LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

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LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

Who's in?
I'll be there both SUnday mornings...early, about 6:30am with bloody mary's and beer.



This guy's won the Open Division like 11 times on 4 or 5 different teams
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by PSUFAN »

I saw your username pop up, and I got the BAN tools ready. The thong pic has won you a momentary...tenuous reprieve.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

PSUFAN wrote:I saw your username pop up, and I got the BAN tools ready. The thong pic has won you a momentary...tenuous reprieve.

GFY, you fucking PA piece of Crap. When I do something to get banned here it'll be the first time.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Mikey »

Loganfan wrote:
This guy's won the Open Division like 11 times on 4 or 5 different teams
You can tell that this is a serious athletic event.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

mvscal wrote:
Loganfan wrote:When I do something to get banned here it'll be the first time.
Be honest. Sucking out loud wouldn't exactly be a first for you. Bikini clad hotties are always welcome. Doltish, bottom feeding morons...not so much.
Oh ya.....there's none of that here...... :medsx100K:
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by PSUFAN »

Logon Fan, clear the smoke out of your head, and READ CAREFULLY.

The Board Sentiment, which understandably you're not in a good position to consider, is that you're a pornstached simpleton who makes peat bogs and undersea sponges and collections of keyboard cheese appear fucking BRILLIANT by comparison.

It's not that I prefer to take the Tools in hand and deal with you...but your posting ineptitude really sort of demands that approach.

Like I said - post a thong pic, or a picture of you in your Abbie Hoffman Halloween costume that we can laugh at, or EAT A DICK AND LOSE THIS LINK, you walk-in douchecloset.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

PSUFAN wrote:incoherent babble.........
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by PSUFAN »

So now you're modifying my posts to get over? Damn, you're a tough fucking hippie to deal with.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

Dude.....you haven't seen me post here in a year or so. Maybe you'll want to just assume that if I'm posting here that I'll put a little more effort into it than on the other boards, since that's what you're big on here.

besides....that wasn't reallky modifying your post.....just cutting it down to cliff-note size for the mouth breathers here.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

I love bored drama :lol:
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Sirfindafold »

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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by PSUFAN »

Loganfan wrote:Dude.....you haven't seen me post here in a year or so. Maybe you'll want to just assume that if I'm posting here that I'll put a little more effort into it than on the other boards, since that's what you're big on here.

besides....that wasn't reallky modifying your post.....
Halfwit, I need to operate on COLD HARD FACTS, not assumptions - and in your case, the only FACT I have at my disposal is that you're going to suck harder than lk_pk at a 314 cattle roundup. You suck so bad that, honestly, it's hard to figure out where to even begin hammering you.

We've got the plungers ready for your lo-cal stinkpot, idiot...but you should play a little harder to get, so we don't remove our limbs out of sheer boredom while at the task.
just cutting it down to cliff-note size for the mouth breathers here.
Is there really anything less likely than LoganFan dumbing it down for the populace, at any board he posts at? I ask that as an honest question.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

PSUFAN wrote:
Is there really anything less likely than LoganFan dumbing it down for the populace, at any board he posts at? I ask that as an honest question.
LK getting a Mom of the Year award?
IB marrying a white guy?
Zy going to a party and NOT taking pics of himself with girls he doesn't know?
The Padres getting a big bat in their lineup?
Iran getting the 2020 Olympics?
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by PSUFAN »

Those would appear to be unlikely, but you dumbing it down still just doesn't seem plausible.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

yeah.....well guys making 20 million a year playing baseball wouldn't have seemed very plausible when we were all growing up either.........
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

mvscal wrote:IB getting with a white guy is highly likely. I would even say that she is far more likely to get with a white dude than a neegro.

I even offered to spackle her yammers, but her bicycle broke down in Phoenix.
That explains the recent jump in their crime rate
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by PSUFAN »

Her Twin Titanics wouldn't survive a bike journey across the Imperial Desert. That would sure suck if she showed up with mosquito bites...or if a coyote saw her and harpooned her as a snack for the dudes in his shipping container. Yet, she'd be welcome in the Logon Fan residence, anything's better than reading comic books aloud to the bare walls...
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:France totally kicks ass.
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Loganfan »

Pretty sure my kid doesn't read out loud......at least I've never heard him do so
R.I.P. Dennard/BP/Scritti
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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by Mister Bushice »

mvscal wrote: I even offered to spackle her yammers, but her bicycle broke down in Phoenix.
I wasn't load rated that high, then her massive ass just up and swallowed my seat whole and her sphincter snapped it off at the base like a hungry whale shark on a surfers leg.

Yet, I'm still better off now.


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Re: LoCals...OTL starts this weekend

Post by MadRussian »

Loganfan wrote:
mvscal wrote:IB getting with a white guy is highly likely. I would even say that she is far more likely to get with a white dude than a neegro.

I even offered to spackle her yammers, but her bicycle broke down in Phoenix.
That explains the recent jump in their crime rate
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