So?poptart wrote:The 'fundamentalists' don't deny that any of the Bible is God's Word.
You do .... and LARGE portions of it.
Like I said, cherry-picking is cherry-picking.poptart wrote:Stop trying to act like you're doing the very same thing that they do.
Rationalize it all you want, but your choice to completely disregard large portions of Mosaic Law based on St. Paul and your own 20th/21st century education and culture is really no different from my choosing to disregard portions of the OT (and Paul) based on my 20th/21st century education and culture. Spin it any way you want, but you're still shopping for what parts of "God's eternal and inerrant" Word to obey. The Bible is so frewaking huge and full of self-contradictions that church leaders and religious folk of all stripes have done all kinds of theological and logical contortions and gymnastics to defend their whackass denominational contentions.
It reminds me of the old George Carlin bit (about the Roman Church in the late 50's) pronouncing "THIS LAW IS ETERNAL...except for THIS WEEK!!"
Nobody? Obviously a whole bunch of people buy into it, since Biblical literalism is outside the mainstream of Christianity.poptart wrote:Nobody's buying it.
I could argue that you and the Mormons are in the same boat in that you all cling deperately to claims that are completely disputed by scientific and historical facts. There's literally NO difference between their idiotic claims that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel, that a resurrected Jesus appeared to the Injuns, etc. and the just plain silly claims that a talking snake duped two nekkid folks in an actual garden into eating magic fruit. None.poptart wrote:You're in the same boat as mormons, Mike, except that they've added to the Word, and you've subtracted from it.
Other than anything remotely resembling reason.poptart wrote:'Fundamentalists' haven't subtracted ANYTHING.
Churchy folk fought heliocentrism because it allegedly contradicted Scripture. Churchy folk fought the classification of whales as fish (and the whole science of classification) because THAT allegedly contradicted Scripture. Now, the descendants of those numbnuts are trying to fight the same dopey battle with regards to evolution. All because of this nutty belief that "if any one part of the Bible is shown to be wrong...THE WHOLE DANGED THANG IS CALLED INTO QUESTION!!!" The fact that there are indisputable scientific and historical errors in the Bible doesn't in any way, shape, or form, diminish its authority in matters of faith, moral, and our relationship with God.
Oh, and a "shoutout" to Dio:
You wanted a non-Urantia site that agrees with Paul corrupting and contradicting Christ's message?
Here ya go, from a skeptic site: ... aint-paul/
and here's a related site: ... -of-jesus/
Apparently Bart Ehrman isn't a big fan of Paul, from what I've scanned.