mvscal wrote:Who the fuck would frequent a bar that sold only A-B products?!?!?
MgoBlueLightSpecial would!
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
mvscal wrote:Who the fuck would frequent a bar that sold only A-B products?!?!?
Plenty of Tardinal fans, that's who.
Not that I blame them. When you have an iconic brewery who happens to employ 6,000 of your fellow citizens and whose name is plastered all over town it tends to breed some loyalty.
Dio's politicking for the long island ice tea in this thread as being a "man's" drink has me ROTFL.
This is priceless stuff.
Dinsdale pretty much nailed the sole purpose of a long island ice tea.
I'm thinking of Blanca White's in Matamoros back in '97 where I purchased a yard filled to the rim with the long island ice tea for this chick who went to UConn. It wasn't 3 hours later when I had her legs spread from wall to wall in her hotel room and giving her the goods. She may or may not have been passed out. I didn't really care.
War Wagon wrote:
Occasionally while at a drinking establishment I'll order up a Corona and w/o fail the bartender always just assumes I want a fucking slice of lime added to it. I'm like dude, you'll have to sell that beer you just ruined to someone else, 'cause I'm not drinking it.
But you know what's interesting is that when Miller first came out with their horse piss Lite beer, it wasn't long before AB came out with Bud Light and proceeded to kick Miller's ass for the next 30 years. Fast forward to the 21st century and Miller comes out with Chelada with some success and before long AB comes out with Bud Light Lime, which I've no doubt will also kick Millers ass. Poor schmucks can't catch a break.
Jesus, Whitey. Ease up on the beer snobbery, ok? It's like a street walker being picky about who she fucks.
There seem to be a lot of bitches here who can't get laid without the chick in question being semi-comatose. And who can't handle the same amount of alcohol as said drunk chicks.
I hear they have pills you losers can use nowadays.
Message brought to you by Diogenes.
The Last American Liberal.
PSUFAN wrote:
"Ambrosia" denotes the Drink of the Gods.
Must be a lager, then.
pssst, I know what it means, dolt. It was brewed from the fields of Elyssium and consumed by the likes of Apollo, Aphrodite, and Zeus. Greek and Roman mythology fascinated me as a kid.
We've all been there before - it's late, and you and your mates scrape up 50 billion to send someone out on a beer run. How the heart sinks when they come back with Budweiser, claiming that was all that was left in the shop.
“Culture. Sophistication. Genius. A little bit more than a hot dog, know what I mean?”
Sudden Sam wrote:Friends of mine don't go anywhere without trying local stuff (Genesee in Michigan may have cured me of that at an early age), . . .
Genesee ain't exactly local to Michigan. Sayin'.
I will agree with you that it sucks donkey balls. Sadly, though, it's nowhere near the worst beer I've ever tried, neither is Bud Rice or PBR, for that matter.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
Sadly, Genesee Beer is a product of Rochester, NY.
Sure, we gave the world cameras, Xerox copies and contact lenses, but for God's sake don't drink our beer. Genny makes Bud taste like the best beer on the planet by comparison.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."
—Earl Sinclair
"I do have respect for authority even though I throw jelly dicks at them.
Genesee is like a lot of American beer - it used to be better than it is now. Brewing was a lost art for a number of decades...a lot of breweries took shortcuts and cut corners and compromised their processes.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.
Nope, in fact they were purchased and brought out of Chapter 11. The finances have been righted, now let's see if they can focus on improving their product...
But sight unseen, taste untasted, I'm willing to bet the rent that they;re both farrrrr better than the crime against humanity known as Fat Tire.
Tastes much worse than PBR, but for 3 times the price.
The Oregon Brewers Festival is next weekend. Should be pretty awesome. It's THE time for the Big Boys of craft brewing to come out and play. They get a chance to try and impress the Official Beer Snobs of Beervana.
Worst beer I've ever had would have to be a three-way tossup: Hamm's, Old Milwaukee, and Beast Light.
The first two were foisted upon me during my college years. As for the third, Wolfman isn't the only one who enjoyed it -- my dad used to like that swill as well.
Genny makes my personal Bottom 10, but it's probably closer to the end of the Bottom 10 than to the front. There are certainly a lot of nasty beers out there.
War Wagon wrote:The first time I click on one of your youtube links will be the first time.
When I lived in New Orleans in 1993-1994, I asked folks about Dixie. The bartender of the Saturn Lounge (RIP, both man and bar) told me that at one time it was quality beer...but that over time the facility had degraded and that the only steps the ownership had taken in decades was to find cheaper means of making the beer. This basically folded into his working-class rant that things were generally going to shit.
The memorable phrase for me was that it got to the point where he'd buy a case, and 5-6 of the beers he'd open would be after a while, he just stopped buying it.
When I lived there, someone had put a little money into it and they were brewing Blackened Voodoo...which seemed pretty cool, but tasted like dogshit. Maybe it has improved, but I doubt it.
The up and coming beer at the time was Abita. Personally, I thought that was bad too...I could taste the Louisiana water in it, which I never really was a fan of.
So I never had me a Dixie, but my Uncle has a can sitting on a shelf since the 70s, sort of as a knick-knack. if I ever get a chance, I'll toss it in the icebox for an hour or two and pop it open...
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80' out.