88 wrote:I know you took up reading and writing relatively late in life, but you're going to have to do some of it if you are going to effectively debate on a message board. Just sayin.
Because you appear to have missed it the first time, here is what I wrote:
88 wrote:Why oh why can't the Ohio Legislature grant me the right to carry a goddamned baseball bat and deliver beat downs to societal fuckstains that need it?
I didn't threaten anyone.
I guess you must have taken up reading comprehension late in life.
Call it an implied threat or maybe a conditional threat. Not that it matters. I prefer to think of it as the idle spewings of someone who has no intention of helping remediate the problem but who wants the world to think he's some kind of tough guy.
And your post underscores why you are widely regarded as a complete douchebag. Why should the school district bear any responsibility for a criminal assault? Perhaps because it hasn't yet assigned a policeman to walk next to every child in the school at all times so that he/she can jump in and stop criminal assaults that might happen? Seriously, dipshit, just take a minute to think about what you wrote. How many cops would you have to put in every school building to thwart potential criminal assaults? At a minimum, there would have to be one in every room, every hallway and on every playground where any children were present at all times. How many cops patrolled the hallways and classrooms of your elementary school, Einstein?
You would not need THAT many cops. In fact, were school security on site when this boy's tutoring session had ended, there very well might not have been an attack. Which begs the question, why is the building open without security on site? And furthermore, why is it that only 2 of the 3 students implicated in the attack are being recommended for expulsion?
But hey, keep calling people names and making idle gestures about what you would do with a baseball bat if only the Ohio legislature would let you. I'm sure THAT will help that boy out.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
- Antonio Brown