What happened to the Fresno guys?

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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

Y2K wrote:
There was a CPanel-based exploit that wrote a redirecting iframe,
No shit Sherlock........ you win the prize
Um...if you were so sure you knew what it was, what prevented you from posting that info? You just posted a couple of trollbait threads. A virus attached to the KC Paul Turkey avatar? BWAAHAHAHA
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Dave, I never posted where
I work. Kill yourself you fucking loser.

You lied about Scott getting banned also. You have no credibility.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Ken wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:I have a better body than 99.9% of the fat fucking pervs that post here. I have those rock hard abs you jealous fat fucks will never get. I have it all muther fuckers. That's why I get to play with the really good stuff. The good stuff is worth the effort. Those of you that settled for fat and ugly women will never know what pleasure is all about. You settle for fat and ugly females. Shoot yourselves.
Why don't you and Raiduh go find a place a tickle each other's assholes then? Perfect for each other.
Your ex-wife is getting her asshole pounded by a niggar. How does that taste?
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

KC Scott wrote:
Appologies to Trev for telling everyone how ignorant she is.
I wouldn't go that far. I doubt your categorization of her computer literacy is that far off the mark.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

KC Scott wrote:As for the rest, some were better reads than others.
True, but all were better reads than 99% of those who currently hang out here.
If they moved on, they moved on. There's a lot of funny old school dudes that have disappeared from all the boards, it just happens.
I know. But if there was a way to get even a few of 'em in here, that wouldn't suck. Just lookin' out for the well-being and quality of this sordid clambake, you understand.
choose your poison: THE or .net ? No thanks. At least not on a daily basis.
I've already made the choice, and don't regret it. Yet.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mister Bushice »

Atomic Punk wrote:
Mister Bushice wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote: Those panties were the only ones that could hold my balls as the v strings don't do the job..
Exactly how much time did you spend in Victorias Secret?
The one in the malls or the catalog version of the company?
Well you see, the reason I go in there is to buy lingerie FOR women, not FOR myself.
You don't know shit other than jerkin' to online skanks dontcha?
Ever since you added yourself into that "Online Skanks in panties" category, I stopped.
You couldn't get laid in a morgue.
Har. Henny Youngman just rolled over in his grave.
The reason you haven't been seen onlline is because you are an ugly fat fucker.
The reason I haven't been seen on line is I'm not a stupid fuck.
KFC Paul says he's rocked up. How about you?
Nope, I'm not rocked up, but I'm not overweight. 6'2" and 205, been that weight for a while.
I've had sell outs posting my pics and have more for the faggots here to jerk off to. I have a better body than 99.9% of the fat fucking pervs that post here. I have those rock hard abs you jealous fat fucks will never get. I have it all muther fuckers.
Including a great job and a selection of womens dainties most chicks would be jealous of.
That's why I get to play with the really good stuff. The good stuff is worth the effort. Those of you that settled for fat and ugly women will never know what pleasure is all about. You settle for fat and
ugly females. Shoot yourselves.
Last pic I saw of you, you were a fat ugly female. Time to reload.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Ken »

Atomic Punk wrote:Your ex-wife is getting her asshole pounded by a niggar. How does that taste?
Ummmmmmm, I couldn't give a flying fuck, maybe?
KC Scott

Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by KC Scott »

Smackie Chan wrote:
KC Scott wrote:As for the rest, some were better reads than others.
True, but all were better reads than 99% of those who currently hang out here.
I think your selling some of the talent here short.
Right off the top; Dins, R-Jack, O-Mike, Poptart and MVScal are good reads.

That Said, Getting DMike, Py and Filthy back in would'nt be a bad thing.
What do you think it would take to get 'em back?
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Buschice is a jealous homo. Never got a "Thank You" when I sent him free software a few years ago. What an ingrate. That's to be expected by a fat fuck that is angry at life.

Kengina, be assured your ex-wife is getting pounded by a homie with a cock bigger than 3 inches. Maybe if you took penile enhancing drugs, you could pork out to 3.5 inches. Her asshole is most likely the "homie domie" target for the bruthas. Your little snapper couldn't get it up anyway.... according to her. You should see the e-mails she send to people. Nasty bitch she is.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Dinsdale »

Mr T wrote:AP: You all post personal info and suck for doing that. Oh yeah by the way did you hear... *insert someones personal info*

Everyone: :confused:

AP: Shut up. You all post personal info and suck for doing that. Oh yeah by the way did you hear... *insert someones personal info*

Don't confuse him with facts... his mind's made up.

So again, let me see if I've got this right (and shed some light for the few here thjat weren't around for the Smackchat days)...

The guy who used to fucking PRIDE himself for being able to suss out personal info and share it with the world is now...

Again, I'm just trying to see if I'm following correctly, since it's hard for non-psychos to comprehend...

But one of the proudest members of the Portscan Posse, who used to threaten to get into other people's machines, and was even caught red-fucking-handed doingso...

Is now crying about the "personal info" thing?

Way to wrap up the next 25 years' worth of Board Bitch awards, you flaming fucking tard.

Maybe you should have thought the whole "personal info" thing through a little better 6-7 years ago, eh stupid fuck?

Do the words "live by the sword, die by the sword" mean anything to your panty-wearing, sub-85 IQ?

Stupid fucking piece of shit bitch. Your accusations are ridiculous, and even if true (they're not, which shouldn't be any suprise coming from a delusional compulsive liar), sounds like a case of what comes around, goes around.

BTW-deny the allegations all you like -- no one will fucking believe you, the primary reason being that you went way too far in years past, and way too many people were privvy to your "taking it off the boards" activities. So fucking save it, tard.

BTW-do you still run that portscan thing that you'd launch when someone would agree to open a AIM window with you, or have you moved on from that? Oh... you didn't think people knew about that one? Guess again.

Atomic Punk wrote:Ask Biggie, Bace, Luth, rozy,, etc. why they don't post here anymore.

I have. They general cite reasons along the lines of "Too many morbidly unfunny tools like AP post there." Yet to hear one cite "security" concerns as any sort of factor... then again, with YOU gone, I'm sure the likelihood off off-board shit going on goes down dramatically.

And while I've got your ear, tard, a quick question...

Heard from Ankomak lately? You remember him, right? The guy you went off-board and started rumors of criminal activity about... you know, THAT GUY?

If anyone does have contact with Ankomak, they should send them a link to this thread. Surely he'd get a big kick out of a tard getting what's coming.

Don't go away mad, Liberace... just go away.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

KC Scott wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:
KC Scott wrote:As for the rest, some were better reads than others.
True, but all were better reads than 99% of those who currently hang out here.
I think your selling some of the talent here short.
Right off the top; Dins, R-Jack, O-Mike, Poptart and MVScal are good reads.
Some of them are why I didn't make it 100%.
Getting DMike, Py and Filthy back in would'nt be a bad thing.
What do you think it would take to get 'em back?
There may be nothing that can be done to get Filthy back. But if my two or three remaining brain cells recall correctly, I believe the reason DMike & Python don't post here (according to them) is a perceived lack of security. They're concerned that what happened to AP could happen to them. I could be wrong about that, though. And I'm not sure why they don't feel they run the same risk on other boards.

Or they're blocked from this site at work. (That's not getting too personal, I hope.) I think DMike said something about that once.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by jiminphilly »

KC Scott wrote:
trev wrote: It's ok. You screwed up with the virus issue, didn't care, and would rather not have it be known public.

No problem.

Or your version of IE caught a bug somehwere else and you didn't understand how or why and just figured it must be here cuz this is the only decadent site you frequent?


Amazing that so many others have come forth with the same tale of woe.
Wait - they haven't.

Hint: Log in problems and retention of cookies is not an unknown problem to IE
Scott not really taking sides here but when I opened this site at work (where filters would block any "decadent" site I'd attempt to visit) my virus software immediately caught whatever it was that was on this site. Now maybe it wasnt a virus but some issue with the coding of the site (I admit I don't know the first thing about that shit) but there were some rumblings from people about there being a virus.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Dinsdale »

BTW-Back in the days of the Cowducts' board, there was some off-board security issues I had... once.

Back in the glory days when if your firewall teed off on an intrusive IP and you subsequently blocked it, all of a sudden The Artist's avatar didn't show up any more... those days (another poster doing the same thing has since made amends, and will remain nameless).

But that only happened once. You know why it never happened again?

Because that board became dead to me once it happened ONCE. I may not be a rocket surgeon, but fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on Indyclown.

I never logged in again... seemed to solve the issue I had with ToT. I would suggest that AP and Y2K do the same... for all of our mutual benefit.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I hang out with strippers and chicks that get freaky. Most are 20 years younger than me and they like to get wild.

Dude - You should look at things from the other end of the spectrum, just to get a glimpse of how toolish you are. What is with your constant need for approval and acceptance? On a message board, no less? You hang out with chicks. Congrat-u-fucking-lations, Mr Suave. You can deny it all you want, but with each and every line of protest, it's painfully obvious how much you want... how much you need the acceptance here.

To most of us, anonymous trolls that run smack can be very funny. To you, they aren't even "credible."

Yearning for credibility on a smack board? Don't you see how this could be construed as you having a bit of a problem? This shit doesn't have to be so serious, mang.

You take "internet pals" and advance it to the next level. That's fine if that's your business, but when you choose to open yourself up to people beyond the monitor, then you must do so at your own risk. It doesn't seem you come here for reasons that many of us do, i.e., killing time and having a few laughs. You seem to want things to be on a much more open, personal level, and it appears that this approach has gotten you in some hot water.

It's funny, but you seem to be entangled in these types of situations on a fairly regular basis. Why do you suppose that is? In the 8 years I've been on these boards, I've never ONCE had a single problem with personal info being revealed. Why do you think that is? Because I have no idea what kind of weirdos I'm really dealing with here. It's best left not to divulge much of anything. To anyone. Whether on the board itself, or via pm...telephone, walkie talkie, ham radio, etc. You get the idea. The bottom line is, there's simply no way anybody could know anything about you unless you've CHOSEN to make it public. To someone. At some point. The fact is, you HAVE chosen to go public, in one form or another, and you've been branded for it. But instead of owning up to any of your boneheaded moves, you continue to pass the blame. It's never your fault. Yet you expect sympathy.

You like to talk about message board credibility and reputations. Quite frankly, your "reputation" is about as blemished as it gets. Y2K may be right about you away from the boards. But none of that is relevant here. As far as your online persona goes, you're incredibly strange and shady, and unless you offer up some concrete evidence as to how you're such a victim, it would be mighty difficult I think for ANYBODY to take your wails seriously.

Lastly, this place is obviously a danger to you, what with folks calling your bosses and stuff. Wouldn't you feel the need to quit coming here, under such consequential conditions?
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mister Bushice »

Atomic Punk wrote:Buschice is a jealous homo. Never got a "Thank You" when I sent him free software a few years ago. What an ingrate.
Actually, you sent me a link to a copy of Fixit utilities. DiT did much the same for everyone here for years, and never once whined about not being thanked. You never mailed me anything, you have me confused with someone else. I don't give anyone my address, never have, never will.
That's to be expected by a fat fuck that is angry at life.
Confusing me with Fat Paul?. Remember he's the dumbass who posted his fat pic here, and didn't follow up after calling out R-jack. You've never seen me. As far as you know I could be siamese twins just as easily as I could be the jealous angry fat homo ingrate you want me to be.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Dude - You should look at things from the other end of the spectrum, just to get a glimpse of how toolish you are. What is with your constant need for approval and acceptance? On a message board, no less? You hang out with chicks. Congrat-u-fucking-lations, Mr Suave. You can deny it all you want, but with each and every line of protest, it's painfully obvious how much you want... how much you need the acceptance here.

To most of us, anonymous trolls that run smack can be very funny. To you, they aren't even "credible."

Yearning for credibility on a smack board? Don't you see how this could be construed as you having a bit of a problem? This shit doesn't have to be so serious, mang.

You take "internet pals" and advance it to the next level. That's fine if that's your business, but when you choose to open yourself up to people beyond the monitor, then you must do so at your own risk. It doesn't seem you come here for reasons that many of us do, i.e., killing time and having a few laughs. You seem to want things to be on a much more open, personal level, and it appears that this approach has gotten you in some hot water.

It's funny, but you seem to be entangled in these types of situations on a fairly regular basis. Why do you suppose that is? In the 8 years I've been on these boards, I've never ONCE had a single problem with personal info being revealed. Why do you think that is? Because I have no idea what kind of weirdos I'm really dealing with here. It's best left not to divulge much of anything. To anyone. Whether on the board itself, or via pm...telephone, walkie talkie, ham radio, etc. You get the idea. The bottom line is, there's simply no way anybody could know anything about you unless you've CHOSEN to make it public. To someone. At some point. The fact is, you HAVE chosen to go public, in one form or another, and you've been branded for it. But instead of owning up to any of your boneheaded moves, you continue to pass the blame. It's never your fault. Yet you expect sympathy.

You like to talk about message board credibility and reputations. Quite frankly, your "reputation" is about as blemished as it gets. Y2K may be right about you away from the boards. But none of that is relevant here. As far as your online persona goes, you're incredibly strange and shady, and unless you offer up some concrete evidence as to how you're such a victim, it would be mighty difficult I think for ANYBODY to take your wails seriously.

Lastly, this place is obviously a danger to you, what with folks calling your bosses and stuff. Wouldn't you feel the need to quit coming here, under such consequential conditions?
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by AP's Self of Steam »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
I hang out with strippers and chicks that get freaky. Most are 20 years younger than me and they like to get wild.

Dude - You should look at things from the other end of the spectrum, just to get a glimpse of how toolish you are. What is with your constant need for approval and acceptance? On a message board, no less? You hang out with chicks. Congrat-u-fucking-lations, Mr Suave. You can deny it all you want, but with each and every line of protest, it's painfully obvious how much you want... how much you need the acceptance here.

To most of us, anonymous trolls that run smack can be very funny. To you, they aren't even "credible."

Yearning for credibility on a smack board? Don't you see how this could be construed as you having a bit of a problem? This shit doesn't have to be so serious, mang.

You take "internet pals" and advance it to the next level. That's fine if that's your business, but when you choose to open yourself up to people beyond the monitor, then you must do so at your own risk. It doesn't seem you come here for reasons that many of us do, i.e., killing time and having a few laughs. You seem to want things to be on a much more open, personal level, and it appears that this approach has gotten you in some hot water.

It's funny, but you seem to be entangled in these types of situations on a fairly regular basis. Why do you suppose that is? In the 8 years I've been on these boards, I've never ONCE had a single problem with personal info being revealed. Why do you think that is? Because I have no idea what kind of weirdos I'm really dealing with here. It's best left not to divulge much of anything. To anyone. Whether on the board itself, or via pm...telephone, walkie talkie, ham radio, etc. You get the idea. The bottom line is, there's simply no way anybody could know anything about you unless you've CHOSEN to make it public. To someone. At some point. The fact is, you HAVE chosen to go public, in one form or another, and you've been branded for it. But instead of owning up to any of your boneheaded moves, you continue to pass the blame. It's never your fault. Yet you expect sympathy.

You like to talk about message board credibility and reputations. Quite frankly, your "reputation" is about as blemished as it gets. Y2K may be right about you away from the boards. But none of that is relevant here. As far as your online persona goes, you're incredibly strange and shady, and unless you offer up some concrete evidence as to how you're such a victim, it would be mighty difficult I think for ANYBODY to take your wails seriously.

Lastly, this place is obviously a danger to you, what with folks calling your bosses and stuff. Wouldn't you feel the need to quit coming here, under such consequential conditions?

Nice job claiming OTST, idiot. Like we didn't know it was your tard ass anyway with the oh so EPOCH job of KYOA you laid on yourself, as mv pointed out:
mvscal wrote:
OTST wrote:rump rangers that can't fight under their regular nicks
I applaud the textbook asskicking you have just laid on yourself. I'll bet you've had lots of practice.

Well done.
Atomic Punk wrote:A shit troll is threatening me now?
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Dinsdale »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:You take "internet pals" and advance it to the next level.
It's funny, but you seem to be entangled in these types of situations on a fairly regular basis. Why do you suppose that is? In the 8 years I've been on these boards, I've never ONCE had a single problem with personal info being revealed.

I'll even run with this example...

Over the last 7 years, I've gone some rounds with MGO. We've called each other fags, expounded on how much the other guy blows monkey spunk, and a host of other things.

Heck, we've even shared a few pleasant PMs over the years. Basically, I've had quite a bit of interaction with MGO over the years (along with plenty of other people).

And you know what?

I don't have the foggiest idea what the guy's first name is. Know what else? I can't envision a scenario where I could care any less -- "MGO" works for me.

Come to think of it, I don't have even a vague clue what the guy does for as living... and again, I'd have to undergo some sort of major life-changing transformation to scrape up enough emotion to give a shit.

And there's probably at least a dozen or two other names one could substitute for MGO.

Maybe I'm just too firmly entrenched in the non-loser category, but when I sit at a keyboard and type out word adressing you tards, you are all my personal little bitches. When I get up from the keyboard, I kinda figure that you're probably human beings, and I'll treat you just like I do any other human being that I don't know or have any contact with -- wish you the best and a happy life... then immediately stop giving a shit in any way, shape, or form about you.

I didn't think that attitude made me unique... but some of you seem to have some issues. To those people, I guess the only advice I can offer is: "Front doors and friends -- using one leads to obtaining the other. Try it sometime."
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mr T »

RumpleForeskin wrote:
Mr T wrote:Where are these saggy tits cascaded on a gut background that I was promised?
Mr T wrote:Oooohhh burn....you are the insult master...
Way to KYOA. Tard looks good on you though.
Say wha?

Where the tits?
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
KC Scott

Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by KC Scott »

jiminphilly wrote:
Scott not really taking sides here but when I opened this site at work (where filters would block any "decadent" site I'd attempt to visit) my virus software immediately caught whatever it was that was on this site. Now maybe it wasnt a virus but some issue with the coding of the site (I admit I don't know the first thing about that shit) but there were some rumblings from people about there being a virus.
So if I understand (which I prolly don't) the problem was a java script, from hackers, was sent out to CPanel sites (like T1B) which redirected traffic to another site where a trojan virus then tried to enter through a hole in IE :shock:

http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2006/ ... _hack.html

Looks like it happened before on a large scale:

http://www.infoworld.com/article/06/09/ ... nel_1.html

There's a lot of bullshit out in the interwebs. When I was looking at web sites for retirement communities via google, I got sent to one of those that tries to give you a virus, then tells you to buy thier anti-virus software.

They seem to have gotten it fixed here. I guess that's the bottom line
KC Scott

Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by KC Scott »

Dinsdale wrote: Maybe I'm just too firmly entrenched in the non-loser category, but when I sit at a keyboard and type out word adressing you tards, you are all my personal little bitches. When I get up from the keyboard, I kinda figure that you're probably human beings, and I'll treat you just like I do any other human being that I don't know or have any contact with -- wish you the best and a happy life... then immediately stop giving a shit in any way, shape, or form about you.
Well, I guess I'll speak for the "loser" category then since I've met at least a dozen or so board dwellers over the years. Some I keep in regular contact with, others... errr.... welll..... not so much. It's all in what you make of it. I've made some lifetime friends thanks to the SC3, and had a lot of laughs thanks to the bitter elf's radio show.

I will agree some of the shit that I've read over the years goes beyond creepy, but IMHO it's been the exception rather than the rule. You'd be amazed how similar a lot of of us are, as opposed to how different.

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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mister Bushice »

KC Scott wrote: a trojan virus then tried to enter through a hole in IE :shock:
Easily solved by not using that lacking in security piece of shit browser.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Ken »

Atomic Punk wrote:Kengina, be assured your ex-wife is getting pounded by a homie... Her asshole is most likely the "homie domie" target for the bruthas.
Ummmm, I hope so?
Other than the magnificent depth of your stupidity for not understanding this, what am I missing?

Seriously, back up and take the other arm of the 'y' in the road.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

KC Scott wrote:a trojan virus then tried to enter through a hole in IE
That Pete Carroll is good. Damn good.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

lol. ok, rack.

Stop crying about folks moving on and give it up for mgo.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Dinsdale is a blowhard know-it-all... just ask him. Next, I expect him to talk about water heaters and how only the best are made in the U&L.

MGBlow, doesn't meet a cock he won't slurp. He will suck a cock when he feels safe to come out of Smackie's asshole. Let me tell you about Smackie. Dude smokes pot yet is able to not get tested by the US Govt he works for. He is basically racking a shitty poster like MGBlow. I've met Smackie and the dude has a limp wrist when you shake his hand. He looked away from me and looks like a 65 y/o drug addict. But he's nails right? He;s a fucking pot head and I've personally witnessed him toking up with TVO.

Buschice, you are a pathetice piece of shit. I've helped you and you act like I haven't. Don't chime in and tell the board I did little for you. You are a fucking lying piece of shit.

Dinsdale, when I think of of you, I think of a low-life pile of shit that posts like no life exists other than posting on this board. THIS place is all you have. You post and post and fucking post bullshit.

Lastly, Biggie and the boys don't post here because of me? Get real you fucked up losers. Yeah, I remember Bace posting here like yesterday. God damn lying muther fuckers are delusional.

Never can Dave and the shit claim I'm wrong for what I've said. If you do then you're lying cumshots awaiting your grandfathers false teeth.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:lol. ok, rack.

Stop crying about folks moving on and give it up for mgo.
You are a liar Dave. Own it.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

What did I lie about, you panty-wearing simpleton?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:What did I lie about, you panty-wearing simpleton?
First, the RTS thing. You lied about it and Y2K caught you. Are you denying it? You also let my work place be known after I asked you to make it go away. You didn't you fucking loser. This board is all you have. You and a few losers have nothing else. Kengina lives near you, why not get together for a reach-around? Both of you are faggots.

Need some reinqueer to help you out for next December?

You are a loser Dave. Total loser.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Felix »

Atomic Punk wrote:.
good christ could you be a bigger fucking gene splice....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

Those are all baldfaced lies, Acerbic Panties.

I'll give your boy Y2K some props, he at least can string some trollage together. You're not exactly helping his cause much, though - unless "you're a loser", "your wife takes black cocks", and "you're a fag" have yet to be fully explored. Now, strap on something slinky and post like you're tucking a pair.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Felix wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:.
good christ could you be a bigger fucking gene splice....
Feeldicks is feewing left out? Who the fuck are you anyway? I've seen your nick on the board, but never read anything you've written until now. Do you take it in the ass also? I'll bet you do.

Feeldicks... Someone may have called you that in the past, but I just made it up. Slurp away you fucking slappy.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:Those are all baldfaced lies, Acerbic Panties.

I'll give your boy Y2K some props, he at least can string some trollage together. You're not exactly helping his cause much, though - unless "you're a loser", "your wife takes black cocks", and "you're a fag" have yet to be fully explored. Now, strap on something slinky and post like you're tucking a pair.
Naw, you are a fucking liar Dave. You keep deflecting and I won't stop calling you out either you flaming faggot. You're just jealous and it shows. Oh, you called out C_U earlier today. You are a desperate piece of shit that couldn't get laid in a morgue.

Sack up. You fucked RTS over and you STILL won't come correct you fucked up lying piece of shit. Of course, I'm glad he's gone. You prolly are the guy that called my work too. You are a weak bitch.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by RumpleForeskin »

I agree with MB's post for the most part except for the 'ol saying:
killing time and having a few laughs
If that was really true, then most of you would strike up a short and simple post and move on. No, no, it goes deeper than that for the ones who frequent the boards more than others. There is quite a bit of effort behind the literary flow I read from this board. Its more serious than what MB leads on with that line. I mean, how many of you fags went through the effort to create reindeer trolls and write up some tunes for our enjoyment? Yes, it was all for laughs, but there is a serious amount of effort behind the "act" of posting here. Dins out front shoulda told ya.

That being said, I've never lost a wink of sleep over anything you people have said about me, my wife, or my dead sister. I don't know y'all and wouldn't expect anything less on a god damn message board. Now, if I met one you at a local pub and we kicked back and had some beers and some laughs and debated who the greatest quarterback of all time was and then you came back on the board and made fun of my dead sister; I might be dropping you a PM telling you what an asshole you really are.

As for Goobs, PSUFAN, and R-Jack, I bet they are some cool peeps who would strike up a civilized conversation with me at a bar even if they knew who I was.

Its not in anyone's nature to say the things we say on the boards and do exactly the same around the wife and kids. The social contexts we are surrounded by usually don’t allow such obtrusive views and adage. No, we probably wear this metaphorical mask in one of these social contexts but which one? I am definitely more myself in social contexts off the board than I am on the board. I usually don’t call my pastor a bleeding vag after an unmoving sermon. And I honestly believe mv tones down the turrets when he is out in public. My point is, nobody would get anywhere if we said the things we say on this board. If that is true, then AP has no clue how to separate the two. That alone makes me sad.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Atomic Punk wrote:MGBlow, doesn't meet a cock he won't slurp.
You just might want to think about revamping your game plan there, champ. The whole "YOU'RE A HOMO!" bit doesn't exactly land when you've been exposed as a panty prancing little fruit.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

You're just jealous and it shows.
Take good heed of this, KC Paul. THIS is how a Smack Deity throws fucking down.

Yep, a cross-dressing, lazy-eyed motel 6 hopper is inspiring ferocious jealousy up in this bitch.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

AP has been on these boards since 1999. You don't need to tell me how sad you are. I already know. Go make some money so your wife can eat.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:
You're just jealous and it shows.
Take good heed of this, KC Paul. THIS is how a Smack Deity throws fucking down.

Yep, a cross-dressing, lazy-eyed motel 6 hopper is inspiring ferocious jealousy up in this bitch.
Cock sucker named Dave knows all about blowing in motels... and giving people viruses when logging onto his T1B board. You are still not talking truth about ow you set up the shrubber PUSFAG. You are the weakest of the weak and post on a smack board. You need help from other posters you steaming coil of dog shit.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Felix »

Atomic Punk wrote:
Feeldicks is feewing left out?
uh I prefer not to engage in fake melodramas with people I know nothing about....that's probably why you don't know me...melodrama seems to follow you where ever you go...

me, I'm pretty forgettable....

on the other hand, I know more than I ever care to about you...you're a forgettable mook that works at Home Depot that likes to dress in women's panties then take pictures in the hopes of scoring some poon with some skank that I probably wouldn't look at twice....your a spreadsheet nit whose "smack" weapon of choice always seems to be related to homo's...why do you suppose that is......
Who the fuck are you anyway?
nobody, nothing to see here move along....
I've seen your nick on the board, but never read anything you've written until now.
is this the dagger that's supposed to send me reeling.....keep swinging tard.....
Do you take it in the ass also? I'll bet you do.
I rest my case..... :meds:

you're a fuckwit of the highest degree bean brain...so at least you've got that working for you....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

RumpleForeskin wrote:I've never lost a wink of sleep over anything you people have said
Ok. But how you manage the seismic waves that your woman creates during nightmarish bouts over uncatchable slices of pizza and pie, remains a mystery.
Its not in anyone's nature to say the things we say on the boards and do exactly the same around the wife and kids. The social contexts we are surrounded by usually don’t allow such obtrusive views and adage. No, we probably wear this metaphorical mask in one of these social contexts but which one? I am definitely more myself in social contexts off the board than I am on the board. I usually don’t call my pastor a bleeding vag after an unmoving sermon. And I honestly believe mv tones down the turrets when he is out in public. My point is, nobody would get anywhere if we said the things we say on this board. If that is true, then AP has no clue how to separate the two. That alone makes me sad.
Hey man, do you wanna like get some coffee or something?

~Dan Vogel