If dude had sat in his living room and plunked them with a deer rifle without so much as a "hey you". I might, possibly see your point. He didn't. He walked out there and said "freeze, you shitstains". They didn't. So he froze them for fukking good.poptart wrote:Smackaholic, if a case establishes a new legal precedent, that precedent is then in effect in ALL situations, not only in white middle-class neighborhoods where dark-skinned fellas with tat's and bandanas are entering a home.
If you listened to Horn's 911 call you heard some very important facts come out.
- Almost from the beginning of the call he said he was going to go out and shoot them, despite hs life and his property very clearly being in NO peril at all.
- He was told by the dispatcher, you know, the guy who's trained to handle these situations, NOT to go outside at least 14 times ... 14 fucking times.
- He didn't even know his neighbor, and he told the dispatcher that.
- He had given a solid description of both men to the dispatcher, including the clothing one of them was wearing.
- He said early on in the call, "I'M GOING TO GO KILL THEM!!"
WTF, dude??
- He shot them both in the fucking BACK and killed them on the spot.
The police, you know, the other trained professionals, were on the way, and Horn knew this.
The trained police were fully advised of what the situation at the hosue was.
Do you think they need to have Billy Joe Trigger Finger out there complicating matters ... maybe significantly??
Bace's example has merit.
What if you live in a 'mixed' neighborhood ... some whiteys and some darkies.
You're out walking your dog at 2:00 a.m.
You see somebody crawling in a side window of a house.
You gonna cap him?
You better, he might be fixin' to do some harm to some people in there.
Or not??
This jury decision blows totally.
As for the 9 dollar an hour 911 operator, wtf do you expect them to do? Tell him to go out there and start shooting. They are taught to play CYA.
And did the cops inform him when exactly the cops would arrive? Ofcourse not.
Rack him, yet again.