Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

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dents with meaning
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by PSUFAN »

Joseph "Jay" Paterno Jr. ... jaypaterno" onclick=";return false;

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Tom In VA
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by Tom In VA »

Thanks for sharing that PSUFAN. My eyes have been opened.

I am so glad Obama went against his "words" that matter and is choosing NOT to go with the public campaign fund like he promised. This way he will bury McCain an we can all dance in the streets once more.
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by PSUFAN »

Jay was two years ahead of me in high school. He was not well-liked - but after reading that blog, I doubt that would come as a surprise to you guys.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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War Wagon
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by War Wagon »

I'm asking you to believe.
Thanks for asking.
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Tom In VA
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by Tom In VA »

Pretty neat. I love that area up there. Dad actually played a spell at a DIII school in PA. You're some good folks. Backbone of East Coast. Hell, Northern Virginia wouldn't have such a wonderful diverse population if it wasn't for PA folks.

It's only a drag at a Caps vs. Pens games.

But what's in the water to make people up there be condescending little pricks ? I"m guessing that's why he wasn't liked.
Does anyone really believe that by opening up every corner of America for drilling that our dependence on foreign oil will disappear?

I smell more election-year pandering. There are resources here in this country that we need to tap into, but do not let these things distract us from broad solutions. Drilling gets headlines and gets attention. There are so many alternative energy sources that we need to invest in and develop besides the quick and easy phantom solution of drilling.

Senator Obama has proposed over $100 billion in investment into alternative energy--a meaningful and diverse energy policy. It is money that will return huge dividends to us and to future generations of Americans. It is a policy that goes beyond tax breaks and giveaways to oil companies. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to invoke the specter of the big bad oil companies. They provide a service and a product we all use (for a slightly tidy profit).

That said, there are so many other ways to create energy and it is time we elected someone who understands that energy policy goes beyond more drilling. It is time for a new vision on our energy future, it is time for Senator Obama's leadership.
Gee Mini JoePa. No, I don't think drilling for more oil is a LONG TERM solution, but it MIGHT be part of a SOLUTION. If you're smelling election year pandering, wipe off your upper lip. You have to have some money, I mean Dad being affiliated with a major University. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to invoke the specter of Ivory Tower University System riddled with socialists and liberal foolishness. They provide a service and a product we all suffer from (for a slightly tidy profit tee hee).

That said, get off your dead ass and invest some of your own money to find these golden nuggets of GREEN energy. Meanwhile the rest of us working class folks need to get to work without having to take a second mortgage on an under-valued house we bought when it was over-valued.

Rt. 81 and the PA turnpike is a wonderful ride. Meet me at a truck stop in Al-Toona and we'll fight PSUFAN, once and for all.

Not each other, but those god damn pooka shell wearing freaks that keep bugging you.
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dents with meaning
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by PSUFAN »

Shit - Jay's been stealing a FAT pay check for years. He'll be in trouble when his dad can no longer ensure his employment. It's coming, fucko.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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peter dragon
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by peter dragon »

Does anyone really believe that by opening up every corner of America for drilling that our dependence on foreign oil will disappear?

I smell more election-year pandering. There are resources here in this country that we need to tap into, but do not let these things distract us from broad solutions. Drilling gets headlines and gets attention. There are so many alternative energy sources that we need to invest in and develop besides the quick and easy phantom solution of drilling.

Senator Obama has proposed over $100 billion in investment into alternative energy--a meaningful and diverse energy policy. It is money that will return huge dividends to us and to future generations of Americans. It is a policy that goes beyond tax breaks and giveaways to oil companies. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to invoke the specter of the big bad oil companies. They provide a service and a product we all use (for a slightly tidy profit).

That said, there are so many other ways to create energy and it is time we elected someone who understands that energy policy goes beyond more drilling. It is time for a new vision on our energy future, it is time for Senator Obama's leadership.
great so now not only do we have to pay $4+ gallon a gas, but we have to foot a 100billon dollar tax... some one sign me up :meds: :meds: :meds:
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by PSUFAN »


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He's getting hammered: ... y#comments" onclick=";return false;

King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you

Post by Adelpiero »

PSU offense smack

Playbook from State College, PA Today at 2:39 pm EDT
"pages under construction"
And Jay you should be worrying about the offense of a college football team that has a LOT of questions, not blogging about Obama
Considering that other than 2005, PSU has finished no better than 4th in the big ten since 1998, and twice finishing 9th, I'd say you're looking at the wrong stats.
BUwahahahahahahaha on this one

RichRod from Ann Arbor, MI Today at 12:56 pm EDT
Hey there Jay,

Good to see you are keeping yourself busy in the off-season. I'm glad you are focusing on something other than trying to devise an HD Spread Offense similar to what i had installed at WVU.

I'll tell ya, it's hard getting a Big 10 team to adopt a high def offense. It'll be a lot easier with that real quick tailback you guys allowed me to sign - that Shaw kid. I really appreciate how you mishandled his recruitment. Making him reschedule his official visit? forgetting to call his parents back? Classic stuff, son. I really appreciate the assist on that.

I'll try to get him a few touches on Oct. 18th in front of your fans. By the second half when your offense has failed to score more than 10 pts there should be plenty of time to get my freshmen speedster a few touches.

Good luck with the campaign, tell your Dad I said hey. And remember, don't sign any binding agreement with the University when they bump you to water boy...


Coach RichRod
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