Let the games begin

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Re: Let the games begin

Post by Bobby42 »

As long as the price of cigarettes and beer remain constant they'll be no issues this summer.
However, if The Man drives those prices up things could get dicey.

Interesting to note if the cops shot off 50 rounds were they finished or did they run out of ammo? Also, don't feel too sorry for Sean Bell. Dude and his friends got hammered and go to a strip club. Probably enjoyed a lap dance or maybe a private booth in the VIP room. Hours later he was supposed to be taking his wedding vows.

Regarding Sharpton's promise to shut down the city. Let him prance around Harlem all he wants because nothing shuts down The Big Apple.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by OCmike »

What I find particularly amusing about Sharpton's presence is that two of the cops were balck! Clearly he's forgotten his role.

BTW, Bobby I found it pretty hilarious that we're supposed to feel any sort of sympathy from some dude who is stupid enough to go to a strip club to get sucked off by an AIDS-riddled whore and happens to get his dumbass shot. :lol:

I also love how people are complaining about the number of bullets. Yeah, the one dude who loaded and emptied a second clip probably took things a bit to far (ya think?), but it's not like he would've lived if they'd only shot him five times, either. Cops shoot to kill and always have. You'd think that ghetto nogs would know that by now, considering how many of them have been drilled by the 5-0.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by OCmike »

If this were another Rodney King, where it was a bunch of white guys ganging up on one black guy, then sure...you're probably right. But this is a case of excessive force, not one of someone's "civil rights being violated."

Sharpton only got a few hundred to turn out at his headquarters and you think there's going to be "mass rioting"? If so, wouldn't the "mass" have shown up for Sharpton's rally?

Also, the victim here, and I'm using that word loosely today, was hardly a sympathetic figure. He spent his last few moments before his wedding day getting a nut at one of the sleaziest places a guy can go.

Amadu Diallo I felt bad for. Dude got killed while reaching for his wallet and was essentially shot for being a nog. That shouldn't happen.

Rodney King I felt bad for. Even though he was a crack smoking piece of human dogshit and was walking like frankenstein even after being tazed, nobody deserves to be beaten until they talk with a twitch for the rest of their lives, after just being pulled over for driving while nog. Wait, he rolled in a Hyundai Excel...I take it all back.

Sean Bell?...not so much. Any guy that spends his last night of single-hood getting completely pasted at a strip bar in a seedy part of town is a complete douchebag. Know what I did the night before my wedding? I went to bed. The last thing I was going to do is stand up in front of my friends and family swaying back and forth and reeking of bad booze and stripper cooze. I got shitfaced with my friends the weekend before my wedding, but had enough class not to do it the night before.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by smackaholic »

Nothing will come of this. If all three cops were white, they'd be locked up by now. If I ran the NYPD or any other urban PD, I would do everything I could to see to it that white/black cops were teamed together. It can avoid alot of grief.

One other thing I'd do. Plenty of time on the range. 50 fucking rounds? gimme a break.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by Bobby42 »

Toddowen wrote:
smackaholic wrote: I would do everything I could to see to it that white/black cops were teamed together. It can avoid alot of grief.
If that's the future of law enforcement, count me out. I've had enough of working along side of people of color to last me out for the rest of my days. I'll include Polacks in there too, just to show that it's more than the color of what's on the surface.
That is why we fail as a society. Let's continue to be intolerant of each other, disrespect one another and continue down the path of apathy. We don't have to like each other but we sure as hell have to work with one another.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by Wolfman »

We don't have to like each other but we sure as hell have to work with one another.

A big AMEN from SW FL, brother !
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by Bobby42 »

Toddowen wrote:
Wolfman wrote:We don't have to like each other but we sure as hell have to work with one another.

A big AMEN from SW FL, brother !
It's easy to feel that way when you're in retirement. You don't have to work next to a babbling hyena day after day, week after week, month after month, etc....until you can no longer stand it.
..and, everyone else has to deal with you as well; day after day, week after week and month after month.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by Arch Angel »

I've moved on and up. I doubt very much that any of those fuckheads has or ever will.

My boss is a Nog and he is treating me like trailer park trash that I am. I despise blacks so much because they earned their promotion and I am stuck with same position due to my GED.

.. I don't know who is worse, you or Pickle.
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Re: Let the games begin

Post by RadioFan »

Toddowen wrote:HELTER SKELTER....it's coming down fast.
Yeah, this worked out about as well as a relationship with a 13-year-old.



Btw, shouldn't you be starting a thread like this during the Olympics, when your team is in first place?

You're slipping, my friend, and slipping badly.
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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