into neutered little automatons who squat to piss.
Radical lesbian feminists are pretty comical with their futile attempts at "man-hate."
Seriously. Women in general can have their reasons for whatever degree of hate, but that is nothing like what transpires between men. Men know how to hate men proper.
For one thing we are more qualified in the matter as it is a knowledge mainly from cause, not just from derivative effects. It is certainly strengthened by concept and praxis, but the
self-reflective origin makes it special and signifies it a candidate for inclusion in the rarefied realm of the irrefutable. Yeah, the man-hating lesbians among women live an excessive contradiction in that they try to reject all that is male yet do their very best to be like men, especially in the man hate arena. What they regard as the truth of the matter is a very pale sketch of an approximation, so I have to question whether the list and photo presentation, apt as they are, are even their creations.
poptart wrote:Look at the pic that
MSNBCommunist chose to put up to go along
with their fairy tale 'top' baby names story.
The female is shown looking very bright, and gazing upward
with an air of purposefulness about her.
The male is shown as a bumbling glob of potential fuck-up.
He never met a turd he couldn't wait to play with.
The part in bold is an excellent characterization of the male of the species in the unrefined state of nature. What's wrong with that? Until
proven otherwise, that is what any given guy is. Men aren't considered as such until they have proven themselves. This is the case: an individual personal quest through life's milestones and vicissitudes brought about by the confluence of inner desire and external societal/cultural pressure must be undertaken before a guy is sufficient in his acquisition of inner/outer senses of worthiness.