T1B Suck-Off

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by Diogenes »

Loganfan wrote:I vote for Dins
That would imply this was a actual measure of suckitude and not an anti-popularity contest.

All you fuckers are going down.
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Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by Loganfan »

I'm starting to feel the pressure......some of you REALLY suck
R.I.P. Dennard/BP/Scritti
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Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by PSUFAN »

Ban me now. See if I care.
This has me thinking...The Deciders need to consider a wrinkle here.

If you really seek to suck like no other sucker has sought, then you can always ban yourself.

See, if The Deciders bring a ban list to me, I have a ton of programming to do - everything from pings to regular expressions to checking the motherboard for the rings of Previous Days. I don't ban folks lightly, as a result.

A Self-Ban is the only honorable way out.
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Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by bbqjones »

getting banned is no fun. but there is always a reprieve. perhaps.

glad im not on the list*.

help me scrape the mucus off my brain
Moving Sale

Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by Moving Sale »

Dinsdale wrote:
Moving Sale wrote: You were whining about what?
I see you working...
Right back at ya.
Typical of a vaginal gash like yourself to bitch and moan about my post/s and then call me a whiner thus setting yourself up to drop the IKYABWAI card when you are called out for it.

Again, you know-it-all-cunt...ban me and see if I care.

Now please explain the fun in that. If you can.
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Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by Dinsdale »

Moving Sale wrote:setting yourself up to drop the IKYABWAI card

What in the Sam Hill are you talking about, Shorty?

Let's just humor your very limited sensibilities, and follow your logic to its inevitable conclusion, shall we?

I called you a "whiner," or something along those lines.

You CHOSE, after reading my accusations, to respond with what amounted to "No... YOU'RE a whiner!"

Now... I can see where a person with such extensive mental and physical limitations as yourself might be struggling here...

But following your logic, and derogotory statement one makes on here, from a simple "you suck" on up, is "setting someone up to run IKYABWAI" back at them...

Assuming the person you adressed is from either KC or SLO, I suppose.

Don't pin this beating on me, bud. While I'm infinitely capable of decorating your Liliputian ass with plungers at my faintest whim, I can't take credit for this one.

Nope, your current state of being internet-abused lies fully on you, KCKirk.
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Re: T1B Suck-Off

Post by Cuda »

Moving Sale wrote:and then call me a whiner .
lunatic, perhaps, but whiner? nyah
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
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