War Wagon wrote:mvscal wrote:...niggrified
War Wagon wrote:Good lord, where do you come up with this stuff?
In my house, it's known as "crickified", after the '60's slur "moon cricket". Calling nogs crickets makes it so that the OL and I can drop slurs in front of the kids, all while maintaining our air of parental responsibility. :D
Anywho, that word normally gets dropped at Casa de OC when some chick is singing a song like the national anthem and ends it with "...O'er the land of the FREEEEEEEEEEE and the home of the bra-ay-AY-ay-AY-ay-AY-ay-AY-ay-AY-ay-ay-ayve.
OCOL: That was actually pretty good until she crickified it at the end.
BTW, it's amazing that the OL is as non-bigoted as she is. Not that she's not bigoted(we all are to some degree), just that it's amazing she's not
worse, considering how bad her old man is. I used to hate taking the kids over to her OM's place because he'd drop n-bombs left and right. He'd never do it in front of them, but it's not like they can't hear him when they're in the next room.
Among other things, one of his favorite things to do is refer to L.A. as "Ni...ggertown".
One day he was on the phone with some black customer service chick with the Social Security Administration bitching about not getting his check. He finally got pissed off after not hearing what he wanted to and said, "Lemme ask you something... What part of Nig...gertown are you from?"
Fast-forward about two years... The OL was carpooling with this fat black chick that had started working at the same company. They start yakking about previous places that she's worked. The black chick says that the worst job she's ever had was when she worked customer service for the SSA. She says, "Do you know that one day I had this pissed-off old man on the phone ask me what part of Nig...gertown I was from? I hated that job." The OL about choked on her tongue. Small world...