You couldn't or wouldn't answer the questions and you have been continually wrong or misinformed throughout this thread.
In order for history to repeat itself, somebody would have to be claiming that the Iranian boats attacked our ships. How fucking hard is that to figure out?
or claiming to attack our boats.. You were wrong here!
There are no similarities or possibilities. This incident is not being used as a justification for military action against Iran nor was there any attack in this incident either real or alleged ergo there is no similarity.
Wrong Again!
There are no similarities or possibilities. This incident is not being used as a justification for military action against Iran nor was there any attack in this incident either real or alleged ergo there is no similarity.
- There was threat of attack and the US did fire upon the enemy! Wrong again!
4) inability to reply to each line. WRONG on 5 counts!
*1) Both incidents are in Gulfs! Gulf of Tonkin.. Persian Gulf
Do you believe that the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Tonkin are both Gulfs?
Yes or No
*2) Both incidents involved US Ships versus a hostile enemies' boats.
Do you believe that both incidents involved US Ships and enemy boats?
Yes or No
*3) The Pentagon in both incidents allege hostile actions by the enemies' boats.
Do you believe that in both incidents that the Pentagon is alleging hostile actions by the enemies boats?
Yes or No
*4) The Pentagon considered both incidents "serious".
Do you believe that in both incidents that the Pentagon considered the incidents as "serious"?
Yes or No
*5) Both Incidents can be considered justification for war. The Gulf of Tonkin incident is considered to be the justification for war against North Viet Nam. If there is any stated hostile actions from Iranian boats upon US Navy Ships... that would be our justification for going to war with IRAQ.
Do you believe that the Gulf of Tonkin is considered the justification for the Viet Nam war?
Yes or No
Do you believe that if Iran's boats attacked US Ships it would be considered justification for war with Iran?
Yes or No
A. NOBODY is alleging that our ships were actually attacked.
B. NOBODY is attempting to use this incident to justify the use of force against Iran.
C. EVERYBODY thinks you're a fucking tard.
a)It depends on how you define attack, dropping items in the ocean and broadcasting that "You will explode", is in my opnion an attack or at least a threat of attack!
b) Read the newspapaers and internet articles. WRONG!
c) Not EVERYBODY thinks I am a fucking tard. but most tards do! So, you are wrong again!
Outstanding. You've just topped Jack for dumb motherfucker of the day.
No risks at all associated with Iran blockading the Straights of Hormuz, sponsoring Islamist terrorism or developing nuclear weapons. Nope it's all just a figment of some unscrupulous war profiteer's imagination.
Take 1 side of this argument. not both sides.
US Navy fired warning at Iranian craft
My initial point, which you disagreed with and all you could do is smack without the intelligence to back, was that this incident in the Gulf is similar to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.
The United States have lodged a formal diplomatic protest with Iran over an incident Sunday in which Iranian speedboats harassed U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf. Adm. William J. Fallon, the top U.S. military commander in the Mideast, said Friday that Iran runs the risk of triggering an
unintended conflict if its boats continue to harass U.S. warships in the strait.
I still stand by that point and I do not see how you can't see the similarities. To me, you lack intelligence if you cannot see the similarites.
msnbc article
FoxNews article- Bush Condemns Iranian Threat to World Security
"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere," Bush said. "So the United States is strengthening our long-standing security commitments with our friends in the Gulf, and rallying friends around the world to confront this danger before it is too late."
Earlier Sunday in Bahrain, U.S. Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff, commander of the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, which patrols the Gulf, told Bush that he took it "deadly seriously" when an Iranian fleet of high-speed boats on January 6 charged at and threatened to blow up a three-ship U.S. Navy convoy passing near Iranian waters