Who knew that the Bush administration would get all weak-kneed and Chamberlain-like when confronted by the world's #1 sponsor of terrorism? First North Korea -- now Iran. I guess all you need is to shoot off a couple of bottle rockets if you want to get Dubya to pee his pants.
What happened to "We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history" ?
Can't wait to get John McReagan in office. He's so experienced he'll have those Iranians on their knees begging for mercy by next May.
Rice Hopes For Iranian Change of Course on Nuclear Program
By David Gollust
State Department
18 July 2008
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says she hopes Saturday's critical meeting with Iran's nuclear negotiator in Geneva will mark a change of course for Tehran in its nuclear dispute with the international community. Rice is sending a senior envoy to take part in the talks. VOA's David Gollust reports from the State Department.
The dispatch of Undersecretary of State William Burns to the Geneva meeting is a policy shift for the Bush administration, which had shunned direct contacts with Tehran on the nuclear issue in the absence of an Iranian commitment to stop uranium enrichment.
At a State Department news conference with Kosovo political leaders, Rice said she hopes the U.S. gesture will encourage Iran to accept international incentives and halt its pursuit of technology that could lead to a nuclear weapon:
"We have been very clear that any country can change course," Rice said. "The United States doesn't have any permanent enemies, and we hope that the signal that we're sending that we fully support the track that Iran could take for a better relationship with the international community is one that the United States stands fully behind. We will see what happens on Saturday but that is the message that Bill Burns will be delivering."
Burns, the third-ranking State department official, will join European Union chief diplomat Javier Solana and diplomats from the other permanent U.N. Security Council member countries and Germany, the P-Five-Plus-One, in the meeting with Iranian envoy Saeed Jalili.
Iran is expected to give its reply to an enhanced package of incentives offered by the P-Five-Plus-One in June to try to persuade Tehran to stop its enrichment drive and return to negotiations over its nuclear program.
A suspension of enrichment would mean a suspension of U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran. Solana has also proposed a six-week period of so-called "pre-negotiations" in which there would be no new sanctions added if Iran stopped adding to its enrichment capacity.
In her comments here, Rice said the decision to have Burns join the Geneva meeting is a "strong signal" to the world that the Bush administration is serious about nuclear diplomacy with Iran, but that it has not softened its fundamental demand that Tehran must stop enrichment to end its political isolation:
"I would remind you that I signed the letter that sent the proposal forward to the Iranian regime," she noted. "And this is, in a sense, the bookend -- Bill Burns will go to receive the Iranian response. But it should be very clear to everyone: the United States has a condition for the beginning of negotiations with Iran. And that condition remains the verifiable suspension of Iran's enrichment and processing activities."
U.S. officials have declined to speculate what Iran's reply may be. But they say the range of comments by Tehran officials in recent weeks suggests, at least, an internal debate about whether to continue uranium enrichment - which the Tehran government has said is part of a peaceful nuclear program.
Condi Rice is every bit over her head as Secretary of State as Madeline Albright was.
The only reason she's got a government job in the first place is because Chimpy has been fucking her for years. He thinks' she's Samoan
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
Cuda wrote:Condi Rice is every bit over her head as Secretary of State as Madeline Albright was.
The only reason she's got a government job in the first place is because Chimpy has been fucking her for years. He thinks' she's Samoan
So, she's acting on her own?
Who would have known that she'd be the loose cannon she turned out to be.
Who'd have thought Chimpy would be so pussy-whipped
WacoFan wrote:Flying any airplane that you can hear the radio over the roaring radial engine is just ghey anyway.... Of course, Cirri are the Miata of airplanes..
At Saturday's meeting, Iran had been expected to respond to a package of incentives offered in exchange for halting enrichment of uranium, which can be used to fuel atomic weapons. The Bush administration broke with long-standing policy to send a top diplomat to support the offer.
However, Rice said that instead of a coherent answer, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili delivered a "meandering" monologue full of irrelevant "small talk about culture" that appeared to annoy many of the others present at the table in Geneva.
mvscal wrote:...they signed the non-proliferation treaty and it is not unreasonable for us to hold them to it.
Iran is not in violation of the NPT. Neither are they in violation of the additional protocols.
They only thing they are in violation of is living in the same hemisphere as Israel.
...and that's where you come in. You're like the clown at the circus that follows the elephant around with the gigantic snow-shovel, scooping it's shit up as mouth-breathing, dirty undershirt wearing imbeciles laugh and throw popcorn at you and incite their children to do the same.
How undignified.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote:
Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
mvscal wrote:Do you honestly believe their nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes?
No, but an argument could be made that they want nukes as a deterrent against Israeli nukes, could it not?
Seriously, even tough Israel is a U.S. lapdog, do you really believe that leash is secure? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but if you're Iran, do you take that chance?
As well, why is it hunky dory for Israel to have nukes, but noone other in the region may, other than our other lapdog Pakistan?
I wouldn't have a problem turning the entire middle east into a glass parking lot, figuratively speaking, don't want to mess with the oil delivery infrastructure... but I'm tired of listening to this bullshit.
But there does seem to be a double standard involved that goes back way before I was born.
Wagon, it seems that perhaps you are beginning to catch on a little bit.
America has been dicking around all over the globe now for so long that our citizens barely give thought to whether or not our worldwide actions are supported by our constitution.
In most cases they are certainly NOT.
Are you troubled by that?
If not, why not?
America seems to think it is a ... world, not only a nation.
Why would we ever be in a position to be crapping our pants over a shit-eating country like Iran getting one nuke?
The fact that we are is VERY clear evidence that our foreign policy is ENTIRELY out of wack.
It's very evident that we need to get our OWN house in order ... BIG time.
Me either. Israel has been a major source of nuclear technology proliferation.
Do I feel somewhat better about Israel's government holding nukes than I do Iran's government? Yes - however, I'd prefer they never had it at all, because some of their citizens have sold that info to whoever was buying.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
mvscal wrote:
Because they are the leading sponsor of Islamic terrorism in the world, you bedwetting pantload. If they get nuclear weapons, they can wage proxy wars until they are blue in the face without fear of retribution.
"Thank you, Mr. Dershowitz. Anything else we can do for you to keep your special people from breaking a nail?
I know that America is Israel's donkey, so keep those requests coming."
Sincerely, United States Of Pack-Bearers.
rock rock to the planet rock ... don't stop
Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote:
Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
poptart wrote:
Why would we ever be in a position to be crapping our pants over a shit-eating country like Iran getting one nuke?
Any shit eating country that is ruled by religious fanatics that interpret their centuries old "Holy" book for decision making should not ever be in control of a weapon that could wipe out mass populations.
Because Allah said so, right there Chapter 6, verse 49:
"As for those who reject our revelations, they incur the retribution for their wickedness."
See? Allah said to bomb them for not listening to us!!
Mister Bushice wrote:Any shit eating country that is ruled by religious fanatics that interpret their centuries old "Holy" book for decision making should not ever be in control of a weapon that could wipe out mass populations.
Because Allah said so, right there Chapter 6, verse 49:
"As for those who reject our revelations, they incur the retribution for their wickedness."
See? Allah said to bomb them for not listening to us!!
I am driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did.