What happened to the Fresno guys?

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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Feeldicks said something... I guess I'm supposed to care. Dave, did you call him up on your chat line to talk about your "issues?" I can see the unseeable... Dave on his tummy with his legs crossed as he punches his 900 number passcode for gay chat, hoping for a response to write to me.

Pretty sick, but actually funny. I can see that Pburgh faggot pimping himself on those late night commercials.

Feeldicks, I got to be honest with you. I was smacking you then forgot about you and went off on Dave. The I remebered I responded to you. Sorry Dave. Not really.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

I'll step up and give RF some props. He has taken his beatings like a man - AND he has a king-sized waterbed for a spouse. I'm not jealous - I save that for aging panty-dancing self-anointed smack gods who reset career paths like atari 2600s - but I will give those props.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:I'll step up and give RF some props. He has taken his beatings like a man - AND he has a king-sized waterbed for a spouse. I'm not jealous - I save that for aging panty-dancing self-anointed smack gods who reset career paths like atari 2600s - but I will give those props.
Naw, you give SLURPs and suck a mean cock. Admit this and I'll back off. You are a shitty poster and have NEVER brought ANYTHING funny or rackable. Not one goddamn time have you, the PUSFAG have brought smack to the table you control.

You fucked over a poster and STILL lie about it you fucking piece of dog shit.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

Atomic Punk wrote:I can see the unseeable...
Lemme guess - swinging waves of clarity?

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

Atomic Punk wrote:Dinsdale is a blowhard know-it-all... just ask him. Next, I expect him to talk about water heaters and how only the best are made in the U&L.

MGBlow, doesn't meet a cock he won't slurp. He will suck a cock when he feels safe to come out of Smackie's asshole. Let me tell you about Smackie. Dude smokes pot yet is able to not get tested by the US Govt he works for. He is basically racking a shitty poster like MGBlow. I've met Smackie and the dude has a limp wrist when you shake his hand. He looked away from me and looks like a 65 y/o drug addict. But he's nails right? He;s a fucking pot head and I've personally witnessed him toking up with TVO.

Buschice, you are a pathetice piece of shit. I've helped you and you act like I haven't. Don't chime in and tell the board I did little for you. You are a fucking lying piece of shit.

Dinsdale, when I think of of you, I think of a low-life pile of shit that posts like no life exists other than posting on this board. THIS place is all you have. You post and post and fucking post bullshit.

Lastly, Biggie and the boys don't post here because of me? Get real you fucked up losers. Yeah, I remember Bace posting here like yesterday. God damn lying muther fuckers are delusional.

Never can Dave and the shit claim I'm wrong for what I've said. If you do then you're lying cumshots awaiting your grandfathers false teeth.
Nice work there, inky. You sure put us all in our place.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Wow, PUSFAG goes to the knock out punch. Know what? Remember your shit-stained undies you posted a few years ago? You keep going panty smack on me? Dudette, you are a hypocritical lying piece of shit. Tell shrubber what you did to him.

Dave... before you answer... you KNOW you are a liar and a pile of dog shit. You deny and the reinqueers are not here to help your lying ass out as you need.

Many posters left this board beause of you. A shitty poster that brings nothing to the board yet needs trolls... go figure you goddamn lying pile of shit.

Smackie, you are in your place. You wade in a steaming stream of ass jizz.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Atomic Punk wrote:I've met Smackie...He looked away from me
In order to make proper eye contact with you, that would seem obligatory.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

I've met Smackie and the dude has a limp wrist when you shake his hand. He looked away from me
That must have been when he died.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

Tell shrubber what you did to him.
I give up, you ASS. What the hell are you talking about?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:I've met Smackie...He looked away from me
In order to make proper eye contact with you, that would seem obligatory.
Yeah, a limpdick like you would bow down and suck his drug addled drain that doubles as a piss spout. Funny thing would be he would spas' out and nail your remaining 4 hair folicles ans piss all over your hairy back.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Felix »

Atomic Punk wrote: Feeldicks, I got to be honest with you. I was smacking you then forgot about you
oh noes...the tried and true "you don't merit my consideration" ploy to go with your seemingly endless supply of "you're a fag" smack....:lol:

you go girl.....
get out, get out while there's still time
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:
I've met Smackie and the dude has a limp wrist when you shake his hand. He looked away from me
That must have been when he died.
You need the reinqueer to help you. You are a smackless douchebag that needs all the anal friends you can muster. You fucked over shrubber and you are still lying to everyone about it.

You can buy some bleach and save those tighty whitey's whenver you want. You are married to a sow and I don't feel sorry for those of you that married the fat ugly fuglies.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Bro - you've cornered the market on off the cuff drunken, lonely, psychotic homo ranting. Have you considered any alternative methods of smack?
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mister Bushice »

Atomic Punk wrote:
Buschice, you are a pathetice piece of shit. I've helped you and you act like I haven't. Don't chime in and tell the board I did little for you. You are a fucking lying piece of shit.
Actually, you gave some advice a couple of times in the past, but it wasn't really all that helpful. It usually ended up with you saying "Unless I can see your system I can't really help you." Given your melt down history, did you really expect me to give you that info?

And you might recall I designed and set up that brochure for you in that business venture of yours that went - shocker - nowhere.

You're welcome, BTW. :D

and don't get all pathetice on me and call me a cocksucker - AGAIN.

It's getting old, just in this thread alone. According to you, just about everyone posting here is one. What are the odds on that being true?
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by RumpleForeskin »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Have you considered any alternative methods of smack?
Ok I laffed.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Bro - you've cornered the market on off the cuff drunken, lonely, psychotic homo ranting. Have you considered any alternative methods of smack?
Good point. I could move to Michigan and be unhappy like you. Hell, I'll bet Comcast would give me a free subscription to have online access to speak to the world from the ice age. You and BSmacked have a lot in common. Both live in shitholes and are married to fat women.


Bushice... the odds you suck cocks is a good and safe bet. Who am I to judge you? (yeah I remember dude)
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

Atomic Punk wrote:Many posters left this board beause of you.
What's keeping you from joining them? It seems that with all the grief posting here has caused you, you'd want to put this place in your rear-view mirror ASAP.
Smackie, you are in your place. You wade in a steaming stream of ass jizz.
Whoa! How will I ever recover from such epicosity? I'm tellin' you, Mike, you're making a critical mistake in pursuing your current studies. (I won't mention what those are, since, you know, it may be considered to be divulging personal info.) If I were you (and believe me, there are no words to adequately describe how happy I am that I'm not you), I would see if there are graduate courses in smackology to which you could apply as a professor. Seriously, you are the master.

That blast should be archived. No, really.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by War Wagon »

KC Scott wrote: Well, I guess I'll speak for the "loser" category then since I've met at least a dozen or so board dwellers over the years. Some I keep in regular contact with, others... errr.... welll..... not so much. It's all in what you make of it. I've made some lifetime friends thanks to the SC3, and had a lot of laughs thanks to the bitter elf's radio show.

I will agree some of the shit that I've read over the years goes beyond creepy, but IMHO it's been the exception rather than the rule. You'd be amazed how similar a lot of of us are, as opposed to how different.

2nd that RACK.

Some damn good folks here that I've met face to face, and many others whom I wouldn't hesitate to hook up with for a game or whatever and buy the first round. And some not so much.

Save all the melodrama and hatefulness folks, we should be way past that stage by now. Seriously, that was so like years ago.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by RumpleForeskin »

Rack Wags. I'd hang out with all of you ol' timers if I were into merlot and The Glen Miller Band.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Smackie Chan wrote:That blast should be archived. No, really.
No... it really is a joke you pot-smoking fool. I thought your employer conducted drug tests. Watching you and TVBlow smoke up some weed was funnay. You looked like you were 60 years old and went out to smoke dope on several occasions.

Now you are judging me? Sign of the times when druggies call out others.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

RumpleForeskin wrote:Rack Wags. I'd hang out with all of you ol' timers if I were into merlot and The Glen Miller Band.
"IF" is the biggest word in life. Tell me you didn't see that coming.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mr T »

Havent seen a melt like this in a while.

Even trixie is impressed.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Y2K »

PSUFAN wrote:
Y2K wrote:
There was a CPanel-based exploit that wrote a redirecting iframe,
No shit Sherlock........ you win the prize
Um...if you were so sure you knew what it was, what prevented you from posting that info? You just posted a couple of trollbait threads. A virus attached to the KC Paul Turkey avatar? BWAAHAHAHA
Sucks for you bud, Granted I know people who start these boards aren't Interweb Guru's and I have no problem cutting them some slack when they completely fuck up but you are something different, you THINK you're above it all because as I once said... "You're a spineless pussy."

Security IS an issue here , and your performance in this thread along with an obvious contingent of bitch Nutsackers errr reindeer trolls errrr lemmings who'll swallow your load of BullSemen without a "no spit" command is quite telling.

Enjoy your shithole.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Mr T wrote:Havent seen a melt like this in a while.

Even trixie is impressed.
Bobby Bowden thanks you for your support. Did they play in a bowl game this year? If so, who did the play?
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

Atomic Punk wrote:I've met Smackie...He looked away from me
Let's revisit the circumstances, shall we? We met shortly after you committed one of the most unthinkably tasteless and foul acts ever to have resulted from a trollstop - publicly accusing an innocent poster of RAPE!!! You think that's funny?!? You'll forgive me if I don't share that sentiment. So, yeah, meeting you, shaking your hand, and looking you in the wanderer weren't high on my list of things to cherish. As much as you'd like to believe that whatever vices others may have are unforgivable, what you did is about as low as it gets, and I challenge you or anyone else to come up with something anyone else on these boards has done that comes close to matching the depths to which you stooped.

Fuckin' asshole.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Y2K »

BTW- Fresno Guys say hello.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Smokie Chang shook my hand with a limp noodle. He later said "even zz is a good egg." You said that and now you are being a bitch clanging to some hairy nutsack in your gobbling throat.

I've long since apologized to Rapomak and I meant it. Apparently, you need all you can muster to justify your drug addiction to the board. I told Reina that I was sorrry for it and she was still pissed... as you and others passed the bong. Yeah Smokie, get off on yourself. You look like your 60+ and you still live. Props to you.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mr T »

Atomic Punk wrote:Bobby Bowden thanks you for your support. Did they play in a bowl game this year? If so, who did the play?
Yes. Kentucky. Lost by 7.

Is this going into :rts: ?

If so, I am a gemini, like scotch, walks on the beach...
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

Mr T wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:Bobby Bowden thanks you for your support. Did they play in a bowl game this year? If so, who did the play?
Yes. Kentucky. Lost by 7.

Is this going into :rts: ?

If so, I am a gemini, like scotch, walks on the beach...
Kentucky has/had a good basketball program. Seriously, Fresno State would beat the shit outta Florida State on the gridiron. It would be a beatdown. UCLAme is going to get beat the fuck up next year.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by RumpleForeskin »

I always buy the first three beers for an admin at a nutstop err trollstop. Steve at The Nut was much obliged when we first crossed paths at a bar. If I ever make it to Pittsburgh, PSU will be treated with the same sentiment . Admins who play by the rules warrant some free beers for their efforts on the boards. Fuck you AP for making nothing into something. Its your own damn fault for sacking your testes with women's undergarments and then taking a picture of yourself in such a gay fashion. You would think being poster for 9 years would teach you not to put yourself in such a compromising position. You are indeed a fucking moron.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Mr T »

Atomic Punk wrote: Kentucky has/had a good basketball program. Seriously, Fresno State would beat the shit outta Florida State on the gridiron. It would be a beatdown. UCLAme is going to get beat the fuck up next year.
Hate to tell you but David Carr doesnt play for fresno anymore.
TheJON wrote:What does the winner get? Because if it's a handjob from Frisco, I'd like to campaign for my victory.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

RumpleForeskin wrote:I always buy the first three beers for an admin at a nutstop Admins who play by the rules warrant some free beers for their efforts on the boards. Fuck you AP for making nothing into something. Its your own damn fault for sacking your testes with women's undergarments and then taking a picture of yourself in such a gay fashion. You would think being poster for 9 years would teach you not to put yourself in such a compromising position. You are indeed a fucking moron.
Rumble foreskin. Faggot, you married a fat filthy HOG! Nothing you say matters as you claim that beast to be your sig other (and sig material). A fat woman is the absolute worst thing in society, yet you married a fat hog. Now you are calling ME out for doing something stupid? Are you fucking high? You will suck cocks of the limp dicks on this board?

I cannot believe you post here and talk shit about anyone. Your hog of a wife is embarrassing to stoners like Irie. Put up your pic douchebag. I've yet to see the fuck ups that cast the first stone post their pics. I've met many a fool from here. Don't tell me they are pretty boys either. Just hard core drunken fools that like to smack the shit out of each other. That's all this is.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by RumpleForeskin »

Ok. This is a picture of me when I was first looking at your panty shot. As you can see I was perplexed and disgusted at the same time. The beer was noy fully consumed after being exposed to such faggotry....

Last edited by RumpleForeskin on Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by War Wagon »

You're just determined to get the last word here aren't you, Atomic Dumbfuck. Good luck with that, fool. I hope you stocked up on whatever prescription drugs it is that's fueling this epic meltdown.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by PSUFAN »

Put up your pic douchebag. I've yet to see the fuck ups that cast the first stone post their pics. I've met many a fool from here. Don't tell me they are pretty boys either.
I'm actually laughing aloud at this stuff. You're still begging people for their pics, Motel 6 Secret boy?

Rumple posted a pic of his fat wife. We all have gotten some good laughs out of it. I posted a pic of myself mooning the camera, and my ass rind was visible. LOTS of people have laughed their asses off at that stupid move.

Are either of those worse than dressing in women's underwear and posing like a 15 y/o camwhore?

I know it was going to take a pretty big event to top some of your other capers...but goddamn if you weren't more than up to the task.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Smackie Chan »

Atomic Punk wrote:Smokie Chang shook my hand with a limp noodle. He later said "even zz is a good egg." You said that and now you are being a bitch clanging to some hairy nutsack in your gobbling throat.
As difficult as it may be, you're coming off as even a bigger putz now than you did then - no small feat. Until now, have I brought up your slimy act in the years since it happened? Nope. Why? Because it's over and done with, and to do so would've served no purpose. I moved on. So why bring it up now? Because YOU went back all those years to weakly try to smack me! I felt the need to explain the circumstances surrounding what YOU dug up. I didn't run from it, or deny it. Had you left well-enough alone, there would be no reason to be rehashing what a slimeball you were, and apparently still are. If I made the mistake of lying to everyone by saying you're a "good egg," I'll go ahead and retract it now.
I've long since apologized to Rapomak and I meant it.
Oh, and that's makes everything all better? If bin Laden dropped by and said, "Gee, I'm sorry I orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, and I really mean it. Are we cool?" - we should extend a firm handshake and say, "Think nothing of it, Osama. It's ancient history." Fuck, you're an idiot.

~Memo to board: Yeah, I know the above comparison is a bit of a stretch, but it illustrates the point.~
Apparently, you need all you can muster to justify your drug addiction to the board.
I told Reina that I was sorrry for it and she was still pissed
I, for one, am shocked. After all, she was only the sister of the individual whose character and reputation you so viciously smeared. It's amazing that she didn't ask you to lay the pipe to her after such a heartfelt apology.

The rest of the babbling you posted doesn't merit a response.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

RumpleForeskin wrote:Ok. This is a picture of me when I was ...

I appreciate your candid camera-ness. When you decide to sober up, I want you to be real and fess up that you married a fat fuckin' hog. I know some dudes are into fatties, but yours is pretty fucking fat.Big titties don't matter when you have to strap a board to yer ass to keep from getting sucked into a pussy.

Oh, and Wags' daughter is banging a bigger stud dyke with a bigger crank than Wags has at this moment in time. She/he is laughing at her dad/sperm donor.
BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.
Moving Sale

Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Moving Sale »

PSUFAN wrote:I posted a pic of myself mooning the camera, and my ass rind was visible.
LOTS of people have laughed their asses off at that stupid move.
I should have never let the other posters wear 'lifts' in their photos with me.
LOTS of people have laughed their asses off at that stupid move.
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Re: What happened to the Fresno guys?

Post by Atomic Punk »

PSUFAN wrote:
Put up your pic douchebag. I've yet to see the fuck ups that cast the first stone post their pics. I've met many a fool from here. Don't tell me they are pretty boys either.
I'm actually laughing aloud at this stuff. You're still begging people for their pics, Motel 6 Secret boy?

Rumple posted a pic of his fat wife. We all have gotten some good laughs out of it. I posted a pic of myself mooning the camera, and my ass rind was visible. LOTS of people have laughed their asses off at that stupid move.

Are either of those worse than dressing in women's underwear and posing like a 15 y/o camwhore?

I know it was going to take a pretty big event to top some of your other capers...but goddamn if you weren't more than up to the task.

KFC Paul appreciates you going IKYABWAI? Geezus faggot Dave, you have no cred and you are still a lying piece of shit. Look at what you just wrote and tell me your fat momma isn't named KFC Paula.

BSmack wrote:Best. AP take. Ever.

Seriously. I don't disagree with a word of it.