Now that the season is over, I think it is time to begin nominations for the 2007 post season award for Board Bitch. While schmuck seemed to have a lock on it with his wishing harm on Dennis Dixon, trix may have trumped him with his tuck tail and run.
I'll put schmuck and trix in the poll. If anyone else feels there is a worthy candidate, post them here.
Board Bitch 2007
Oh, and after you vote, post your reasoning below. The victor may want to keep the press clippings for memoribilia sake.
Hold on there cowboys. All trojan fuck did was with death on some one. He did not put up half the numbers that trix monkey did. Plus Buc rexie was just sic in his new years day melt day which proceeded his turn tail and run play. That, compuonded by the fact that EVERYONE knows he will resurface once UF does something makes me shot RE-COUNT.
Fuck the ACLU. It will always be Merry Christmas to me.
Nolesy wrote:Hold on there cowboys. All trojan fuck did was with death on some one. He did not put up half the numbers that trix monkey did. Plus Buc rexie was just sic in his new years day melt day which proceeded his turn tail and run play. That, compuonded by the fact that EVERYONE knows he will resurface once UF does something makes me shot RE-COUNT.
Killian wrote:To be fair to Trixie, he PM'd me well before the bowl game asking to be deactivated.
To be fair to the board, let me break this down:
Trix, after the umteenth ass kicking, e-mails a moderator with intent to de-activate. Trix, anticipates K trying to talk him out of it thus fullfilling his hidden agenda to obtain affirmation and secure a promise from K that others will place nice with him.
Fuck the ACLU. It will always be Merry Christmas to me.
Killian wrote:To be fair to Trixie, he PM'd me well before the bowl game asking to be deactivated.
That makes me feel a little better about it. I was worried since he didn't get deactivated until after the new year that there would be a technicality that the duck and run would not be in play for the 2007 race. Since the initial request was done prior to 1/1/08, it qualifies. Thanks for removing all doubt.
I mean, just stop posting. If you're so worried that you're going to lose control and start posting again against your will then it'd be pretty easy to register a new handle.
Your missing the point. There is no drama associated with simply not posting any longer. You gain no attention or sympathy with that move. I see it just as clear as my 14 year old daughter "giggling" when a boy she likes comes around.
Guess you have to be a parent to recognize a childs ways.
Fuck the ACLU. It will always be Merry Christmas to me.
I'm jumping in a little late but let me get this straight. He PM some mod and asked to have his account shut down?
He couldn't just stop posting?
Its amazing how some of us on this board, despite our differences, are all essentially of the same thread. Yet this guy, well, different doesn't even do him justice.
He's a bitch, pure and simple. He belongs on a Gator homer board. He can't handle objective analysis. He can't handle a little harmless smack.
Once his homer opinions are shattered (Exhibit A: '08 Capital One Bowl), he has nothing more to add to any conversation. His vanishing was inevitable. But the fact that he made it known by deactivating his account re-emphasizes the magnitude of his board bitchdom.
“My dentist, that’s another beauty, my dentist, you kiddin’ me. It cost me five thousand dollars to have all new teeth put in. Now he tells me I need braces!” —Rodney Dangerfield
Sky wrote:I'm jumping in a little late but let me get this straight. He PM some mod and asked to have his account shut down?
He couldn't just stop posting?
Its amazing how some of us on this board, despite our differences, are all essentially of the same thread. Yet this guy, well, different doesn't even do him justice.
That's what I tried to tell him, time and time again. I told him that the difference between him and everyone else is that everyone else has no problem taking a critical look at their own team. He never demonstrated that ability. Much like m2, Babs, etc.
"Well, my wife assassinated my sexual identity, and my children are eating my dreams." -Louis CK
Triixies next post something like this.....Hi, I'm new to this board but love college football. A friend of mine told me this would be a good place for me to dicuss CF.......Yea, I'm a Florida gator fan and I think the SEC rules......sincerily, Brex.......