Barry O's resume ??

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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Cuda »

The white-trash mother was a US citizen, that makes Onogga a US citizen regardless where he was born.

Curiously enough, though both Onogga's, and his in-heat African father's names are African/Arab, not African/Negro. That means he's technically half-white, half-arab; he's strictly posing as a jigaboo.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

Tom In VA wrote:Personally, I think it's a lock. He's the next President. I think he'll do a good job. I also think he'll help get some Republicans back into the house and senate.
Bizarro Coattail Effect?
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Tom In VA »

Keeping Hope Alive Goobs.

I don't think Obama being our president is going to signal the death knell for our country as much as some folks. I think much of talk about "change" is just that, talk. He's established as a liar, spinner, and decider.

Sounds like he has the necessary qualifications, doesn't he ?

Just as his "I'm black" routine - ala Rev. Wright's church was a ploy to "get down"

All his leftist rhetoric is the same ploy to get down with the lefties. When push comes to shove Obama will follow the money as he always has. Just as any executive - if he's bringing home the bacon - he's doing a good job. Obama is capable of brining home the bacon.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by PSUFAN »

Notice---no one has come here and explained why Barry O is better qualified to be our next President than John McCain. I'm thinking it is because they can't !
As far as I'm concerned, this is where the campaign begins. I haven't decided who I'll vote for yet, Obama or McCain. As I've previously stated, I'm leaning towards Obama currently, but I'm still listening with open ears. I hope to see discussions of substantive issues begin to take place...I guess that's what I'm "keeping hope alive" for right now, against all odds, of course.

I'm actually very happy that Hillary was eliminated.

As for qualifications for the POTUS job...what exactly should they be in your opinion, and just for fun, how might those expectations measure up when applied to W?
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Tom In VA »

Bring home the bacon man.

Look Obama has already shown a willingness to not decide based on polls or his previous stances on issues but to do what's best to accomplish a mission.

I think that's promising.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by poptart »

To the topic of the thread, B.O.'s resume ... it blows total dick.

The standard is the constitution.
He's pissed on it.

As has McFlame.

Serious question(s) now.
Think it over some.
I mean, really give this some quiet-time thought.

Does it concern you at all that our ... uuhhmm ... elected representatives routinely ignore the constitution that they are sworn to uphold?

Does it concern you at all that they routinely just make shit up as they go, with the standard that you have elected them to abide by, callously tossed aside?

Weird, wild wacky shhhtuff.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

What rock have you been hiding under, Pop?

Didn't you hear? We abolished the Tenth Amendment in... well, I don't remember what year it was, but it was without question, beyond any and all reasonable argument, abolished at some point.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by poptart »

It really is staggering, Dins.

We've got folks getting red-faced angry, debating over which guy (B.O. or McLame) is gonna get it done for us.

High comedy, if it wasn't so DAMN sad.

pssst, folks ....

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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by smackaholic »

Mikey wrote:When was the last time she lived in Illinois?

I was under the impression, for some reason, that she'd been in Arkansas for a while before moving to DC.
Well, she couldn't get elected to dogcatcher in arkansas and she was born and raised in illinois.

She had absolutely no reason to run for senator from new york other than she knew she had a chance of getting elected there.

Why is it that NYers can't find actual residents to elect? They did the same thing with another carpetbagger, bobby kennedy, a few years back.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Cuda »

... and we all know what happened to bobby kennedy, don't we?
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Wolfman »

Why is it that NYers can't find actual residents to elect? They did the same thing with another carpetbagger, bobby kennedy, a few years back.

What was really whack to me was how the NY State Dem Party rolled over for the Clintons. They had a few people in the wings for that seat--like Nita Lowey. They also torpedoed poor Carl McCall's campaign for Governor. I for one am glad to see the Clintons gone for now. When John McCain takes the oath of office in January, we can also say good-bye to Barry O.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

Wolfman wrote:When John McCain takes the oath of office in January, we can also say good-bye to Barry O.
That scenario is not looking very likely at this point, Wolfie. What will you do when Barrack Obama is sworn in? Move to France?

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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by War Wagon »

Goober McTuber wrote: That scenario is not looking very likely at this point
Someone is watching too much CNN.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

War Wagon wrote:
Goober McTuber wrote: That scenario is not looking very likely at this point
Someone is watching too much CNN.

I never watch CNN, I occasionally read, though I’ve not read anything there predicting a winner. Here’s a link for you (and a tip of the Hatlo hat to TiC):" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Goober McTuber wrote: John McCain is aware of internet
The internet is way over-rated anyways.
Also, McCain doesn't use a Blackberry because he's afraid the seeds will get stuck in his dentures.
He's the man, so back a winner this fall.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Cuda »

Goober McTuber wrote:" onclick=";return false;
:lol: :lol: :lol:



WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

Hey Cooter,

Here’s some more, you simple-minded fuckwit:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... -race.html" onclick=";return false; ... &dem=Obama" onclick=";return false; ... ated-61708" onclick=";return false;
(Their list includes some of those mentioned above)

Feel free to link us up with all the folks who project McCain as the winner.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

While the casual polls at this time aren't of great value in calling the winner, they give a little insight into which way things are leaning at present...

And I've yet to see the poll that's even close. McCain isn't even in the same stratosphere as OShit when it comes to overall support right now.

While I'm thrilled that one of the biggest scumbags on The Hill has no chance, I'm none too excited about the other commie winning by default.

At least Barry McDarky didn't SWEAR to me that he would nevereverever engage in illegal/unethical activities again if given a second chance, then get that second chance... and turn around and start doing the same things he SWORE he would never do again. These early polls are good news to me, since if you tards were to have elected McCain, I'd have fired the round that hits paydirt myself... although I'd be careful to not shoot him in the goiter, as it may deflect the bullet.

And there's the root dishonesty of an extreme liberal trying to play himself off as a conservative.

Where have you gone, Dr. Paul?
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:

Links to where OCrappa hasn't done a bald-faced turnaround on a promise to obey the law?

I don't have any.

As far as McShame... crack a book or newspaper sometime, dude.

Although he does have an interesting strategy on his quest to rid DC of all those pesky lobbyists he expresses so much disdain for -- he's offering them all alternative employment as his campaign staff. At least the ones he's not fucking, anyhow. Right up there with the all-time KYOA moves in election history.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

Oh, fuck. I got logged out.

Buty trust me mv, i just kicked your ass up one side and down the other, if not for the Trev Feature PSU installed.

But I really brought home the bacon with my closing statement, which went something like...

Since this is the Poli Forum, I'd be remiss if I didn't invoke Godwin's Law --

Just because Hitler was a foul, evil person, it doesn't by default mean that Stalin was an image of puppydogs and daisies.

"I don't like Obama, so that means McShame is a swell guy who isn't on the take worse than anyone in DC."

It boggles the mind of any intelligent person just how common this fatally-flawed, illogical leap of faith is.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

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If he did today what he did in the 80's during the Keating deal, he would in fact be guilty of a crime (I believe he even sponsored/authored some of the legislation OUTLAWING HIS OWN CONDUCT... but we're talking about a man who had voted against LEGISLATION HE FUCKING AUTHORED HIMSELF, after those insipid lobbyists showed him the error of his ways).

But after promising us all if given a second chance, he SWORE he wouldn't take any more flights and vacations from influence peddlers/lobbyists. He stood there before the country and apologized for taking paid for vacations and flights ("B-b-b-b-but I thought my WIFE had paid him back!" Because goodness knows, multimillionaires need to borrow money from other multimillionaires to take vacations. I've got some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you-btw).

So, how'd that work out?

Oh... he took flights on a company jet... of a company he WAS BEING LOBBIED BY AT THE TIME. (And nailing one of the lobbyists... interesting way to remove the lobbyists influence, like he claims to champion.)

Cut and dried. He made a vow to the American People, and he broke it for a buck and for political favors.

He's unfit to hold ANY public position.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

You really don't see a problem with PROMISING to not accept flights and whatnot from lobbyists/influence peddlers, then accepting them for campaigning purposes, and then strongarming federal employees to do the bidding of the company that flew him around?


Lincoln Savings and Loan. Paxson Communications. They both hooked ol McShame up with favors, and both recieved favors in return... you know, the stuff McShame claims to be so opposed to?
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

OK, for one (there's MANY)...

Paxson flies McShame on campaign trips. McShame then subtly strongarms the FCC into taking action on a ruling that Paxson has been pushing for.

But you knew that.

"I never spoke with Paxson or Iseman!"

"OK, well maybe just a little. So what?"

He even fully ADMITS to lying about it, and in yet another mind-boggling bit of Americana, he gets a pass on it because Obama is a douche...

I really don't get it. A) doesn't negate B). No "If Obama is a tard, it logically follows that McShame is hunky-dory."

For the umpteenth time -- if you don't demand better, you won't ever get better.

We're fucked... thanks to people like you.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

McShame engaged in "highly unusual" activities... multiple times, to expedite an FCC vote that would benefit Bud Paxson... right after Paxson cut him a check for $30,000, and had his lobbyist blow him.

Unfit for office.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

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The bottom line -- A lobbyists client made a large contribution to McShame's campaign, hosted a funraiser for him, and flew him around. They then immediately asked for a favor, and recieved it, even though it was considered "highly inapproprite" for a senator to intervene on a pending vote.

He's for sale like no other, which would be an absolute disaster for our country.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

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I'm also shocked that anyone can be blind to the fact McShame sells legislation to the highest bidder, when the man's fucking marriage became a commodity to be traded as soon as a more lucrative offer came along.

His story post-Vietnam should bring both fear and shame to every American that it was allowed to happen.

Educate yourselves, is all I ask. His career was mapped out for him by power-brokers, but it was contingent on him ditching his wife (that he admits to cheating on).

But he's a GREAT GUY now... sure.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:McShame engaged in "highly unusual" activities...
Ahh. Such as?

That's a direct quote from the FCC and the legal-douches who investigated McShame's activities.

Chairman Kennard at one point claimed he got the impression it was either act on McShame's demends or find a new job.

But keep turning a blind eye to the scumbag. There's just dozens and dozens of indstances of major improprieties by the assface, and even more people willing to dismiss them and defend the guy... over and over and over and over...

That being the case, what incentive does he have to stop being on the take?

Until we start executing politicians who betray public trust, McCain being the poster boy, it won't ever stop being rampant.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Cuda »

Maybe I'm way wrong, but doesn't the FCC investigate wardrobe malfunctions & nappy-headed ho comments & not campaign issues?

Did McLettuce call somebody a fuckin' gook on the air or something?
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Dinsdale »

Cuda wrote:Did McLettuce call somebody a fuckin' gook on the air or something?


Basically, the citizens of Pittsburg, as I understand it, were none too happy about a public broadcasting station being sold to those who wanted to make it a for-profit bible-thumper station, and were essentially sandbagging the process so the deal would expire. The catch was, Paxson, who was trying to purchase the station, was a big wheel-greaser of McShame, and McShame held influence over the FCC due to his Commerce Committee seat. So he made very subtle threats to the FCC charman, urging a vote "one way or the other" (which I'm SURE didn't mean to see things his benefactor's way :roll'em:).

According to the legal watchdog types, this was something that just isn't done. The FCC had reasons for what they were doing, but since it wasn't consistant with McShame's addiction to influence-peddling, he figured that he should have a say in it... highly inappropriate. And he was banging the lobbyist that was pushing the case through, so in his defense, at least it wasn't ONLY about him getting paid -- also about him getting laid (remember, he's almost-but-not-quite the philanderer that Bubba is/was).

Now don't get me wrong -- I'm only picking on McShame because he's got a nomination. But as far as the topic at hand, Barry O's resume' just doesn't quite have the track record for flagrant corruption that McDouche does...

But I attribute that to being a new kid on the block. I'm sure given enough time, he'll beef up his cred, and may someday even aspire to the level of traitorism and big government abuse that McCain has.

But don't misunderstand me here -- I believe any politician who breaks his oath to uphold the Constitution should be publicly executed... which is pretty much everyone in DC not named Ron Paul.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Tom In VA »

Dinsdale wrote: But I attribute that to being a new kid on the block. I'm sure given enough time, he'll beef up his cred, and may someday even aspire to the level of traitorism and big government abuse that McCain has.
THAT is a lock.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Cuda »

Dinsdale wrote: Basically, the citizens of Pittsburg, as I understand it, were none too happy about a public broadcasting station being sold to those who wanted to make it a for-profit bible-thumper station, and were essentially sandbagging the process so the deal would expire. .
Was that the WOXY deal? I remember Denn was pretty un-chuffed about it, imo
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Wolfman »

How clever --- a photo-op/speech on bringing the Dems together in Unity NH with senator Evita, another in Independence MO on patriotism for the upcoming 4th of July. And this is "new politics" ?? Shallow Hal was more straight up. What next--- 'Truth or Consequences NM for honesty in politics ?? How about Intercourse PA, perhaps to talk about teen sex ??
And this is the best that one of our two major political parties can come up with ??
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Tom In VA »

Wolfman wrote:What next
"Swiftboating" John McCain. Not sure how effective it's going to be. Frankly, I'm not sure it was even needed.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Tom In VA wrote:
Wolfman wrote:What next
"Swiftboating" John McCain. Not sure how effective it's going to be.
It worked in 2000.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Tom In VA »

Martyred wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
Wolfman wrote:What next
"Swiftboating" John McCain. Not sure how effective it's going to be.
It worked in 2000.
Allow me to dance a little. I had intended to say, not sure how necessary it is for Obama to drag out Clark for this. Something happened between my brain and my fingers." onclick=";return false;

And there's another site somebody here actually posted as well.

But I don't know, maybe Clark is tactfully pointing in that direction. Emphasizing his POW status and then reading about his uncanny - I don't know how to explain it - attitude towards the POW/MIA folks.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

Wolfman wrote:How clever --- a photo-op
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Wolfman »

Glass Dique pal !
Nothing beats digging up dinosaur bones. How about dealing with the here and now ?
You thought W had "handlers" ?? It's just the beginning for Barry O.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

Wolfman wrote:Nothing beats digging up dinosaur bones.
I guess we’ll find that out after you’re gone.
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Goober McTuber »

Wolfman wrote:How clever --- a photo-op/speech on bringing the Dems together
Thank God your man would never stoop to employing photo-ops, you senile old fuck. ... 08216.html" onclick=";return false; ... 2005114766" onclick=";return false; ... n-embrace/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Barry O's resume ??

Post by Tom In VA »

Oh Christ Goober, grow up. All Presidents and politicans do "photo ops".

The "Mission Accomplished" one was a mistake. The ship was heralding their own mission and their return home to their families. Bush's people fucked up allowing him to be pictured in front of it.
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