poptart wrote:The curriculum is decided upon by the local district.
The people, under the Constitution, are to have FREEDOM to educate their children in a manner decided upon by THEM, not the fed gov.
The government is merely there to protect the people.
No real disagreement there. As a matter of fact I think NCLB is a joke. You?
If there is a largely muslim community, and the district (the PEOPLE) have decided that they wish to educate their kids and use the koran as a 'guide' for the education process, more power to 'em.
When religion takes the place of essential curriculum elements IE classes REQUIRED To prepare kids for a college education and a future career, I disagree. Further more, if 51% of the people decide this, you've got a SERIOUS problem on your hands. Majority? Bullshit.
I'm not a bigot.
We know. You're a race traitor, though.
They can talk about the koran, respect the koran, reference the koran.
Nothing that is happening there is establishing Islam as a relgion.
And if a parent in the district does not like the education situation he has two choices.
1. leave
2. grow a pair of balls
Leaving is not always a viable option for people who have family, roots, jobs in the area.
And now you're altering the tone of your argument. There is a BIG difference between comprehending the structure and history of a religion, and teaching it to potential converts. Once you begin teaching beliefs, you ARE establishing religion.
The Day that knowledge of religions becomes required reading at colleges and universities, I'm voting yes to teaching, but NOT preaching.
However the Bible, The Koran, etc. etc. etc. are currently not higher educational REQUIREMENTS, unless you are planning on entering the associate priesthoods of the above named religions. English, Math, Science, etc etc. are basic requirements of ALL college and universities.
Do you expect school districts would be able to hire religion teachers that wouldn't try to recruit through teaching? Are you kidding? That would the #1 GOAL of every religion, to get a teacher in there to RECRUIT.
Why should I have my kids waste time learning something that will bring them NO benefit for their future? If they were brought up right, they don't need any religion as a moral compass, and if they are curious about religions, there are many ways to learn without replacing key courses with an "All About Allah Hour"
Do you actually think that there wouldn't be lawsuits and major fights over who gets to have what religion taught if 51% of people voted their religion into the classroom? Religion has a way of bringing out the hate in people. Math hardly ever does that, except maybe at a really competitive math meet.
If a child has that level of interest, perhaps a Catholic or Muslim school would be more appropriate, just the same as Military training. You don't go to public school to be a Soldier. You shouldn't go there to be a priest, or a wide eyed follower.
Teaching about religion and war as part of a history curriculum wouldn't be out of line, as long as all other mandated requirements were met. Students who wanted to meet in a non school sponsored bible study class should be able to, but taxpayer dollars should not pay to educate them, and campuses should not be turned into a Religious food court.
I feel the same way about languages. I don't want my kids wasting time learning Latin, or French. Both are a total waste of time in America. Spanish has become the only practical second language to learn, thanks to the silent Mexican invasion.
Now THERE's a group of people who know who to fuck a voting bloc into existence.