Better take a midol, B-Monica

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Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Cuda »

before you click on this" onclick=";return false;
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

That was pretty funny, coods. Almost as funny as this:
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Wolfman »

Funny stuff. I liked the one I saw the other day--some Rep. Congressman talking about the stupid light bulbs that the Dem Congress wants us all to use. He pulled one out to show the camera. I would have "accidentally" dropped it so that we could see what are supposed to do if it happened in our homes.
Thanks for showing that. I'm getting out my checkbook and cutting another check to the RNC.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Tom In VA »

Damn Smackie getting close to a IKYABWAMI, careful around these parts with that.

1. An actual congressmen interpreting actual Democrat statements.
2. A standard run of the mill propaganda piece with paid piss poor actors.

Yeah, I'd say number 1 is funnier.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

You're right, Tom. I guess it does make a difference who does the over-the-top generalizing. And besides, we all know that Congressman are far more trustworthy than piss-poor actors.

My bad.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Cuda »

Smackie Chan wrote:That was pretty funny, coods. Almost as funny as this:
I thought it was fucking hilarious. The left really has become a parody of itself.
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Cuda wrote:The left really has become a parody of itself.
It's a good thing the right hasn't, though. I know I'll feel better once I align myself with serious, thought-provoking progressives like Cuda and Wolfie.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Tom In VA »

Smackie Chan wrote:You're right, Tom. I guess it does make a difference who does the over-the-top generalizing. And besides, we all know that Congressman are far more trustworthy than piss-poor actors.

My bad.
Pre scripted propaganda videos are par for the course.

The FUNNY part about the first video, content aside, is that an ACTUAL congressman did it.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Tom In VA wrote:The FUNNY part about the first video, content aside, is that an ACTUAL congressman did it.
Ooooh, an ACTUAL congressman? As opposed to an artificial one? Well color me impressed. What I'm sure woulda been even funnier is the part they didn't show, which is the massive :meds: :meds: :meds: on both sides of the aisle. I'll bet his Republican colleagues were REAL proud of him for that tardly display.

And what's best is how improvisational it all was. It's not like there was any script or preparation or anything like that that went into the presentation, unlike all that silly Democratic propaganda.

Yeah, I can see where the huge difference between the two lies.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Mister Bushice »

Cuda wrote:before you click on this" onclick=";return false;
So - The people of Michigan are paying their representative to be a bad stand up prop comic?

fucking ponderous.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Bobby42 »

I don't get it. He could have used a Powerpoint presentation.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Mister Bushice wrote:The people of Michigan are paying their representative to be a bad stand up prop comic?
Get your facts straight. The bad entertainers are either across the aisle or paid by them.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Soon, you'll all be too poor to complain.

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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Tom In VA »

Smackie Chan wrote: Ooooh, an ACTUAL congressman? As opposed to an artificial one? Well color me impressed. What I'm sure woulda been even funnier is the part they didn't show, which is the massive :meds: :meds: :meds: on both sides of the aisle. I'll bet his Republican colleagues were REAL proud of him for that tardly display.

And what's best is how improvisational it all was. It's not like there was any script or preparation or anything like that that went into the presentation, unlike all that silly Democratic propaganda.

Yeah, I can see where the huge difference between the two lies.

I don't give a flying fuck if you're impressed or not. You wanted to turn this into a "Oh no, Cuda posted something poking fun at Democrats, quick let me run and find something that's poking fun at Republicans". Then you said the video you found was funnier. I disagreed.

I find it MORE hilarious that a congressmen would actually do that than I do the standard propaganda videos available, form either side. And while they didn't show the massive :medstimes3:, I imagined them along with a few ....

:lol: :doh: :oops: :cry: :doh: :shock: :shock: :shock: going on in the crowd and that made me


Whereas the Democrat one YOU provided was more like a :| :| :|

If you want to debate the content, if the congressman hurt your feelings or something, that's another thing. But in terms of humor, the congressmen gets the prize - because he's a congressmen.

Now would you care to continue to :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: on this matter and pretend you don't understand ?
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Cuda »

So who does Lou Dobbs line up behind in all this, Smackie?
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

After this blast:
Tom in VA wrote:I don't give a flying fuck if you're impressed or not.
I was gonna go this route ...
Tom in VA wrote:Image
... but I won't do that.

Instead, I'll address the matters about which you're so terribly concerned.
Tom In VA wrote:You wanted to turn this into a "Oh no, Cuda posted something poking fun at Democrats, quick let me run and find something that's poking fun at Republicans".
Yes and no. Yes, my intent was to show that for every retarded YouTube clip out there bashing one side, there are equally as many just as retarded bashing the other. No, I didn't go "run and find something," because I didn't have to. It was conveniently emailed to me yesterday by someone who mistakenly feels I give a shit.
Then you said the video you found was funnier.
Sarcasm, Tom. Learn to recognize it. You honestly think I'm gonna get into a serious discussion, even about humor, with Coods?
I disagreed.
And did I dispute that? I merely tried to point out the obvious similarities that you apparently failed to see, or were too blinded by your partisanship to look for. The point is they were BOTH idiotic, irrespective of the fact that one was delivered by an ACTUAL congressman, which seems to carry a lot of weight in your determination of quality.
I find it MORE hilarious that a congressmen would actually do that
The fact that you find it hilarious at all is because it was a REPUBLICAN congressman. Tell me honestly that you woulda found it the least bit funny if it were a Democratic congressman making blatant over-generalizations about the GOP.
And while they didn't show the massive :medstimes3:, I imagined them along with a few ....

:lol: :doh: :oops: :cry: :doh: :shock: :shock: :shock: going on in the crowd and that made me

Which, sadly, only indicates that you're very easily amused.
Whereas the Democrat one YOU provided was more like a :| :| :|
Like I said, blinded by partisanship. That was pretty much my reaction to both.
If you want to debate the content, if the congressman hurt your feelings or something, that's another thing.
Yeah, let me know the next time you see me post anything on a message board that gives the slightest hint that my feelings are hurt. If I wanted to debate the merits of the content, I'd take it to the Spin Zone.
But in terms of humor, the congressmen gets the prize - because he's a congressmen.
Um, OK. Dude's a regular Slappy White.
Now would you care to continue to :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: on this matter and pretend you don't understand ?
Only if you want to. Only I doubt you're pretending.
Last edited by Smackie Chan on Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Cuda wrote:So who does Lou Dobbs line up behind in all this, Smackie?
And why would I GARA about what Lou Dobbs thinks? I can think for myself, although I wouldn't recommend that you try it unless under a doctor's supervision.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Tom In VA »

Well that was crafted well. Congrats.

Nothing to really say. You say you were being sarcastic and "non-partisan", I believe you. I know I'll regret saying that as you probably have some other card tucked away. I believe that you were being sarcastic and that I missed it.

I trust you aren't the "partisan" type, although most of your political viewpoints as expressed on the board to tend to the left. Maybe those are sarcastic posts as well but we've established I'm a rookie when it comes to detecting and using sarcasm. I would suggest that while many of my views tend to the right, I am just as non-partisan, you can choose to believe that or not.

As for the other text you've contributed in your posturing such as "easily amused" and "Only I doubt you are pretending".

Guilty as charged. I don't find it sad though. Further, you're correct, I wasn't pretending, I did not understand your slant on the matter. Now I do. You're non-partisan, "above the fray" and just generally suave. Super for you, sucks for me at this juncture, but I'm OKAY with that, it could be worst ... I mean ....

"At least I'm not ..... "

Say what was that dude's name .....
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Tom In VA wrote:I trust you aren't the "partisan" type, although most of your political viewpoints as expressed on the board to tend to the left.
You're right. I'm certainly no LTS TRD2, but it's no secret I align myself more to the left than the right. I used to engage in some of the long and useless political arguments with the likes of mvscal and DrDetroit, but decided to stop for a few reasons, two of which are a) no one's opinions will be swayed by what's posted on a smack board, and b) it takes too much time, and I don't have it anymore. On some issues, I'm conservative (Affirmative Action, for example), but on the whole, I'd probably be considered a left-leaning centrist.
I'm a rookie when it comes to detecting and using sarcasm.
Detecting it - maybe. Using it - I don't think so. I've seen too much evidence to the contrary, unless I'm getting false positives.
I would suggest that while many of my views tend to the right, I am just as non-partisan, you can choose to believe that or not.
OK, then I'll choose to believe it.
"At least I'm not ..... "

Say what was that dude's name .....
So you got that goin' for you, which is nice.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Tom In VA »

Why I had just completed another Carl Spackler reset in another thread. Now is that synchronicity or what ?
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Tom In VA wrote:Why I had just completed another Carl Spackler reset in another thread. Now is that synchronicity or what ?
I was wondering wtf that was. Then I went back and re-read it, and it all became as clear as the total consciousness I was promised to receive on my deathbed when I was a looper for Dalai Lama. Have I told you that story?
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Cuda »

Smackie Chan wrote:
Cuda wrote:So who does Lou Dobbs line up behind in all this, Smackie?
And why would I GARA about what Lou Dobbs thinks? I can think for myself, although I wouldn't recommend that you try it unless under a doctor's supervision.
First you go with IKYABWAI, then you drop an "I'm rubber, you're glue".

You certainly seem a bit overheated, btw
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Cuda wrote:First you go with IKYABWAI, then you drop an "I'm rubber, you're glue".
First, both of these trite defenses are overused and applied too broadly, and not just by you. I frankly don't see either in what I posted, but if you do and wanna stand by them, OK. It's almost gotten to the point where if one poster disagrees with another or implies hypocrisy, there'll be a guaranteed IKYABWAI following shortly. In some cases it may be justified, but too often it's simply knee-jerk.
You certainly seem a bit overheated, btw
If that's how you took it, OK. My only point was, and still is, that I don't give a shit what Dobbs's take is, I didn't open the link, I might eventually if really bored, and never watch any of his shows. And my cooling system is working just fine, but your concern is certainly appreciated.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Jerkovich »

Smackie Chan wrote:Image
Thank you for providing proof that global warm and rising sea levels are complete bullshit. :lol:
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Bizzarofelice »

1. An actual congressmen interpreting actual Democrat statements.
2. A standard run of the mill propaganda piece with paid piss poor actors.

Yeah, I'd say number 1 is fucking pathetic.

The guy is a paid representative for his constituents. I don't see how his time is best spent with petty partisan crap. He should focus more on his people and less on this crap.

Everyone who laughed is a piss poor excuse for an American.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Jerkovich wrote:Thank you for providing proof that global warm and rising sea levels are complete bullshit.
Must you always be an utter moron?
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by BSmack »

Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Cuda »

Smackie Chan wrote:
Cuda wrote:First you go with IKYABWAI, then you drop an "I'm rubber, you're glue".
First, both of these trite defenses are overused and applied too broadly, and not just by you. I frankly don't see either in what I posted, but if you do and wanna stand by them, OK. It's almost gotten to the point where if one poster disagrees with another or implies hypocrisy, there'll be a guaranteed IKYABWAI following shortly. In some cases it may be justified, but too often it's simply knee-jerk.
You may have a point where others are concerned, but in this case, IKYABWAI & IRYG is exactly what you did
You certainly seem a bit overheated, btw
If that's how you took it, OK. My only point was, and still is, that I don't give a shit what Dobbs's take is, I didn't open the link, I might eventually if really bored, and never watch any of his shows. And my cooling system is working just fine, but your concern is certainly appreciated.
Again, only pointing out that you seem overly defensive. Are you on the wagon or something?
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Smackie Chan »

Cuda wrote:in this case, IKYABWAI & IRYG is exactly what you did
I could argue, but why? Instead, I'll resort to another third-grade tactic and simply go with, "I let you win."
Are you on the wagon
Most of the time.
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Re: Better take a midol, B-Monica

Post by Cuda »

Smackie Chan wrote:
Cuda wrote:Are you on the wagon
Most of the time.
Well, there's the problem right there

Take one of THESE and call me in the morning
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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