Owner of a $70,000 flyover palace wrote:...Stockton, Riverside-San Bernardino, Fresno, Sacramento and Bakersfield...
You've described basically every shit city in CA. In other words, they're the last ones to have real estate prices go up and the first and worst to get hit when they go down.
Stockton: An industrial/port city that has had a horrible, widespread gang problem since the 1980’s. Great place to raise kids.
Riverside-San Bernardino: This is where the majority of illegals with no ties in East LA or OC move to. Bad gang problem here too, just a different race causing the problems. Oh, and it not only has a wonderfully horrid stink to it, due to nearby cow pastures and farm fields, but the San Bernardino Mountains go basically straight up out of the ground, blocking in the smog that travels east from LA along with whatever they contribute from the local area. Pretty much the entire place is one big shithole, which is why so many former Tijuana residents must feel right at home.
Fresno: Um, others have been over this several times, and anyone with an ounce of sense would NEVER buy a high-priced house there. Um…it’s Fresno.
Sacramento: Not a bad place to live if you don’t mind weeks of 100+ weather (including several days around 115) in the summer, stifling humidity, the fetid odor of rotting tomatoes on the freeways when trucks take a corner too fast from June-August, rotting farm fields, burning rice fields, and a general lower class standard of living, ‘cept for where the NBA players live.
Bakersfield: Half of the city stinks because they have cow pastures and the other half stinks because the wind blows the magnificent smell over to their side of town. Much like Fresno, if you spent more than $100,000 for a house here, you’re a fucking retard.
Why don’t you try slapping up some stats about real estate in areas that aren’t complete shitholes and then we can have a reasonable discussion. Hell, I’m
from here and even *I’m* not going to try to defend those places.