The other issue is with the forced match-ups where you get people who have no clue about each other facing off. "Hey, I don't know you or anything about you but I'll just assume you suck". As far as assumptions go that's not a bad one all things considered, but still it lacks what I feel the smack-off is really looking for.
My proposed format would be something along these lines:
Let the posters who want to enter, enter. Put a limit somewhere around 32 if the demand gets crazy. Then like the old school WWF Royal Rumble you let everyone into the ring at the same time and let the madness commence. There would be one main thread for all entrants to post in. In addition to the judges we'd assign a referee for the event. If during the course of the free for all the ref deems 2 posters to be locking up they can start a spin-off thread for only the posters in question to take their fight to. That spin-off thread can go on for no more than 1 page, at which point in time they must cease and re-enter the main fray. If 1 poster is getting piled-on by multiple posters then that poster will simply get buttfucked in the mouth until everyone tires of the bloody mess.
This will go on for a timeframe of 3 weeks. Any participant with less than 6 posts, regardless of quality, is automatically out. That means those who can't devote a solid 48 hour chunk of time need to get 2 measly posts in per week to compete. Everyone with 6+ posts is up for review by the judges, and any and all spin-off threads are to be included in the judging. From the original field a final four will be chosen to battle it out for the title.
The longer timeframe and more wide open format should allow for people to get a better sense of who it is exactly that they're smacking. It also opens up more opportunities for counter-punches and pile-ons, two elements generally lacking from the contrived/truncated "battles" we're seeing now.
*the benefit of the doubt is being given to assume "real life" got in the way for the no-shows and not lack of testicular fortitude