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Post by Nacho »

This past Sat. my wife informed me that we were meeting friends to see a movie as I was getting out of the shower. My first thought was that this could be a long day. The only movies she will watch are the romantic comedy type. So as we are heading out I ask her what we are going to see and she says 27 dresses.... I nearly turned the car around but kept going because she said there might be a chance I would be able to see a different movie with her friends husband. This gave me just enough hope that I could see something with a little action in it.

As it turns out we show up and I was able to see an action film with her friends husband. Which was great but we only had one choice at the time for the movie to go to. Rambo.

First up this movie was violent and graphic. Just imagine the first part of Saving Private Ryan lasting for an entire movie. As I described it to my wife it was about killing. No not really killing more destroying people with a 50 cal machine gun.

It was set that Rambo leads a team of missionaries to Burma for medical relief. He ends up hearing they were captured and decides to go with a team of mercinaries to rescue them. They decided to go more the way of "First Blood" and really limited how much dialog Rambo would have. Which only helped the movie. Overall it's not bad, and I would say of the Rambo movies it rates at the second best of all of them after First blood.

Maybe it was because I didn't have to see 27 dresses and maybe it was because of how my wife told me about the movie she watched that had me feeling good for being able to see Rambo's latest....
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Re: Rambo

Post by PSUFAN »

I know this is a ridiculous question...but how horrible was Stallone?
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Re: Rambo

Post by Nacho »

PSUFAN wrote:I know this is a ridiculous question...but how horrible was Stallone?
Well you kind of expect it to be bad so you are prepared for it when you get there. It wasn't as bad as it could have been as they really kept him quiet most of the movie.

For what it was it was good. Maybe not worth the full ticket but at least a matinee.
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Re: Rambo

Post by Mike the Lab Rat »

Nacho wrote:For what it was it was good. Maybe not worth the full ticket but at least a matinee.
Soooo....would you say that it was definitely worth renting on DVD?

As opposed to completely skipping it, I mean.
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Re: Rambo

Post by Nacho »

Mike the Lab Rat wrote:
Nacho wrote:For what it was it was good. Maybe not worth the full ticket but at least a matinee.
Soooo....would you say that it was definitely worth renting on DVD?

As opposed to completely skipping it, I mean.
Depends on the home set up of course. If you saw Saving Private Ryan in the theater and then at home you can tell the difference in the action and how you may feel part of it. I think Rambo will be a bit like that, as most war movies are.

If you have a sweet set up at home then wait for it on DVD.
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Re: Rambo

Post by RumpleForeskin »

His final speech in the police station in First Blood was his most epic acting IMO. Everything just went downhill from there.
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Re: Rambo

Post by RumpleForeskin »

Finally saw this flick last night. The carnage is off the charts. Not much dialogue, but they get the job done as far as simplistic entertainment value goes.

The parts I LOVED about II and III was when it was just him against the Russians in one-on-one combat. I'm talking about the part where he disguises himself in the mud and jumps out and cuts the throat of that Russian. That was some bad ass shit in II. Then, in III where he takes each guy out in the cave. You get that in First Blood too when the dogs and the 5 cops track him. Again, bad ass shit.

Here in IV, you don't get any of that really. The carnage comes in bunches, but I'd have to say for what Sly was trying to do, it gets the job done. Decent flick.
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Re: Rambo

Post by King Crimson »

so, this was or wasn't the thinking man's Rambo flick we were led to believe?

just wouldn't be the same for me without Dick Crenna.
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Re: Rambo

Post by Bobby42 »

RumpleForeskin wrote:His final speech in the police station in First Blood was his most epic acting IMO. Everything just went downhill from there.
Great dialog all around, especially between Richard Crenna and Brian Dennehy.
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Re: Rambo

Post by Rack Fu »

King Crimson wrote:so, this was or wasn't the thinking man's Rambo flick we were led to believe?
Was not... at all. It was a pure action flick from start to finish with a few grunts from Stallone. Basically, your average porn movie has a better plot and dialogue.

I can appreciate cheesy action flicks as much as the next guy but this movie fucking sucked.
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