Why did Obama quit his church?

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Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by trev »

The Obama's are now looking for another church. Big mistake to be involved in such a political church to begin with. No way he recovers from this one. The Dems would be better off trotting Hillary out there instead of Barrack.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by Dinsdale »

First, let it be known I think the Dems have rolled out two complete assclowns.

That said, in debating the lesser of evils --

Obama separated himself from those he associated with in the past who aren't acting in his, or the country's best interest.

Hillary has done no such thing to distance herself from the insurance industry. In fact, she's adamant about taking money out of your pocket through (il)legal mandate (which part of the Constitution grants the fed that power again?), and give it to her pet insurance companies, at your expense.

Of course, some of us believe free market competition is good for American consumers and the American economy, and believe that while you people are very very dumb (sup 8 years), you're still in a better position to decide what the best course of action is when it comes to you and your family's health care needs, rather that having some criminal asswipes in Washington decide what you and the insurance companies' options are. Matter of fact, before the government started doing your thinking for you (1973, IIRC), the USA had by far the best, most affordable health care/medicine in the world, bar none. Now, our health care is the laughingstock of all developed nations. A truly spectacular feat when you think about it, since America still has superior technology, superior research, and better resources. All that going for us, and (illegal) government has managed to send the USA from 1st place (although it's not really a competition), to dead last amongst developed nations in 35 short years, despite the far superior infrastructure for success.

It's amazing to me what a high percentage of tards are incapable from learning the lessons history paints so loudly and clearly.

Since 1973, the number of health care dollars that involve the fed was near zero, and the health care was the envy of the entire world. Now, between Medicare, Medicade, and other government bullshit, I'm told about 2/3rds of every health care dollar in America passes through government hands.

Math time, sheeple --

If 0% federal involvement = cheap æffective health care... and 67% fed involvement = complete disaster...

Your idea on how to solve the "crisis" is to increase that number to 100%?


No, really?

Way to be the textbook "child left behind," you math-whizzes, you.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by JayDuck »

All 3 candidates are extremely flawed even within their own bases.

But, despite what current polls are showing angry hillary supporters and feminists saying about not voting for Obama in the general, if Hillary were actually trotted out as the winner, I think you'd see even more of an angry swell of voters against Hillary.

Obama is the better choice for the Democrats, though obviously neither choice is ideal. They are fortunate that they are going up against the gimpiest candidate the GOP had to offer, leaving them a chance.

Right now you have supporters of each candidate saying they'll vote republican if their candidate isn't elected. You have more on Hillary's side saying that. But, reality is that Hillary's cleaning up on the Latino, female, old, poor and uneducated vote. Obama's cleaning up the Black, young, educated and wealthy vote.

Now, after the dust settles fromt he primary, which of these groups are seriously most likely to stray? Uneducated white, "Regan Democrats" have a good chance of going there. Latinos? No way are they going to vote against Democrats who aren't going to crack down on illegals. The threat by the Feminists is nothing but an empty threat. One debate where pro-choice/pro-life gets brought up is all it will take to scare them away from the GOP.

Obama's supporters, on the other hand, being wealthy and educated actually have some financial gain by voting republican. Plus he's also got a bunch of new young and black voters, who probably just won't show up to vote at all if Obama's not there.

Hillary's doing her best to hurt the Democrats chances this election, and she's doing a good job. Before this whole thing started, hillary was probably a good choice, but, at this point, despite her arguments to the contrary, she's the least electable candidate of the 3. She couldn't beat Obama in the primary and has become a laughing stock.

The democrats need to hope that enough of Hillary's supporters stick around after Obama's named the nominee. Its really their only chance. If Hillary is the nominee, there definitely won't be enough Obama supporters that will stick around, or even vote.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by Cuda »

All Welfare bought us was more Darkies too, btw

Obigot quit his "church" out of political expediency, of course.

And we can count on several differing explanations over the next few days until the Obigot camp settles on the one the most people are buying into.

It isn't so much that he got where he's at because he's blacvk as it is that if he were white, he couldn't even get elected to Chicago's City Council.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by poptart »

To answer the question, trev, he quit the church because he was between a rock and a hard place.
Leaving the church looks to be, in his view, the best of two very bad options at this point in time.

Watching that congregation's orgasmic reaction to guest 'Father' Pfleger's demented rantings only further cemented within any rational person's mind the fact that Obama has been, at the very least, guilty of extremely poor judgement ... for 20 years ... lol, in choosing and maintaining a 'house of worship' for his family.

But of course the truth of the matter is that he associated himself and his family with that church because it served him well in rising up through the political ranks.

The fact that it has now come back to bite him in the @ss isn't too funnay or anything.

Hitlery might be a better option for the dems now, true, but only marginally.

They both blow dick big-time.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by Dr_Phibes »

Dinsdale wrote: Matter of fact, before the government started doing your thinking for you (1973, IIRC), the USA had by far the best, most affordable health care/medicine in the world, bar none. Now, our health care is the laughingstock of all developed nations.
I'm having trouble with this - you're saying that medical care was superior, prior to state involvement - and things have gone to hell in a handbasket.

Then you say that you're a laughingstock of developed nations who employ healthcare sytems that rely heavily on state funding.

You're conflicted there, who is your fight with? Do you have a problem with the entire concept of state (as in national) or government involvement, across the board? Or just the American version?
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote: McCain is all for wide open borders. He was the author of the Senate amnesty bill last year.

Onogga is a fringe candidate at best.
Open borders? Yeah, but when directly asked, both Clinton and Obama have stated that they won't be cracking down on "sanctuary cities". Assuming McCain actually intends to gather some republican votes, I don't think he'll be making that same claim.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by Tom In VA »

The Church served it's purpose. It allowed a half immigrant from 20th Century Africa and half white man to appeal to a group of people who actually have been affected by slavery in the U.S. and a century of Jim Crow in the South and racism in the North.

It helped him appear "more black".

Now he's done with them.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by JayDuck »

mvscal wrote:
JayDuck wrote:Open borders? Yeah, but when directly asked, both Clinton and Obama have stated that they won't be cracking down on "sanctuary cities". Assuming McCain actually intends to gather some republican votes, I don't think he'll be making that same claim.
There is no difference or disagreement on that issue between the three candidates. All three of them spout the same bullshit line about "comprehensive immigration reform."
There may be no difference, in reality, between the 3 positions, however there is a big difference in what the democrat candidates can get away with saying, as compared to McCain. Clinton/Obama can say that they won't crack down on sanctuary towns without pissing of their political bases, McCain can't.

It doesn't really matter if there are any real differences in their stances, or their policies or not, or if any of them follow through with what they claim or not. It won't be hard for the Dems to scare the Latinos away from McCain.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by Dinsdale »

Dr_Phibes wrote:Then you say that you're a laughingstock of developed nations who employ healthcare sytems that rely heavily on state funding.

You're conflicted there, who is your fight with?

See, this is where you lose me (and everyone else, I'm guessing).

You're under this strange impression that the USA and every other country are on level playing fields.

And this is where your anti-America stupidity falls flat on its face.

Hell, what should anyone expect from someone who thinks socialism is a viable idea?

Back in ancient times, they had a way to deal with socialists -- they cut off their hands, so they couldn't steal again.

My problem with socialists is the same as my problem with our current illegal government, Hillary in particular...

At what moment was it that you decided that you had some sort of legal or ethical claim to that which doesn't belong to you?

The rest of us call that "stealing," and the rest of us have a huuuuuuge moral problem with it.

And going against the judgement of cooler heads, the government saw a way to make their insurance buddies richer... and the HMO act was born.

If voters pulled their heads out of their ass, if there was political accountability (which I'm aghast people don't demand in this age of over-the-top corruption), and if people supported punishment of what's essentially treason with public executions...

The American System is as perfect as any that history has ever seen.

We, The People, are just a little slow reponding to the challenges faced with the current wave of much-higher-that-usual corruption.

And McCain is possibly the most corrupt politician of the last 20 years... just deplorable.
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Re: Why did Obama quit his church?

Post by smackaholic »

what ^^^^ said.

McCain is a shameless pandering whore, like the other 534 in congress, but, I doubt he ranks nearly as high as others.

He doesn't need to steal.

He earned his money the old fashioned way. He married it.
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