Good thread, Mace.
I was thinking about posting this in a new topic tonight, but I'll post it here:
Great expectations
Tired of hearing about the failures of the public schools? Well, here's an idea that works.
Now in its third year, Tulsa's Knowledge Is Power Program Academy takes middle school students from some of Tulsa's worst schools and changes their lives.
Last year, 75 percent of the school's sixth graders scored satisfactory or advanced on the state's annual math test -- the third highest passing percentage in the district.
Only 40 percent of the sixth graders in the schools that the KIPP students would have attended made the same marks on the test. In other words, KIPP kids went from the bottom half of their grade to the top quarter.
On the sixth-grade reading test, 60 percent of KIPP students scored satisfactory or advanced -- sixth best among 15 Tulsa Public Schools' middle schools -- compared to the 47 percent in surrounding schools.
Duplicating KIPP's success starts with expectations.
Principal Millard House II constantly talks to his students about their future -- in college.
A banner in the school's sixth-grade hallway says, ''Class of 2014.'' That's a reference to the kids' college freshman year, not their high school senior year, House says.
Under the banner, 13-year-olds stand quietly in their KIPP Academy uniforms between classes -- and read.
They aren't soulless robots. They're just busy learning in an environment where normal school antics aren't acceptable.
House said the culture shift is difficult for incoming fifth-graders. He brings the students into the school ahead of classes and makes clear what behavior isn't accepted.
Every day he reminds the students of those expectations.
Public policy implication No. 1: Discipline can be maintained in a public school setting, and students will respond.
KIPP's brochure puts it bluntly: ''There are no shortcuts.''
The school day is longer. The school week is longer. The school year is longer. Saturdays and summertime are school time for KIPP kids.
Every child can expect two hours of homework nightly.
An average Tulsa middle school student is in class 1,170 hours a year. At KIPP, it's 1,878 hours a year. It doesn't take a KIPP student to figure out that's 60 percent more.
Public policy implication No. 2: More time in school leads to better results.
House says KIPP's success starts with ''rock star'' teachers.
The teachers are motivated and energetic. You can see it when you see them working with the students.
Rock stars come at a price.
The longer calendar and higher demands on teachers means the KIPP faculty members earn about 30 percent more than most Oklahoma teachers. The school raises the money to pay for that salary bump.
Public policy implication No. 3: If you pay teachers more and give them an environment where they can succeed, you attract better teachers.
In his office, House has the most compelling evidence of the school's potential.
It's a three-ring binder chock full of students on the waiting list to get into the school, including kindergartners who want to enter the fifth grade class of 2013.
That's the college freshman class of 2021.
Public policy implication No. 4: Public schools can work, if they're given a chance.