Some sincere advice, Mace -- eject.
Mace wrote:
I'll save you some further research -- if a state's laws are anything like Oregon, you need to have the top-ranking cop in your county/municipality sign off on it, too.
That's for your concealed gun permit, not registering offensive weapons with the ATF. In Iowa, the County Sheriff issues concealed weapon permits after the applicant has successfully completed a gun safety class.
I'll type slowly -- you need to fill out paperwork and get approval, THEN the head of the jurisdiction's law enforcement has to sign off on it. The ATF just wants to make sure you're not a terrrrrist or whatsuch, and that the IRS gets their $200. The local police chief/sheriff is probably going to look into the security of the property it will be stored in, non-movable safe for when the resident isn't home, etc.
Define "greased the wheels of the IRS", dumbass, and what that might have to do with getting a machine gun registered with the ATF.
OK, I'll type double-secret slowly this time.
To register a machine gun or a silenced gun, you need to get permission from the ATF. Before the permits are issued, the applicant needs to cut the IRS a check for $200. Last I checked, those history books weren't keeping the Gun Control Act of 1934 a secret.
Since you really are this fucking ignorant, I'll even try and educate you -- the reason was that Thompsons (aka Tommy Gun) were readily available at that time. At ~$75 a whack, they were considered a novelty, and an expensive one at that. But couple a rapid-fire .45 with Prohibition (aka "government begging for organized crime"), and add a heaping dose of Al Capone (Thompson's best customer at the time, who was outfitting a small army with Thompsons at the time), and you've got a lot of dead cops and people getting dead standing up to the mob. But during the Depression, cops coming up with $75 a hit in the gangster arms race was cost-prohibitive. Hence, a $200 tax on the sale of machine guns, which enabled law enforcement to buy two for every one the mob purchased. That law is still on the books today.
Get it? Greasing the wheels of the IRS has EVERYTHING to do with legally obtaining a machine gun. It was the
entire fucking purpose of registering full-autos with the feds at the time. Although your willingness to look fucking stupid for that odd chance you might be able to finally get over on Dinsdale is pretty fucking funny, in a rather sad way.
And again, if one takes care of the paperwork, there's no restrictions where I live outside of said paperwork. That paperwork must accompany the gun at all times.
Tard -- I've shot legally registered machine guns (none of them mine. Major freaking testosterone blast-btw). I've shot silenced pistols, also perfectly legal. But if it makes you feel better, there's even cops around here as ignorant as you, including one who tried to confiscate a friends full-auto and arrest him... didn't end well for the cop.
You've fully clowned yourself, dude.